/* **************************************************************************** * * MODULE: g.setproj * AUTHOR(S): M. L. Holko - Soil Conservation Service, USDA * Morten Hulden - morten@untamo.net * Andreas Lange - andreas.lange@rhein-main.de * PURPOSE: Provides a means of creating a new projection information * file (productivity tool). * COPYRIGHT: (C) 2000 by the GRASS Development Team * * This program is free software under the GNU General Public * License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS * for details. * *****************************************************************************/ /* old log retained for information */ /* main.c * 1.1 05/16/91 GRASS4.0 * Created by : M.L.Holko , Soil Conservation Service, USDA * Purpose: Productivity tool * Provides a means of creating a new projection * information file * * ------Rev 4.+ arguments -------------------------------------- * Input arguments: * m.setproj set=mapset for output project info file * proj=projection of the output project info file * * 1.2 Changed by Morten Hulden 10/10/99 to add support for more projections * morten@untamo.net * * 1.3 Changed by Andreas Lange 07/25/00 to add datum support * Andreas.Lange@Rhein-Main.de */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "local_proto.h" /* some global variables */ int ier, zone; double radius; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct GModule *module; int Out_proj; int out_stat; int old_zone, old_proj; int i; int stat; char cmnd2[500]; char proj_out[20], proj_name[50], set_name[20]; char path[1024], buffa[1024], buffb[1024], answer[200], answer1[200]; char answer2[200], buff[1024]; char tmp_buff[20], *buf; struct Key_Value *old_proj_keys, *out_proj_keys, *in_unit_keys; double aa, e2; double f; FILE *FPROJ; int exist = 0; char spheroid[100]; int j, k, sph_check; struct Cell_head cellhd; char datum[100], dat_ellps[100], dat_params[100]; struct proj_parm *proj_parms; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("general")); G_add_keyword(_("projection")); module->description = _("Interactively reset the location's projection settings."); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (strcmp(G_mapset(), "PERMANENT") != 0) G_fatal_error(_("You must be in the PERMANENT mapset to run g.setproj")); /*** * no longer necessary, table is a static struct * init_unit_table(); ***/ sprintf(set_name, "PERMANENT"); G_file_name(path, "", PROJECTION_FILE, set_name); /* get the output projection parameters, if existing */ /* Check for ownership here */ stat = G_mapset_permissions(set_name); if (stat == 0) { G_fatal_error(_("PERMANENT: permission denied")); } G_get_default_window(&cellhd); if (-1 == G_set_window(&cellhd)) G_fatal_error(_("Current region cannot be set")); if (G_get_set_window(&cellhd) == -1) G_fatal_error(_("Retrieving and setting region failed")); Out_proj = cellhd.proj; old_zone = cellhd.zone; old_proj = cellhd.proj; if (access(path, 0) == 0) { exist = 1; FPROJ = fopen(path, "r"); old_proj_keys = G_fread_key_value(FPROJ); fclose(FPROJ); buf = G_find_key_value("name", old_proj_keys); fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: A projection file already exists for this location\n(Filename '%s')\n", path); fprintf(stderr, "\nThis file contains all the parameters for the location's projection:\n %s\n", buf); fprintf(stderr, "\n Overriding this information implies that the old projection parameters\n" " were incorrect. If you change the parameters, all existing data will\n" " be interpreted differently by the projection software.\n%c%c%c", 7, 7, 7); fprintf(stderr, " GRASS will not re-project your data automatically.\n\n"); if (!G_yes (_("Would you still like to change some of the parameters?"), 0)) { G_message(_("The projection information will not be updated")); leave(SP_NOCHANGE); } } out_proj_keys = G_create_key_value(); if (exist) { buf = G_find_key_value("zone", old_proj_keys); if (buf != NULL) sscanf(buf, "%d", &zone); if (zone != old_zone) { G_warning(_("Zone in default geographic region definition: %d\n" " is different from zone in PROJ_INFO file: %d"), old_zone, zone); old_zone = zone; } } switch (Out_proj) { case 0: /* No projection/units */ if (!exist) { /* leap frog over code, and just make sure we remove the file */ G_warning(_("XY-location cannot be projected")); goto write_file; break; } case PROJECTION_UTM: if (!exist) { sprintf(proj_name, "%s", G_projection_name(PROJECTION_UTM)); sprintf(proj_out, "utm"); break; } case PROJECTION_SP: if (!exist) { sprintf(proj_name, "%s", G_projection_name(PROJECTION_SP)); sprintf(proj_out, "stp"); break; } case PROJECTION_LL: if (!exist) { sprintf(proj_name, "%s", G_projection_name(PROJECTION_LL)); sprintf(proj_out, "ll"); break; } case PROJECTION_OTHER: if (G_ask_proj_name(proj_out, proj_name) < 0) leave(SP_NOCHANGE); if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "LL") == 0) Out_proj = PROJECTION_LL; else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "UTM") == 0) Out_proj = PROJECTION_UTM; else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "STP") == 0) Out_proj = PROJECTION_SP; break; default: G_fatal_error(_("Unknown projection")); } cellhd.proj = Out_proj; proj_parms = get_proj_parms(proj_out); if (!proj_parms) G_fatal_error(_("Projection %s is not specified in the file 'proj-parms.table'"), proj_out); G_set_key_value("name", proj_name, out_proj_keys); sph_check = 0; if (G_yes (_("Do you wish to specify a geodetic datum for this location?"), 1)) { char lbuf[100], lbufa[100]; if (exist && (G_get_datumparams_from_projinfo(old_proj_keys, lbuf, lbufa) == 2)) { G_strip(lbuf); if ((i = G_get_datum_by_name(lbuf)) > 0) { G_message(_("The current datum is %s (%s)"), G_datum_name(i), G_datum_description(i)); if (G_yes (_("Do you wish to change the datum (or datum transformation parameters)?"), 0)) sph_check = ask_datum(datum, dat_ellps, dat_params); else { sprintf(datum, lbuf); sprintf(dat_params, lbufa); sprintf(dat_ellps, G_datum_ellipsoid(i)); sph_check = 1; G_message(_("The datum information has not been changed")); } } else sph_check = ask_datum(datum, dat_ellps, dat_params); } else sph_check = ask_datum(datum, dat_ellps, dat_params); } if (sph_check > 0) { char *paramkey, *paramvalue; /* write out key/value pairs to out_proj_keys */ if (G_strcasecmp(datum, "custom") != 0) G_set_key_value("datum", datum, out_proj_keys); /* G_set_key_value("datumparams", dat_params, out_proj_keys); */ paramkey = strtok(dat_params, "="); paramvalue = dat_params + strlen(paramkey) + 1; G_set_key_value(paramkey, paramvalue, out_proj_keys); sprintf(spheroid, "%s", dat_ellps); } else { /***************** GET spheroid **************************/ if (Out_proj != PROJECTION_SP) { /* some projections have * fixed spheroids */ if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "ALSK") == 0 || G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "GS48") == 0 || G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "GS50") == 0) { sprintf(spheroid, "%s", "clark66"); G_set_key_value("ellps", spheroid, out_proj_keys); sph_check = 1; } else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "LABRD") == 0 || G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "NZMG") == 0) { sprintf(spheroid, "%s", "international"); G_set_key_value("ellps", spheroid, out_proj_keys); sph_check = 1; } else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "SOMERC") == 0) { sprintf(spheroid, "%s", "bessel"); G_set_key_value("ellps", spheroid, out_proj_keys); sph_check = 1; } else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "OB_TRAN") == 0) { /* Hard coded to use "Equidistant Cylincrical" * until g.setproj has been changed to run * recurively, to allow input of options for * a second projection, MHu991010 */ G_set_key_value("o_proj", "eqc", out_proj_keys); sph_check = 2; } else { if (exist && (buf = G_find_key_value("ellps", old_proj_keys)) != NULL) { strcpy(spheroid, buf); G_strip(spheroid); if (G_get_spheroid_by_name(spheroid, &aa, &e2, &f)) { /* if legal ellips. exist, ask wether or not to change it */ G_message(_("The current ellipsoid is %s"), spheroid); if (G_yes (_("Do you want to change ellipsoid parameter?"), 0)) sph_check = G_ask_ellipse_name(spheroid); else { G_message(_("The ellipse information has not been changed")); sph_check = 1; } } /* the val is legal */ else sph_check = G_ask_ellipse_name(spheroid); } else sph_check = G_ask_ellipse_name(spheroid); } } if (sph_check > 0) { if (sph_check == 2) { /* ask radius */ if (exist) { buf = G_find_key_value("a", old_proj_keys); if ((buf != NULL) && (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &radius) == 1)) { G_message(_("The radius is currently %f"), radius); if (G_yes(_("Do you want to change the radius?"), 0)) radius = prompt_num_double(_("Enter radius for the sphere in meters"), RADIUS_DEF, 1); } } else radius = prompt_num_double(_("Enter radius for the sphere in meters"), RADIUS_DEF, 1); } /* end ask radius */ } } /*** END get spheroid ***/ /* create the PROJ_INFO & PROJ_UNITS files, if required */ if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "LL") == 0) ; else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "STP") == 0) get_stp_proj(buffb); else if (sph_check != 2) { G_strip(spheroid); if (G_get_spheroid_by_name(spheroid, &aa, &e2, &f) == 