import os import random import numpy as np import pyopencl as cl import pyopencl.array as pycl_array from pyopencl.reduction import ReductionKernel from collections import defaultdict # Get the OpenCL kernel kernel = """ #include /* * Returns the nth number where a given digit * is cleared in the binary representation of the number */ static int nth_cleared(int n, int target) { int mask = (1 << target) - 1; int not_mask = ~mask; return (n & mask) | ((n & not_mask) << 1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // KERNELS /////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Applies a single qubit gate to the register. * The gate matrix must be given in the form: * * A B * C D */ __kernel void apply_gate( __global cfloat_t *amplitudes, int target, cfloat_t A, cfloat_t B, cfloat_t C, cfloat_t D) { int const global_id = get_global_id(0); int const zero_state = nth_cleared(global_id, target); // int const zero_state = state & (~(1 << target)); // Could just be state int const one_state = zero_state | (1 << target); cfloat_t const zero_amp = amplitudes[zero_state]; cfloat_t const one_amp = amplitudes[one_state]; amplitudes[zero_state] = cfloat_add(cfloat_mul(A, zero_amp), cfloat_mul(B, one_amp)); amplitudes[one_state] = cfloat_add(cfloat_mul(D, one_amp), cfloat_mul(C, zero_amp)); } /* * Applies a controlled single qubit gate to the register. */ __kernel void apply_controlled_gate( __global cfloat_t *amplitudes, int control, int target, cfloat_t A, cfloat_t B, cfloat_t C, cfloat_t D) { int const global_id = get_global_id(0); int const zero_state = nth_cleared(global_id, target); int const one_state = zero_state | (1 << target); // Set the target bit int const control_val_zero = (((1 << control) & zero_state) > 0) ? 1 : 0; int const control_val_one = (((1 << control) & one_state) > 0) ? 1 : 0; cfloat_t const zero_amp = amplitudes[zero_state]; cfloat_t const one_amp = amplitudes[one_state]; if (control_val_zero == 1) { amplitudes[zero_state] = cfloat_add(cfloat_mul(A, zero_amp), cfloat_mul(B, one_amp)); } if (control_val_one == 1) { amplitudes[one_state] = cfloat_add(cfloat_mul(D, one_amp), cfloat_mul(C, zero_amp)); } } /* * Applies a controlled-controlled single qubit gate to the register. */ __kernel void apply_controlled_controlled_gate( __global cfloat_t *amplitudes, int control, int control_2, int target, cfloat_t A, cfloat_t B, cfloat_t C, cfloat_t D) { int const global_id = get_global_id(0); int const zero_state = nth_cleared(global_id, target); int const one_state = zero_state | (1 << target); // Set the target bit int const control_val_zero = (((1 << control) & zero_state) > 0) ? 1 : 0; int const control_val_one = (((1 << control) & one_state) > 0) ? 1 : 0; int const control_val_two_zero = (((1 << control_2) & zero_state) > 0) ? 1 : 0; int const control_val_two_one = (((1 << control_2) & one_state) > 0) ? 1 : 0; cfloat_t const zero_amp = amplitudes[zero_state]; cfloat_t const one_amp = amplitudes[one_state]; if (control_val_zero == 1 && control_val_two_zero == 1) { amplitudes[zero_state] = cfloat_add(cfloat_mul(A, zero_amp), cfloat_mul(B, one_amp)); } if (control_val_one == 1 && control_val_two_one == 1) { amplitudes[one_state] = cfloat_add(cfloat_mul(D, one_amp), cfloat_mul(C, zero_amp)); } } /* * Swaps the states of two qubits in the register * NOT MIGRATED */ // __kernel void swap( // __global cfloat_t *const amplitudes, // __global cfloat_t *amps, // int first_qubit, // int second_qubit) // { // int const state = get_global_id(0); // int const first_bit_mask = 1 << first_qubit; // int const second_bit_mask = 1 << second_qubit; // int const new_second_bit = ((state & first_bit_mask) >> first_qubit) << second_qubit; // int const new_first_bit = ((state & second_bit_mask) >> second_qubit) << first_qubit; // int const new_state = (state & !first_bit_mask & !second_bit_mask) | new_first_bit | new_second_bit; // amps[new_state] = amplitudes[state]; // } /** * Get a single amplitude */ __kernel void get_single_amplitude( __global cfloat_t *const amplitudes, __global cfloat_t *out, int i) { out[0] = amplitudes[i]; } /** * Calculates The Probabilities Of A State Vector */ __kernel void calculate_probabilities( __global cfloat_t *const amplitudes, __global float *probabilities) { int const state = get_global_id(0); cfloat_t amp = amplitudes[state]; probabilities[state] = cfloat_abs(cfloat_mul(amp, amp)); } /** * Initializes a register to the value 1|0..100...0> * ^ target */ __kernel void initialize_register( __global cfloat_t *amplitudes, int const target) { int const state = get_global_id(0); if (state == target) { amplitudes[state] = cfloat_new(1, 0); } else { amplitudes[state] = cfloat_new(0, 0); } } /** * Collapses a qubit in the register */ __kernel void collapse( __global cfloat_t *amplitudes, int const target, int const outcome, float const norm) { int const state = get_global_id(0); if (((state >> target) & 1) == outcome) { amplitudes[state] = cfloat_mul(amplitudes[state], cfloat_new(norm, 0.0)); } else { amplitudes[state] = cfloat_new(0.0, 0.0); } } """ # Setup the OpenCL Context here to not prompt every execution context = None program = None class Backend: """ A class for the OpenCL backend to the simulator. This class shouldn't be used directly, as many of the methods don't have the same input checking as the State class. """ # @profile def __init__(self, num_qubits, dtype=np.complex64): if not context: create_context() """ Initialize a new OpenCL Backend Takes an argument of the number of qubits to use in the register, and returns the backend. """ self.num_qubits = num_qubits self.dtype = dtype self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context) # Buffer for the state vector self.buffer = pycl_array.to_device( self.queue, np.eye(1, 2**num_qubits, dtype=dtype) ) def apply_gate(self, gate, target): """Applies a gate to the quantum register""" program.apply_gate( self.queue, [int(2**self.num_qubits / 2)], None,, np.int32(target), self.dtype(gate.a), self.dtype(gate.b), self.dtype(gate.c), self.dtype(gate.d) ) def apply_controlled_gate(self, gate, control, target): """Applies a controlled gate to the quantum register""" program.apply_controlled_gate( self.queue, [int(2**self.num_qubits / 2)], None,, np.int32(control), np.int32(target), self.dtype(gate.a), self.dtype(gate.b), self.dtype(gate.c), self.dtype(gate.d) ) def apply_controlled_controlled_gate(self, gate, control1, control2, target): """Applies a controlled controlled gate (such as a toffoli gate) to the quantum register""" program.apply_controlled_controlled_gate( self.queue, [int(2**self.num_qubits / 2)], None,, np.int32(control1), np.int32(control2), np.int32(target), self.dtype(gate.a), self.dtype(gate.b), self.dtype(gate.c), self.dtype(gate.d) ) def seed(self, val): random.seed(val) def measure(self, samples=1): """Measure the state of a register""" # This is a really horrible method that needs a rewrite - the memory # is attrocious probabilities = self.probabilities() # print(probabilities) # print(np.sum(self.amplitudes())) choices = np.random.choice( np.arange(0, 2**self.num_qubits), samples, p=probabilities ) results = defaultdict(int) for i in choices: results[np.binary_repr(i, width=self.num_qubits)] += 1 return dict(results) def measure_first(self, num, samples): probabilities = self.probabilities() # print(probabilities) # print(np.sum(self.amplitudes())) choices = np.random.choice( np.arange(0, 2**self.num_qubits), samples, p=probabilities ) results = defaultdict(int) for i in choices: key = np.binary_repr(i, width=self.num_qubits)[-num:] results[key] += 1 return dict(results) def qubit_probability(self, target): """Get the probability of a single qubit begin measured as '0'""" preamble = """ #include float probability(int target, int i, cfloat_t amp) { if ((i & (1 << target )) != 0) { return 0; } // return 6.0; float abs = cfloat_abs(amp); return abs * abs; } """ kernel = ReductionKernel( context, np.float, neutral = "0", reduce_expr="a + b", map_expr="probability(target, i, amps[i])", arguments="__global cfloat_t *amps, __global int target", preamble=preamble ) return kernel(self.buffer, target).get() def measure_collapse(self, target): probability_of_0 = self.qubit_probability(target) random_number = random.random() if random_number <= probability_of_0: outcome = '0' norm = 1 / np.sqrt(probability_of_0) else: outcome = '1' norm = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - probability_of_0) program.collapse( self.queue, [int(2**self.num_qubits)], # 2**self.num_qubits, None,, np.int32(target), np.int32(outcome), np.float32(norm) ) return outcome def measure_qubit(self, target, samples): probability_of_0 = self.qubit_probability(target) choices = np.random.choice( [0, 1], samples, p=[probability_of_0, 1-probability_of_0] ) results = defaultdict(int) for i in choices: results[np.binary_repr(i, width=1)] += 1 return dict(results) def single_amplitude(self, i): """Gets a single probability amplitude""" out = pycl_array.to_device( self.queue, np.empty(1, dtype=np.complex64) ) program.get_single_amplitude( self.queue, (1, ), None,,, np.int32(i) ) return out[0] def amplitudes(self): """Gets the probability amplitudes""" return self.buffer.get() def probabilities(self): """Gets the squared absolute value of each of the amplitudes""" out = pycl_array.to_device( self.queue, np.zeros(2**self.num_qubits, dtype=np.float32) ) program.calculate_probabilities( self.queue, out.shape, None,, ) return out.get() def release(self): self.buffer.base_data.release() def create_context(): global context global program context = cl.create_some_context() program = cl.Program(context, kernel).build(options="-cl-no-signed-zeros -cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math")