pyproject.toml 752 B

  1. []
  2. line-length = 88
  3. target-version = ['py37', 'py38', 'py39', 'py310']
  4. include = '\.pyi?$'
  5. exclude = '''
  6. (
  7. # exclude directories in the root of the project
  8. /(
  9. \.eggs
  10. | \.git
  11. | \.hg
  12. | \.mypy_cache
  13. | \.tox
  14. | \.venv
  15. | _build
  16. | buck-out
  17. | build
  18. | bin\..*
  19. | dist\..*
  20. )/
  21. | python/libgrass_interface_generator/
  22. )
  23. '''
  24. [tool.pytest.ini_options]
  25. minversion = "6.0"
  26. python_files = "*/tests/*"
  27. addopts = """
  28. --ignore-glob='dist.*'
  29. --ignore-glob='bin.*'
  30. --ignore-glob='*/tests/data/*'
  31. --ignore-glob='*/grass/pygrass/tests/*'
  32. --doctest-glob='*doctest*.txt'
  33. --ignore='raster/r.category/test_rcategory_doctest.txt'
  34. """