1. TODO
  2. Date_ 2009-10-03
  3. * Add ATLAS wrapper for blas level 2 and level 3 functions.
  4. * Include the HAVE_ATLAS definition in the configure system
  5. * Replace the lu-solver in lu.c with the one from the ccmath library
  6. and patch all modules using lu.c
  7. * Implement a robust parallelizable LU solver with pivoting
  8. * Move the band matrix cholesky decomposition solver from the lidar library
  9. (TcholBand.c) into the gmath library and make it available for other numerical
  10. programs (Integration in the common solver structure)
  11. TODO
  12. Date: 2006-11-20
  14. (not GPL'ed, but excellent implementation!)
  15. la.c: write:
  16. new gmath function old MESCHACH
  17. G_vector_free() free vector memory #define V_FREE(vec) ( v_free(vec), (vec)=(VEC *)NULL )
  18. int v_free(vec)
  19. VEC *vec;
  20. G_vector_sub() Subtract two vectors: VEC *v_sub(vec1,vec2,out)
  21. VEC *vec1,*vec2,*out;
  22. G_vector_norm1() Calculate 1-norm of vector #define v_norm1(x) _v_norm1(x,VNULL)
  23. double _v_norm1(x,scale)
  24. VEC *x, *scale;
  25. G_matrix_scalar_mult() Scalar-matrix multiplication MAT *sm_mlt(scalar,matrix,out)
  26. double scalar;
  27. MAT *matrix,*out;
  28. G_matrix_stdin() stdin read-function "m_input()" #define m_input(mat) m_finput(stdin,mat)
  29. MAT *m_finput(FILE *fp,MAT *out);
  30. G_vector_stdin() stdin read-function "v_input()" #define v_input(vec) v_finput(stdin,vec)
  31. VEC *v_finput(FILE *fp,VEC *out);
  32. Sample text matrix for G_matrix_stdin()
  33. # comment
  34. # enter row by col
  35. Matrix: 4 by 6
  36. row0: 8.87 13.14 11.71 35.85 28.26 10.54
  37. row1: 13.59 20.12 19.61 70.66 34.82 16.35
  38. row2: 28.26 34.82 38.27 40.1 38.27 23.7
  39. row3: 10.54 16.35 23.7 38.98 40.1 38.98