initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Pair","A single syntax tree node of type `T` followed by its trailing punctuation of type `P` if any."]],"struct":[["IntoIter","An iterator over owned values of type `T`."],["IntoPairs","An iterator over owned pairs of type `Pair<T, P>`."],["Iter","An iterator over borrowed values of type `&T`."],["IterMut","An iterator over mutably borrowed values of type `&mut T`."],["Pairs","An iterator over borrowed pairs of type `Pair<&T, &P>`."],["PairsMut","An iterator over mutably borrowed pairs of type `Pair<&mut T, &mut P>`."],["Punctuated","A punctuated sequence of syntax tree nodes of type `T` separated by punctuation of type `P`."]]});