.travis.yml 673 B

  1. language: generic
  2. os: osx
  3. # language: python
  4. # python:
  5. # - "2.7.15"
  6. # - "3.6.6"
  7. # - "3.7-dev"
  8. # dist: trusty
  9. # addons:
  10. # apt:
  11. # packages:
  12. # - opencl-headers
  13. # - ocl-icd-opencl-dev
  14. # - fglrx
  15. git:
  16. depth: false
  17. install:
  18. # There is sometimes issues with the install order so do this bad boi first
  19. - pip3 install pybind11
  20. - pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  21. - pip3 install -e .
  22. script:
  23. - python3 setup.py test
  24. after_success:
  25. - make html
  26. deploy:
  27. provider: pages
  28. skip-cleanup: true
  29. github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in travis-ci.org dashboard, marked secure
  30. keep-history: true
  31. local-dir: ./
  32. on:
  33. branch: master