#!/usr/bin/perl ## Script to easily add missing copyright statements in ## GRASS source code files ## 2006, written by Schuyler Erle ## ## COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006 by the GRASS Development Team ## ## This program is free software under the GNU General Public ## License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS ## for details. ## ## The script searches and opens sequentially all files ## which lack the word "copyright". Additionally the local ## ChangeLog is fetched and contributor names are extracted. ## Then a new header is inserted containing the GPL statement, ## purpose template and authors. ## ## Please run from top source code directory. ## For usage details, see below. #-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-# # # edit this, and edit the bottom of the file after __END__ # my $editor = "vi -o"; #my $editor = "nedit"; my $editor = "xemacs"; # don't forget to get a copy of # http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl/cvs2cl.pl # and put it in the same directory as this script # # run this script as: # perl copywrite.pl contributors.csv # committer identities can be provided in a file on the commandline # the format of the file should be "username,identity", one per line # The contributors.csv is already in the main directory of the GRASS # source code, so it should be found. # #### # to work offline: # $ export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd) # $ find . -name main.c | while read i; do \ # echo $i; (cd `dirname $i`; cvs2cl.pl -f ChangeLog.tmp main.c); done # # to clean up after: # $ find -name ChangeLog.tmp | xargs rm # # otherwise, this script will assume you are online and fetch # the ChangeLogs on the fly (and remove them automatically). # #-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-#-=-# use File::Find; use File::Basename; use Cwd; use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; my $ChangeLog = "ChangeLog.tmp"; my $cvs2cl = getcwd . "/cvs2cl.pl -f $ChangeLog"; my $template = do {local $/; }; my %identity; sub evaluate_file { my $name = do { no warnings; $File::Find::name }; # only process main.c return unless $_ eq 'main.c'; warn "+ Reading $name\n"; # slurp main.c my $main_c = do {local $/; open F, $_ or die "reading $name: $!"; }; # continue if main.c is 25 lines or longer return unless ($main_c =~ y/\n/\n/) >= 25; # continue if main.c doesn't mention "copyright" return if $main_c =~ /\(?c\)?opyright/gios; # run cvs2cl warn "+ Checking CVS log $name\n"; my $fetched_ChangeLog = 0; unless (-f $ChangeLog) { system "$cvs2cl $_" and die "$cvs2cl $_: $!"; $fetched_ChangeLog++; } # get the list of contributors my (%username, %year, $user); my $original_author = ""; { # Read whole paras at once local $/ = ""; open LOG, $ChangeLog or die "$ChangeLog: $!"; while (my $line = ) { # Hack out the pretty printing $line =~ s/\s+/ /gos; # And drop trailing spaces $line =~ s/\s+$//gos; # Match individual check ins if ($line =~ /^(\d{4})-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+(.+)$/gos) { $year{$1}++; $user = $2; $username{$user}++; } # Note when a user did the initial check in # if ($line =~ /^\s+\*\s+[^:]+:\s+(?:initial|new$)/gios) { # $original_author = $user; # } $original_author = $user; # Note when a contributor submitted code if ($line =~ /:\s+([^:<]+\s*<[^>]+>)\s*:/gos) { $username{$1}++; } } } # don't duplicate the original author delete $username{$original_author} if $original_author; #figure out module name my $fullname = $name; my $mymodule = basename(dirname($fullname)); # append the list of contributors my @years = sort map {$_ + 0} keys %year; my @authors = sort keys %username; # map committers to identities @authors = map { exists( $identity{$_} ) ? $identity{$_} : $_ } @authors; $original_author = $identity{$original_author} if exists $identity{$original_author}; # execute the template { local $" = ", "; $main_c = eval( "<$_" or die "writing $name: $!"; print F $main_c; close F; # load it up in an editor for vetting system "$editor $_ $ChangeLog description.html" and die "$editor $_ $ChangeLog: $!"; # delete the ChangeLog after *only* if this script created it unlink $ChangeLog if $fetched_ChangeLog; } # committer identities can be provided in a file on the commandline # the format of the file should be "username,identity", one per line # if ($ARGV[0]) { while (<>) { chomp; next unless /^[a-z]/ios; my ($user, $id) = split(",", $_, 2); $identity{$user} = $id; } } find( \&evaluate_file, "." ); ### edit the template after __END__ __END__ /**************************************************************************** * * MODULE: $mymodule * AUTHOR(S): $original_author (original contributor) * @authors * PURPOSE: * COPYRIGHT: (C) $years[0]-$years[-1] by the GRASS Development Team * * This program is free software under the GNU General Public * License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS * for details. * *****************************************************************************/ $main_c