wxGUI.vnet.html 4.1 KB

  1. <!-- meta page description: wxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool -->
  2. <!-- meta page index: wxGUI -->
  3. <h2>KEYWORDS</h2>
  4. <a href="vector.html">vector</a>, <a href="topic_network.html">network</a>, <a href="keywords.html#vector">vector</a>
  5. <h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
  6. <b>Vector Network Analysis Tool</b> is graphical front-end
  7. for <tt>v.net*</tt> modules. It allows perform network analysis
  8. directly in <em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em> without need to
  9. use command line. The tool can be launched from Layer Manager
  10. menu <i>Vector &rarr; Network analysis &rarr; Vector network analysis
  11. tool</i> or from Map Display toolbar <i>Analyse map &rarr; Vector
  12. network analysis tool</i> <img src="icons/vector-tools.png" alt="icon">.
  13. <p>
  14. <center>
  15. <img src="wxGUI_vnet.jpg" border="1" alt="Vector Network Analysis Tool">
  16. <br>
  17. Subsets for nearest centers (<em><a href="v.net.alloc.html">v.net.alloc</a></em>)
  18. </center>
  19. <p>
  20. <em>Vector Network Analysis Tool</em> currently allows you to:
  21. <ul>
  22. <li> perform these network analyses:
  23. <ul>
  24. <li> Shortest path
  25. (<em><a href="v.net.path.html">v.net.path</a></em>)</li>
  26. <li> Salesman
  27. (<em><a href="v.net.salesman.html">v.net.salesman</a></em>)</li>
  28. <li> Flow (<em><a href="v.net.flow.html">v.net.flow</a></em>)</li>
  29. <li> Allocate subnets for nearest centers
  30. (<em><a href="v.net.alloc.html">v.net.alloc</a></em>)</li>
  31. <li> Steiner tree for the network and given terminals
  32. (<em><a href="v.net.distance.html">v.net.distance</a></em>)</li>
  33. <li> Splits net by cost isolines
  34. (<em><a href="v.net.iso.html">v.net.iso</a></em>)</li>
  35. </ul>
  36. </li>
  37. <li>show and set all data needed for the analysis (points, attribute
  38. tables, compute costs)</li>
  39. <li>show analysis results (maps and it's attribute tables)</li>
  40. <li>snapping to nodes</li>
  41. <li>browse previous analysis results</li>
  42. </ul>
  43. <h2>NOTES</h2>
  44. The tool is split into tabs. Every tab represents some functionality:
  45. <dl>
  46. <dt><b>Parameters</b> tab</dt>
  47. <dd>It is used for setting vector map and
  48. it's layer on which analysis will be done. Also it is possible to
  49. set columns with cost values from attribute table connected
  50. to particular layer.</dd>
  51. <dt><b>Points</b> tab</dt>
  52. <dd>It manages points, which are used for analysis.</dd>
  53. <dt><b>Output</b> tab</dt>
  54. <dd>There is a output console, which shows information about running
  55. analysis.</dd>
  56. <dt><b>Input tables</b> tab</dt>
  57. <dd>When existing vector map and it's existing layers are set
  58. in <em>Parameters</em> tab, this tab is dynamically added. It shows
  59. attribute tables of node and arc layers, which were chosen for
  60. analysis. It is also possible to compute cost values in this
  61. tab. This can be done by right mouse button click on column
  62. label. Then from pop-up menu choose <em>Add column</em>, where new
  63. column for cost values can be created. After that by right mouse
  64. button click on the added column label can be chosen item <em>Field
  65. calculator</em>. This tool computes cost values.</dd>
  66. <dt><b>Result tables</b> tab</dt>
  67. <dd>The result of vector network analysis is always a vector map. Some
  68. vector network analysis results can also include attribute
  69. tables. If such a table is connected to the result map, this tab is
  70. shown and with it you can browse the data.</dd>
  71. </dl>
  72. <h2>KNOWN ISSUES</h2>
  73. When some change is done in layer tree of Map Display, temporary
  74. vector map representing result of analysis is not rendered
  75. (use <em>Show result</em> button in toolbar to render it again).
  76. <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
  77. <em>
  78. <a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a><br>
  79. <a href="wxGUI.components.html">wxGUI components</a>
  80. </em>
  81. <p>
  82. See list of <a href="topic_network.html">vector network modules</a>.
  83. <p>
  84. See also the
  85. user <a href="https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI_Vector_Network_Analysis_Tool">wiki</a>
  86. page including <a href="https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool#Video tutorial">video tutorial</a>.
  87. <h2>AUTHOR</h2>
  88. Stepan Turek,
  89. <a href="https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_GSoC_2012_WxGUI_front_end_for_vector_analysis_modules">Google
  90. Summer of Code 2012</a> (mentor: Martin Landa)