0) G_fatal_error(_("Invalid input ellipsoid")); } write_file: /* ** NOTE the program will (hopefully) never exit abnormally ** after this point. Thus we know the file will be completely ** written out once it is opened for write */ if (exist) { sprintf(buff, "%s~", path); G_rename_file(path, buff); } if (Out_proj == 0) goto write_units; /* ** Include MISC parameters for PROJ_INFO */ if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "STP") == 0) { for (i = 0; i < strlen(buffb); i++) if (buffb[i] == ' ') buffb[i] = '\t'; sprintf(cmnd2, "%s\t\n", buffb); for (i = 0; i < strlen(cmnd2); i++) { j = k = 0; if (cmnd2[i] == '+') { while (cmnd2[++i] != '=') buffa[j++] = cmnd2[i]; buffa[j] = 0; while (cmnd2[++i] != '\t' && cmnd2[i] != '\n' && cmnd2[i] != 0) buffb[k++] = cmnd2[i]; buffb[k] = 0; G_set_key_value(buffa, buffb, out_proj_keys); } } } else if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "LL") == 0) { G_set_key_value("proj", "ll", out_proj_keys); G_set_key_value("ellps", spheroid, out_proj_keys); } else { if (sph_check != 2) { G_set_key_value("proj", proj_out, out_proj_keys); G_set_key_value("ellps", spheroid, out_proj_keys); sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", aa); G_set_key_value("a", tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", e2); G_set_key_value("es", tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", f); G_set_key_value("f", tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } else { G_set_key_value("proj", proj_out, out_proj_keys); /* G_set_key_value ("ellps", "sphere", out_proj_keys); */ sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", radius); G_set_key_value("a", tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); G_set_key_value("es", "0.0", out_proj_keys); G_set_key_value("f", "0.0", out_proj_keys); } for (i = 0;; i++) { struct proj_parm *parm = &proj_parms[i]; struct proj_desc *desc; if (!parm->name) break; desc = get_proj_desc(parm->name); if (!desc) break; if (parm->ask) { if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "bool") == 0) { if (G_yes((char *)desc->desc, 0)) { G_set_key_value(desc->key, "defined", out_proj_keys); if (G_strcasecmp(parm->name, "SOUTH") == 0) cellhd.zone = -abs(cellhd.zone); } } else if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "lat") == 0) { double val; while (!get_LL_stuff(parm, desc, 1, &val)) ; sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", val); G_set_key_value(desc->key, tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } else if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "lon") == 0) { double val; while (!get_LL_stuff(parm, desc, 0, &val)) ; sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", val); G_set_key_value(desc->key, tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } else if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "float") == 0) { double val; while (!get_double(parm, desc, &val)) ; sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", val); G_set_key_value(desc->key, tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } else if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "int") == 0) { int val; while (!get_int(parm, desc, &val)) ; sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", val); G_set_key_value(desc->key, tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } else if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "zone") == 0) { if ((Out_proj == PROJECTION_UTM) && (old_zone != 0)) { G_message(_("The UTM zone is now set to %d"), old_zone); if (!G_yes (_("Do you want to change the UTM zone?"), 0)) { G_message(_("UTM zone information has not been updated")); zone = old_zone; break; } else { G_message(_("But if you change zone, all the existing " "data will be interpreted by projection software. " "GRASS will not automatically re-project or even " "change the headers for existing maps.")); if (!G_yes (_("Would you still like to change the UTM zone?"), 0)) { zone = old_zone; break; } } } /* UTM */ while (!get_zone()) ; sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", zone); G_set_key_value("zone", tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); cellhd.zone = zone; } } else if (parm->def_exists) { /* don't ask, use the default */ if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "float") == 0 || G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "lat") == 0 || G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "lon") == 0) { sprintf(tmp_buff, "%.10f", parm->deflt); G_set_key_value(desc->key, tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } else if (G_strcasecmp(desc->type, "int") == 0) { sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", (int)parm->deflt); G_set_key_value(desc->key, tmp_buff, out_proj_keys); } } } /* for OPTIONS */ } /* create the PROJ_INFO & PROJ_UNITS files, if required */ G_write_key_value_file(path, out_proj_keys, &out_stat); if (out_stat != 0) { G_fatal_error(_("Error writing PROJ_INFO file <%s>"), path); } G_free_key_value(out_proj_keys); if (exist) G_free_key_value(old_proj_keys); write_units: G_file_name(path, "", UNIT_FILE, set_name); /* if we got this far, the user ** already affirmed to write over old info ** so if units file is here, remove it. */ if (access(path, 0) == 0) { sprintf(buff, "%s~", path); G_rename_file(path, buff); } if (Out_proj == 0) leave(0); { in_unit_keys = G_create_key_value(); switch (Out_proj) { case PROJECTION_UTM: G_set_key_value("unit", "meter", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "meters", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "1.0", in_unit_keys); break; case PROJECTION_SP: for (;;) { do { fprintf(stderr, "\nSpecify the correct units to use:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Enter the corresponding number\n"); fprintf(stderr, "1.\tUS Survey Foot (Default for State Plane 1927)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "2.\tInternational Foot\n"); fprintf(stderr, "3.\tMeter\n"); fprintf(stderr, ">"); } while (!G_gets(answer)); G_strip(answer); if (strcmp(answer, "1") == 0) { G_set_key_value("unit", "USfoot", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "USfeet", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "0.30480060960121920243", in_unit_keys); break; } else if (strcmp(answer, "2") == 0) { G_set_key_value("unit", "foot", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "feet", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "0.3048", in_unit_keys); break; } else if (strcmp(answer, "3") == 0) { G_set_key_value("unit", "meter", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "meters", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "1.0", in_unit_keys); break; } else fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid Entry (number 1 - 3)\n"); } break; case PROJECTION_LL: G_set_key_value("unit", "degree", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "degrees", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "1.0", in_unit_keys); break; default: if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "LL") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Enter plural form of units [meters]: ")); G_gets(answer); if (strlen(answer) == 0) { G_set_key_value("unit", "meter", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "meters", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "1.0", in_unit_keys); } else { const struct proj_unit *unit; G_strip(answer); unit = get_proj_unit(answer); if (unit) { #ifdef FOO if (G_strcasecmp(proj_out, "STP") == 0 && !strcmp(answer, "feet")) { fprintf(stderr, "%cPROJECTION 99 State Plane cannot be in FEET.\n", 7); remove(path); /* remove file */ leave(SP_FATAL); } #endif G_set_key_value("unit", unit->unit, in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", unit->units, in_unit_keys); sprintf(buffb, "%.10f", unit->fact); G_set_key_value("meters", buffb, in_unit_keys); } else { double unit_fact; while (1) { fprintf(stderr, _("Enter singular for unit: ")); G_gets(answer1); G_strip(answer1); if (strlen(answer1) > 0) break; } while (1) { fprintf(stderr, _("Enter conversion factor from %s to meters: "), answer); G_gets(answer2); G_strip(answer2); if (! (strlen(answer2) == 0 || (1 != sscanf(answer2, "%lf", &unit_fact)))) break; } G_set_key_value("unit", answer1, in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", answer, in_unit_keys); sprintf(buffb, "%.10f", unit_fact); G_set_key_value("meters", buffb, in_unit_keys); } } } else { G_set_key_value("unit", "degree", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("units", "degrees", in_unit_keys); G_set_key_value("meters", "1.0", in_unit_keys); } } /* switch */ G_write_key_value_file(path, in_unit_keys, &out_stat); if (out_stat != 0) G_fatal_error(_("Error writing into UNITS output file <%s>"), path); G_free_key_value(in_unit_keys); } /* if */ if (G_put_element_window(&cellhd, "", "DEFAULT_WIND") < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to DEFAULT_WIND region file")); fprintf(stderr, _("\nProjection information has been recorded for this location\n\n")); if ((old_zone != zone) | (old_proj != cellhd.proj)) { G_message(_("The geographic region information in WIND is now obsolete")); G_message(_("Run g.region -d to update it")); } leave(0); } int min1(int a, int b) { if (a > b) return b; else return a; } int leave(int n) { exit(n); }