OnGCPManager g.gui.gcp Manage Ground Control Points for Georectification georectify OnGModeler g.gui.gmodeler Launch Graphical modeler general,gui,graphical modeler,workflow modeler-main OnRunModel Run model prepared by Graphical modeler OnAnimationTool g.gui.animation Launch animation tool. general,gui,display OnTimelineTool g.gui.timeline Plot temporal extents. general,gui,temporal OnTplotTool g.gui.tplot Plot temporal values. general,gui,temporal OnPsMap g.gui.psmap Launch Cartographic Composer postscript,printing print-compose OnMapSwipe g.gui.mapswipe Launch Map Swipe general,gui,display OnRunScript Launches script file. OnSimpleEditor Launches Simple Python Editor. OnCloseWindow Close graphical user interface. OnCloseWindowOrExit Close GUI and exit GRASS GIS shell. Ctrl+Q ID_EXIT OnPreferences User GUI preferences (display font, commands, digitizer, etc.) ID_PREFERENCES OnHistogram Generate histogram of image OnMapCalculator r3.mapcalc 3D raster map calculator raster,algebra g.manual -i Display the HTML man pages of GRASS GIS general,manual,help ID_HELP g.manual entry=wxGUI Display the HTML man pages of GRASS GIS general,manual,help OnSystemInfo Prints system information OnAboutGRASS About GRASS GIS ID_ABOUT OnWorkspaceNew Create new workspace Ctrl+N ID_NEW OnWorkspaceOpen Load workspace from file Ctrl+O ID_OPEN OnWorkspaceSave Save workspace Ctrl+S ID_SAVE OnWorkspaceSaveAs Save workspace to file ID_SAVEAS OnWorkspaceClose Close workspace file ID_CLOSE OnAddRaster Add raster map layer to current display Ctrl+Shift+R OnAddVector Add vector map layer to current display Ctrl+Shift+V OnAddMaps Add multiple raster or vector map layers to current display Ctrl+Shift+L OnAddRasterRGB Add RGB raster map layer to current display OnAddWS Add web service layer OnNewDisplay Open new map display window OnRenderAllMapDisplays Re-render maps in all open map display windows Ctrl+R OnDisplayClose Close current map display window Ctrl+W OnDisplayCloseAll Close all open map display windows OnImportGdalLayers r.import Imports raster data into a GRASS raster map using GDAL library. raster,import OnImportOgrLayers v.import Imports vector data into a GRASS vector map using OGR library. vector,import OnImportDxfFile Converts files in DXF format to GRASS vector map format. vector,import,dxf OnLinkGdalLayers r.external Link GDAL supported raster data as a pseudo GRASS raster map layer. raster,import,input,external OnLinkOgrLayers v.external Creates a new pseudo-vector map as a link to an OGR-supported layer. vector,import,input,external,OGR,PostGIS OnVectorOutputFormat v.external.out Defines vector output format utilizing OGR library. vector,export,output,external,OGR,PostGIS g.region -p Shows the extent and resolution of the computational region. general,settings g.region -pl Shows the extent and resolution of the computational region. general,settings OnShowRegionExtent Shows the extent of the computational region in Map Display. general,settings OnMapsets g.mapsets Set/unset access to other mapsets in current location general,settings,search path OnChangeLocation Change current location and mapset. general,location,current OnChangeMapset Change current mapset. general,mapset,current OnChangeCWD Change working directory g.gisenv -n Outputs and modifies the user's current GRASS variable settings. general,settings,variables OnLocationWizard Launches location wizard to create new GRASS location. general,location,wizard OnCreateMapset Creates new mapset in the current location, changes current mapset. general,mapset,create g.proj -p Converts co-ordinate system descriptions (i.e. projection information) between various formats (including GRASS format). general,projection,create location OnInstallExtension g.extension Installs new extension from GRASS AddOns repository. general,installation,extensions OnManageExtension g.extension Updates or removes installed GRASS AddOns extension(s). general,installation,extensions OnRasterRules Interactive management of raster color tables. raster,color table OnRLiSetup g.gui.rlisetup Configuration editor for'index' raster,landscape structure analysis OnNewVector Create new empty vector map OnVectorCleaning v.clean Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map. vector,topology,geometry OnVectorRules Interactive management of vector color tables. vector,color table OnVNet Tool for interactive vector network analysis. gui,vector,network OnEditImageryGroups Creates, edits, and lists groups of imagery files. imagery,map management OnIClass g.gui.iclass Generates spectral signatures by allowing the user to outline training areas. general,gui,imagery,classification,signatures g.gui.image2target Georectifies a map and allows managing GCP for 3D correction. general,gui,imagery,GCP,georectification,orthophoto g.gui.photo2image Corrects scanning distortions of a scanned aerial photo. general,gui,imagery,georectification,orthophoto OnDataCatalog g.gui.datacatalog Launch Data Catalog. general,gui,data,catalog g.gui.vdigit Interactive editing and digitization of vector maps. general,gui,vector,editing,digitizer g.gui.rdigit Interactive editing and digitization of raster maps. general,gui,raster,editing,digitizer