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Custom ISO provisioning on Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers

Custom ISO provisioning on Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers

Update the input parameters

Edit the following files under the control_plane/input_params directory to provide the required input parameters.

  1. Edit the login_vars.yml file to enter the following details:
    a. provision_password- password used while provisioning OS on bare metal servers.
    b. cobbler_password- password for Cobbler.
    c. idrac_username and idrac_password- iDRAC username and password.
    NOTE: Minimum length of the password must be at least eight characters and a maximum of 30 characters. Do not use these characters while entering a password: -, \, "", and \'
  2. Edit the following variables in the idrac_vars.yml file.

    [Required/ Optional]
    File name Variables
    Default, choices Description
    idrac_vars.yml idrac_system_profile [Required]
    • Performance
    • PerformancePerWatt(DAPC)
    • PerformancePerWatt(OS)
    • WorkstationPerformance
    The system profile used for BIOS configuration.
    firmware_update_required [Required]
    • false
    • true
    By default, Omnia updates the firmware on the servers. To disable the firmware update, set the variable to "false".

  3. poweredge_model [Required if "firmware_update_required" is set to "true"]
    • C6420
    • R640
    • R740
    • C4140
    • And other supported PowerEdge servers
    Enter the required PowerEdge server models to update the firmware. For example, enter R640,R740,C4140 to update firmware on these models of PowerEdge servers. For a complete list of supported PowerEdge servers, see the Hardware managed by Omnia section in the Readme file.

uefi_secure_boot [Optional]
  • disabled
  • enabled
Option to enable or disable the secure boot mode.
system_lockdown [Optional]
  • disabled
  • enabled
Option to enable or disable system lockdown.
two_factor_authentication [Optional]
  • disabled
  • enabled
Option to enable or disable the 2FA on iDRAC. If enabled, update the required variables in the idrac_tools_vars.yml file.
[WARNING]: For the other iDRAC playbooks to run, you must manually disable 2FA by setting the Easy 2FA State to "Disabled" in the iDRAC settings.
ldap_directory_services [Optional]
  • disabled
  • enabled
Option to enable or disable the LDAP directory services on iDRAC. If enabled, update the required variables in the idrac_tools_vars.yml file.

Custom ISO file creation for Out-of-band server management

Omnia role used to create the custom ISO: control_plane_customiso
Based on the inputs provided in the login_vars.yml and base_vars.yml files, the Kickstart file is configured and added to the custom ISO file. The unattended_centos7.iso, unattended_rocky8.iso or unattended_leap15.iso file is copied to an NFS share on the management station to provision the PowerEdge servers using iDRAC.

Provisioning of PowerEdge Servers using iDRAC (Out-of-band server management)

Run idrac_template on the AWX UI.

  1. Run kubectl get svc -n awx.
  2. Copy the Cluster-IP address of the awx-ui.
  3. To retrieve the AWX UI password, run kubectl get secret awx-admin-password -n awx -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode.
  4. Open the default web browser on the management station and enter http://<IP>:8052, where IP is the awx-ui IP address and 8052 is the awx-ui port number. Log in to the AWX UI using the username as admin and the retrieved password.
  5. Under RESOURCES -> Templates, launch the idrac_template.

Omnia role used to provision custom ISO on PowerEdge Servers using iDRAC: provision_idrac

For the idrac.yml file to successfully provision the custom ISO on the PowerEdge Servers, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The idrac_inventory file is updated with the iDRAC IP addresses.
  • Required input parameters are updated in the idrac_vars.yml file under omnia/control_plane/input_params directory.
  • An unattended_centos7.iso, unattended_rocky8.iso or unattended_leap15.iso file is available in an NFS path.
  • The Lifecycle Controller Remote Services of PowerEdge Servers is in the 'ready' state.
  • The Redfish services are enabled in the iDRAC settings under Services.
  • The PowerEdge Servers have the iDRAC Enterprise or Datacenter license. If the license is not found, servers will be PXE booted and provisioned using Cobbler.

The provision_idrac file configures and validates the following:

  • Required input parameters and prerequisites.
  • BIOS and SNMP settings.
  • The latest available version of the iDRAC firmware is updated.
  • If bare metal servers have a RAID controller installed, Virtual disks are created for RAID configuration.
  • Availability of iDRAC Enterprise or Datacenter License on iDRAC.

After the configurations are validated, the provision_idrac file provisions the custom ISO on the PowerEdge Servers. After the OS is provisioned successfully, iDRAC IP addresses are updated in the provisioned_idrac_inventory in AWX.

NOTE: The idrac.yml file initiates the provisioning of custom ISO on the PowerEdge servers. Wait for some time for the node inventory to be updated on the AWX UI.

Provisioning newly added PowerEdge servers in the cluster

To provision newly added servers, wait till the iDRAC IP addresses are automatically added to the idrac_inventory. After the iDRAC IP addresses are added, launch the iDRAC template on the AWX UI to provision CentOS custom OS on the servers.

If you want to reprovision all the servers in the cluster or any of the faulty servers, you must remove the respective iDRAC IP addresses from provisioned_idrac_inventory on AWX UI and then launch the iDRAC template. If required, you can delete the provisioned_idrac_inventory from the AWX UI to remove the IP addresses of provisioned servers. After the servers are provisioned, provisioned_idrac_inventory is created and updated on the AWX UI.

OS provisioning on PowerEdge Servers using Cobbler on the host network

Omnia role used: provision_cobbler
Ports used by Cobbler:

  • TCP ports: 69,8000, 8008
  • UDP ports: 69,4011

To create the Cobbler image, Omnia configures the following:

  • Firewall settings.
  • The kickstart file of Cobbler to enable the UEFI PXE boot.

