@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Grovers Algorithm
+Given an unstructured set \\(N = \{a_1, a_2,\dots,a_n\}\\), find
+a given element \\(a_i \in N\\).
+This implementation looks for a given number \\(target\\) in the set \\(\{0,1,\dots, \text{regwidth}\}\\).
+See <https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~watrous/LectureNotes.html>
+extern crate qcgpu;
+extern crate rand;
+use qcgpu::State;
+use std::f32::consts::PI;
+fn main() {
+ let mut state = State::new(8, 1);
+ let target = 5;
+ let reg_width = 3;
+ let num_inversions = ((PI / 4.0) * ((1 << reg_width) as f32).sqrt()) as i32;
+ state.x(reg_width);
+ for i in 0..(reg_width + 1) {
+ state.h(i);
+ }
+ for _ in 0..(num_inversions) {
+ iteration(&mut state, target, reg_width);
+ }
+ state.h(reg_width);
+ println!("Measured: {:?}", state.measure_first(reg_width, 1000));
+fn oracle(state: &mut State, target: i32, reg_width: i32) {
+ for i in 0..reg_width {
+ if get_bit(target, i) == 0 {
+ state.x(i);
+ }
+ }
+ state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
+ let mut i = 1;
+ while i < reg_width {
+ state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ state.cx(reg_width + i, reg_width);
+ i = reg_width - 1;
+ while i > 0 {
+ state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
+ i -= 1;
+ }
+ state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
+ for i in 0..reg_width {
+ if get_bit(target, i) == 0 {
+ state.x(i);
+ }
+ }
+fn inversion(state: &mut State, reg_width: i32) {
+ for i in 0..reg_width {
+ state.x(i);
+ }
+ state.h(reg_width - 1);
+ if reg_width == 3 {
+ state.toffoli(0, 1, 2);
+ } else {
+ state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
+ let mut i = 1;
+ while i < reg_width {
+ state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ state.cx(reg_width + i, reg_width - 1);
+ i = reg_width - 2;
+ while i > 0 {
+ state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
+ i -= 1;
+ }
+ state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
+ }
+ state.h(reg_width - 1);
+ for i in 0..reg_width {
+ state.x(i);
+ }
+fn iteration(state: &mut State, target: i32, reg_width: i32) {
+ oracle(state, target, reg_width);
+ for i in 0..reg_width {
+ state.h(i);
+ }
+ inversion(state, reg_width);
+ for i in 0..reg_width {
+ state.h(i);
+ }
+/// Get the value of a bit
+fn get_bit(number: i32, n: i32) -> i32 {
+ if number & (1 << n) != 0 {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ 0