initSidebarItems({"enum":[["RequestKind","Specifies whether a `QrwRequest` is a read or write request."]],"struct":[["FutureGuard","A future which resolves to a `Guard`."],["FutureReadGuard","A future which resolves to a `ReadGuard`."],["FutureWriteGuard","A future which resolves to a `WriteGuard`."],["Guard","Allows access to the data contained within a lock just like a mutex guard."],["QrwLock","A queue-backed read/write data lock."],["QrwRequest","A request to lock the lock for either read or write access."],["Qutex","A lock-free-queue-backed exclusive data lock."],["ReadGuard","Allows read-only access to the data contained within a lock."],["Request","A request to lock the qutex for exclusive access."],["WriteGuard","Allows read or write access to the data contained within a lock."]]});