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Configuring Dell EMC PowerVault Storage

Update the input parameters

Under the control_plane/input_params directory, edit the following files:

  1. base_vars.yml file: Update the following variable to enable or disable PowerVault Storage configurations in the cluster.

    Variable Default, choices Description
    • false
    • true
    Set the variable to "true" to enable PowerVault Storage configurations.
  2. login_vars.yml file: Enter the following details to configure PowerVault Storage devices.
    a. powervault_me4_username- username for PowerVault Storage devices.
    NOTE: The username must not contain the following characters: -, \, "", and \'
    b. powervault_me4_password- password for PowerVault Storage devices.
    NOTE: Minimum length of the password must be eight characters and the maximum limit is 30 characters. The password must contain at least one uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and non-alphanumeric character. Do not use these characters while entering a password: -, ., \,, <, \, "", and \'

  3. powervault_me4_vars file: If powervault_support is set to "true" in the base_vars.yml file, then update the following variables.

    A RAID 10 or 50 disk group with disks in subgroups are separated by colons (with no spaces). RAID-10 example:1.1-2:1.3-4:1.7,1.10 NOTE: Ensure that the entered disk location is empty and the Usage column lists the range as AVAIL. The disk range specified must be of the same vendor and they must have the same description.
    Variables Default, choices Description
    • English
    Represents the selected language. In Omnia 1.1, only English is supported.
    powervault_me4_system_name [Optional]
    • Uninitialized_Name
    • User-defined name
    The system name used to identify the PowerVault Storage device. The name should be less than 30 characters and must not contain spaces.
    powervault_me4_snmp_notify_level [Required]
    • none
    • crit
    • error
    • warn
    • resolved
    • info
    Select the SNMP notification levels for PowerVault Storage devices.
    powervault_me4_raid_levels [Required]
    • raid1
    • Examples:
    • r5/raid5: 3-16
    • r6/raid6: 4-16
    • r10/raid10: 4-16
    • adapt: 12-128
    Enter the required RAID levels and the minimum and maximum number of disks for each RAID levels.
    powervault_me4_disk_range [Required]
    • 0.1-2
    Enter the range of disks in the format enclosure-number.disk-range,enclosure-number.disk-range. For example, to select disks 3 to 12 in enclosure 1 and to select disks 5 to 23 in enclosure 2, you must enter 1.3-12, 2.5-23.
    powervault_me4_k8s_volume_name [Required]
    • k8s_volume
    • User-defined name
    Enter the Kubernetes volume name. powervault_me4_slurm_volume_name [Required]
    • slurm_volume
    • User-defined name
    Enter the Slurm volume name. powervault_me4_disk_group_name
    • omnia
    • User-defined name
    Enter the group name of the disk. powervault_me4_disk_partition_size [Required]
    • 5
    • Any value between 5-99
    Enter the partition size which would be used as an NFS share. powervault_me4_volume_size [Required]
    • 100GB
    • Custom value
    Enter the volume size in the format: SizeTB, SizeGB, SizeMB, or SizeB. powervault_me4_pool [Required]
    • a (or A)
    • b (or B)
    Enter the pool for the volume. powervault_me4_server_nic [Required]
    • em1
    Enter the NIC of the server to which the PowerVault Storage is connected.

Configuring PowerVault Storage

Run ME4_template on the AWX UI.

  1. Run kubectl get svc -n awx.
  2. Copy the Cluster-IP address of the awx-ui.
  3. To retrieve the AWX UI password, run kubectl get secret awx-admin-password -n awx -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode.
  4. Open the default web browser on the management station and enter http://<IP>:8052, where IP is the awx-ui IP address and 8052 is the awx-ui port number. Log in to the AWX UI using the username as admin and the retrieved password.
  5. Under RESOURCES -> Templates, launch the powervault_me4_template.