To access the Cobbler dashboard, enter https://<IP>/cobbler_web where <IP> is the Global IP address of the management station. For example, enter to access the Cobbler dashboard.

Note: After the Cobbler Server provisions the operating system on the servers, IP addresses and hostnames are assigned by the DHCP service.

  • If a mapping file is not provided, the hostname to the server is provided based on the following format: computexxx-xxx where "xxx-xxx" is the last two octets of the Host IP address. For example, if the Host IP address is then the assigned hostname by Omnia is compute0-11.
  • If a mapping file is provided, the hostnames follow the format provided in the mapping file.

Note: If you want to add more nodes, append the new nodes in the existing mapping file. However, do not modify the previous nodes in the mapping file as it may impact the existing cluster.

Note: With the addition of Multiple profiles, the cobbler container dynamically updates the mount point based on the value of provision_os in base_vars.yml.

DHCP routing using Cobbler

Omnia now supports DHCP routing via Cobbler. To enable routing, update the primary_dns and secondary_dns in base_vars with the appropriate IPs (hostnames are currently not supported). For compute nodes that are not directly connected to the internet (ie only host network is configured), this configuration allows for internet connectivity.

Security enhancements

Omnia provides the following options to enhance security on the provisioned PowerEdge servers:

  • System lockdown mode: To enable the system lockdown mode on iDRAC, set the system_lockdown variable to "enabled" in the idrac_vars.yml file.
  • Secure boot mode: To enable the secure boot mode on iDRAC, set the uefi_secure_boot variable to "enabled" in the idrac_vars.yml file.
  • 2-factor authentication (2FA): To enable the 2FA on iDRAC, set the two_factor_authentication variable to "enabled" in the idrac_vars.yml file.

    WARNING: If 2FA is enabled on iDRAC, you must manually disable 2FA on iDRAC by setting the Easy 2FA State to "Disabled" for the user specified in the login_vars.yml file to run other iDRAC playbooks.

    Before executing the idrac_2fa.yml, you must edit the idrac_tools_vars.yml by running the following command: ansible-vault edit idrac_tools_vars.yml --vault-password-file .idrac_vault_key.

    Provide the following details in the idrac_2fa.yml file.

    [Required if two_factor_authentication is enabled/ Optional]
    File name Variables
    Default, choices Description
    idrac_2fa.yml dns_domain_name [Required] DNS domain name to be set for iDRAC.
    ipv4_static_dns1, ipv4_static_dns2 [Required] DNS1 and DNS2 static IPv4 addresses.

  • smtp_server_ip [Required] Server IP address used for SMTP.

use_email_address_2fa [Required] Email address used for enabling 2FA. After 2FA is enabled, an authentication code is sent to the provided email address.
smtp_authentication [Required]
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
Enable SMTP authentication
smtp_username [Optional] Username for SMTP.
smtp_password [Optional] Password for SMTP.

NOTE: 2FA will be enabled on the iDRAC only if SMTP server details are valid and a test email notification is working using SMTP.

  • LDAP Directory Services: To enable or disable the LDAP directory services, set the ldap_directory_services variable to "enabled" in the idrac_vars.yml file.

    Before executing the idrac_ldap.yml file, you must edit idrac_tools_vars.yml by running the following command: ansible-vault edit idrac_tools_vars.yml --vault-password-file .idrac_vault_key.

    Provide the following values in the idrac_ldap.yml file.

    [Required if ldap_directory_services is enabled/ Optional]
    File name Variables
    Default, choices Description
    idrac_ldap.yml cert_validation_enable [Required]
    • disabled
    This option will be disabled by default. If required, you must manually upload the CA certificate.
    ldap_server_address [Required] Server address used for LDAP.

  • ldap_port [Required]
    • 636
    TCP port at which the LDAP server is listening for connections.
    bind_dn [Optional] Distinguished Name of the node in your directory tree from which records are searched.
    bind_password [Optional] Password used for "bind_dn".
    base_dn [Required] Distinguished Name of the search base.
    user_attribute [Optional] User attribute used for searching in LDAP server.
    group_attribute [Optional] Group attribute used for searching in LDAP server.
    group_attribute_is_dn [Required]
    • enabled
    • disabled
    Specify whether the group attribute type is DN or not.
    search_filter [Optional] Search scope is related to the Base DN.
    role_group1_dn [Required] DN of LDAP group to be added.
    role_group1_privilege [Required]
    • Administrator
    • Operator
    • ReadOnly
    Privilege to LDAP role group 1.

    To view the idrac_tools_vars.yml file, run the following command: ansible-vault view idrac_tools_vars.yml --vault-password-file .idrac_vault_key

    NOTE: It is suggested that you use the ansible-vault view or edit commands and that you do not use the ansible-vault decrypt or encrypt commands. If you have used the ansible-vault decrypt or encrypt commands, provide 644 permission to idrac_tools_vars.yml.

    On the AWX Dashboard, select the respective security requirement playbook and launch the iDRAC template by performing the following steps.

    1. On the AWX Dashboard, under RESOURCES -> Templates, select the idrac_template.
    2. Under the Details tab, click Edit.
    3. In the Edit Details page, click the Playbook drop-down menu and select tools/idrac_system_lockdown.yml, tools/idrac_secure_boot.yml, tools/idrac_2fa.yml, or tools/idrac_ldap.yml.
    4. Click Save.
    5. To launch the iDRAC template with the respective playbook selected, click Launch.