123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566 |
- ---
- - name: Verify the ansible and python versions installed
- fail:
- msg: "{{ ansible_python_version_status }}"
- when: ansible_python_version != python_version_support
- tags: install
- - name: Verify whether ansible configuration file exists
- stat:
- path: "{{ default_ansible_config_file_path }}"
- register: file_exists
- - name: Set omnia.log file
- replace:
- path: "{{ default_ansible_config_file_path }}"
- regexp: '#log_path = /var/log/ansible.log'
- replace: 'log_path = /var/log/omnia.log'
- when: file_exists.stat.exists
- tags: install
- - name: Check OS support
- fail:
- msg: "{{ os_status }}"
- when: not(ansible_distribution == os_name and ansible_distribution_version >= os_version)
- register: os_value
- tags: install
- - name: Fetch SElinux mode
- command: sestatus
- register: sestatus_current
- changed_when: false
- - name: Disable SElinux
- replace:
- path: /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- regexp: 'SELINUX=[a-z]+'
- replace: 'SELINUX=disabled'
- when: '"SELinux status: enabled" in sestatus_current.stdout_lines'
- tags: install
- - name: Status of SElinux
- fail:
- msg: "{{ selinux_status }}"
- when: '"SELinux status: enabled" in sestatus_current.stdout_lines'
- register: selinux_value
- tags: install
- - name: State of firewall
- service:
- name: firewalld
- state: started
- enabled: yes