initSidebarItems({"fn":[["err_msg","Constructs a `Fail` type from a string."]],"macro":[["bail","Exits a function early with an `Error`."],["ensure","Exits a function early with an `Error` if the condition is not satisfied."],["format_err","Constructs an `Error` using the standard string interpolation syntax."]],"struct":[["Backtrace","A `Backtrace`."],["Causes","A iterator over the causes of a `Fail`"],["Compat","A compatibility wrapper around an error type from this crate."],["Context","An error with context around it."],["Error","The `Error` type, which can contain any failure."],["SyncFailure","Wrapper for `std` errors to make them `Sync`."]],"trait":[["Fail","The `Fail` trait."],["ResultExt","Extension methods for `Result`."]]});