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- initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Async","Return type of future, indicating whether a value is ready or not."],["AsyncSink","The result of an asynchronous attempt to send a value to a sink."]],"macro":[["task_local","A macro to create a `static` of type `LocalKey`"],["try_ready","A macro for extracting the successful type of a `Poll<T, E>`."]],"mod":[["executor","Executors"],["future","Futures"],["prelude","A \"prelude\" for crates using the `futures` crate."],["sink","Asynchronous sinks"],["stream","Asynchronous streams"],["sync","Future-aware synchronization"],["task","Tasks used to drive a future computation"],["unsync","Future-aware single-threaded synchronization"]],"type":[["Poll","Return type of the `Future::poll` method, indicates whether a future's value is ready or not."],["StartSend","Return type of the `Sink::start_send` method, indicating the outcome of a send attempt. See `AsyncSink` for more details."]]});