Function ocl_core::enqueue_map_image [] [src]

pub unsafe fn enqueue_map_image<T, M, En, Ewl>(
    command_queue: &CommandQueue,
    image: M,
    block: bool,
    map_flags: MapFlags,
    origin: [usize; 3],
    region: [usize; 3],
    row_pitch_bytes: &mut usize,
    slc_pitch_bytes: &mut usize,
    wait_list: Option<Ewl>,
    new_event: Option<En>
) -> OclCoreResult<MemMap<T>> where
    T: OclPrm,
    En: ClNullEventPtr,
    Ewl: ClWaitListPtr,
    M: AsMem<T> + MemCmdAll

Enqueues a command to map a region of the image object given by image into the host address space and returns a pointer to this mapped region.

SDK Docs


Caller must ensure that the returned pointer is not used until the map is complete. Use new_event to monitor it. It also must be ensured that memory referred to by the returned pointer is not dropped, reused, or otherwise interfered with until enqueue_unmap_mem_object is called.