#!/bin/bash -l # Batch script to run a serial job under SGE. # Request ten minutes of wallclock time (format hours:minutes:seconds). #$ -l h_rt=0:10:0 # Request 1 gigabyte of RAM (must be an integer followed by M, G, or T) #$ -l mem=1G # Request 15 gigabyte of TMPDIR space (default is 10 GB - remove if cluster is diskless) #$ -l tmpfs=15G # Set the name of the job. #$ -N mnist_serial_cpu # Useful to know! date hostname # Set python path and get in the right place! SOURCE_DIR='~/hpc-tutorial/' export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$SOURCE_DIR cd $SOURCE_DIR || exit # Activate your enviroment! conda activate hpc-example # Run your code! python pl_examples/image_classifier_4_lightning_module.py # Is actually advisable to save all results in a $TEMPDIR, zip and clear up... https://www.rc.ucl.ac.uk/docs/Example_Jobscripts/#working-directories-and-output