# High Performance Cluster (HPC) short tutorial for UCL AI-Enabled Healthcare CDT ## Why use the HPC? * No CUDA enabled GPU on your laptop * Don’t want your laptop to become a radiator * Run parallel experiments and get results quicker * Hyperparameter optimization * BIG GPU’s * Free service * Relatively high freedom to manage your own environment * Learn key skills for industry * Secure place to store healthcare data * Active support ## Why not use the HPC? * Takes time to setup * Job queue times * Unix is hard and ugly * Unfamiliar environment * I have a huge GPU in my desktop it’s enough for what I want to do * Prefer to learn commercial cloud services (AWS GCP AZURE) ## Getting access First of all, it's worth checking if your supervisor already has accesss to HPC services and then requesting an account there. If not you can request an account: * CS HPC at https://hpc.cs.ucl.ac.uk/account-form/ * UCL Research Center (RC) at https://signup.rc.ucl.ac.uk/computing/requests/new This guide is going to use the CS HPC cluster but the two are very similar. Worth noting that I have borrowed loads from the *much better* docs of RC https://www.rc.ucl.ac.uk/docs/. The IHI is in the process so procuring its own HPC services but we're not there yet :(. ## How does it work? ![Network Diagram](images/network_diagram_basic.png) ## How do I use it? Most people use something like the following workflow: - connect to the cluster's "login nodes" - create a script of commands to run programs - submit the script to the scheduler - wait for the scheduler to find available "compute nodes" and run the script - look at the results in the files the script created ### Logging In #### Simple way You will need to either use the [UCL Virtual Private Network](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/get-connected/ucl-virtual-private-network-vpn/) or ssh in to UCL's gateway `tails.ucl.ac.uk` first. From tails you can then ssh in. ``` ssh @tails.cs.ucl.ac.uk ssh @.cs.ucl.ac.uk ``` There are a few login nodes availabel but it shouldn't really matter which you use. `gamble` is the one I use. #### Rapidos way You can also set up this in your `~/.ssh/config` ``` Host gamble HostName gamble.cs.ucl.ac.uk User vauvelle ProxyJump vauvelle@tails.cs.ucl.ac.uk ``` ## Scheduler ### qsub Submit a job to the scheduler with qsub ```bash qsub /path/to/submission/script.sh ``` ### qstat Get the status of a job with qstat ```bash qstat job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6506636 0.00000 testing jbloggs qw 21/12/2012 11:11:11 1 qstat -j ``` ### qdel Delete a job to the scheduler with qdel ```bash qdel /path/to/submission/script.sh ``` ## Serial Job Script Example The most basic type of job a user can submit is a serial job. These jobs run on a single processor (core) with a single thread. Shown below is a simple job script that runs /bin/date (which prints the current date) on the compute node, and puts the output into a file. ```bash #!/bin/bash -l # Batch script to run a serial job under SGE. # Request ten minutes of wallclock time (format hours:minutes:seconds). #$ -l h_rt=0:10:0 # Request 1 gigabyte of RAM (must be an integer followed by M, G, or T) #$ -l mem=1G # Request 15 gigabyte of TMPDIR space (default is 10 GB - remove if cluster is diskless) #$ -l tmpfs=15G # Set the name of the job. #$ -N Serial_Job # Set the working directory to somewhere in your scratch space. # This is a necessary step as compute nodes cannot write to $HOME. # Replace "" with your UCL user ID. #$ -wd /home//Scratch/workspace # Your work should be done in $TMPDIR cd $TMPDIR # Run the application and put the output into a file called date.txt /bin/date > date.txt # Preferably, tar-up (archive) all output files onto the shared scratch area tar -zcvf $HOME/Scratch/files_from_job_$JOB_ID.tar.gz $TMPDIR # Make sure you have given enough time for the copy to complete! ``` ## Hyperopt ![Network Diagram](images/network_diagram_hyperopt.png) My job script ``` #$ -l tmem=16G #$ -l h_rt=9:0:0 #$ -l gpu=true #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -j y #$ -N gpu_worker50 #$ -t 1-10 #$ -tc 4 #$ -o /home/vauvelle/doctor_signature/jobs/logs hostname date PROJECT_DIR='/home/vauvelle/doctor_signature/' export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PROJECT_DIR cd $PROJECT_DIR || exit source /share/apps/source_files/python/python-3.7.0.source source /share/apps/source_files/cuda/cuda-10.1.source source .env source ./.myenv/bin/activate echo "Pulling any jobs with status 0" hyperopt-mongo-worker --mongo=bigtop:27017/hyperopt --poll-interval=0.1 --max-consecutive-failures=5 date ``` Hyperopt mongo worker: http://hyperopt.github.io/hyperopt/scaleout/mongodb/ Other solutions: https://optuna.org/ (Uses a rdb instead of mongo) # Helpful stuff File count quota on CS HPC is 150k, watchout for venv/conda lib folders can be huge. Find file count quickly with ```bash rsync --stats --dry-run -ax /path/to/folder /tmp ```