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  25. <p class='location'>Module prm</p><div class="sidebar-elems"><div class="block items"><ul><li><a href="#structs">Structs</a></li><li><a href="#types">Type Definitions</a></li></ul></div><p class='location'><a href='../index.html'>ocl</a></p><script>window.sidebarCurrent = {name: 'prm', ty: 'mod', relpath: '../'};</script><script defer src="../sidebar-items.js"></script></div>
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  45. <h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Module <a href='../index.html'>ocl</a>::<wbr><a class="mod" href=''>prm</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
  46. <a id="toggle-all-docs" href="javascript:void(0)" title="collapse all docs">
  47. [<span class='inner'>&#x2212;</span>]
  48. </a>
  49. </span><a class='srclink' href='../../src/ocl/' title='goto source code'>[src]</a></span></h1>
  50. <div class='docblock'><p>OpenCL scalar and vector primitive types.</p>
  51. <p>Rust primitives may have subtly different behaviour than OpenCL
  52. primitives within kernels. Wrapping is one example of this. Scalar
  53. integers within Rust may do overflow checks where in the kernel they
  54. do not. Therefore OpenCL-compatible implementations of each of the
  55. types are provided so that host and device side operations can be
  56. perfectly consistent.</p>
  57. <p>The <code>cl_...</code> (<code>cl_uchar</code>, <code>cl_int</code>, <code>cl_float</code>, etc.) types are simple
  58. aliases of the Rust built-in primitive types and do <strong>not</strong> behave the
  59. same way that the kernel-side equivalents do. The uppercase-named
  60. types, on the other hand, (<code>Uchar</code>, <code>Int</code>, <code>Float</code>, etc.) are designed
  61. to behave identically to their corresponding types within kernels.</p>
  62. <p>Please file an issue if any of the uppercase-named kernel-mimicking
  63. types deviate from what they should (as they are reasonably new this
  64. is definitely something to watch out for).</p>
  65. <p>Vector type fields can be accessed using index operations i.e. [0],
  66. [1], [2] ... etc. Plans for other ways of accessing fields (such as
  67. <code>.x()</code>, <code>.y()</code>, <code>.s0()</code>, <code>.s15()</code>, etc.) will be considered in the
  68. future (pending a number of additions/stabilizations to the Rust
  69. language). Create an issue if you have an opinion on the matter.</p>
  70. <p>[NOTE]: This module may be renamed.</p>
  71. </div><h2 id='structs' class='section-header'><a href="#structs">Structs</a></h2>
  72. <table>
  73. <tr class=' module-item'>
  74. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Char.html"
  75. title='struct ocl::prm::Char'>Char</a></td>
  76. <td class='docblock-short'>
  77. </td>
  78. </tr>
  79. <tr class=' module-item'>
  80. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Char2.html"
  81. title='struct ocl::prm::Char2'>Char2</a></td>
  82. <td class='docblock-short'>
  83. </td>
  84. </tr>
  85. <tr class=' module-item'>
  86. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Char3.html"
  87. title='struct ocl::prm::Char3'>Char3</a></td>
  88. <td class='docblock-short'>
  89. </td>
  90. </tr>
  91. <tr class=' module-item'>
  92. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Char4.html"
  93. title='struct ocl::prm::Char4'>Char4</a></td>
  94. <td class='docblock-short'>
  95. </td>
  96. </tr>
  97. <tr class=' module-item'>
  98. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Char8.html"
  99. title='struct ocl::prm::Char8'>Char8</a></td>
  100. <td class='docblock-short'>
  101. </td>
  102. </tr>
  103. <tr class=' module-item'>
  104. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Char16.html"
  105. title='struct ocl::prm::Char16'>Char16</a></td>
  106. <td class='docblock-short'>
  107. </td>
  108. </tr>
  109. <tr class=' module-item'>
  110. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Double.html"
  111. title='struct ocl::prm::Double'>Double</a></td>
  112. <td class='docblock-short'>
  113. </td>
  114. </tr>
  115. <tr class=' module-item'>
  116. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Double2.html"
  117. title='struct ocl::prm::Double2'>Double2</a></td>
  118. <td class='docblock-short'>
  119. </td>
  120. </tr>
  121. <tr class=' module-item'>
  122. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Double3.html"
  123. title='struct ocl::prm::Double3'>Double3</a></td>
  124. <td class='docblock-short'>
  125. </td>
  126. </tr>
  127. <tr class=' module-item'>
  128. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Double4.html"
  129. title='struct ocl::prm::Double4'>Double4</a></td>
  130. <td class='docblock-short'>
  131. </td>
  132. </tr>
  133. <tr class=' module-item'>
  134. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Double8.html"
  135. title='struct ocl::prm::Double8'>Double8</a></td>
  136. <td class='docblock-short'>
  137. </td>
  138. </tr>
  139. <tr class=' module-item'>
  140. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Double16.html"
  141. title='struct ocl::prm::Double16'>Double16</a></td>
  142. <td class='docblock-short'>
  143. </td>
  144. </tr>
  145. <tr class=' module-item'>
  146. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Float.html"
  147. title='struct ocl::prm::Float'>Float</a></td>
  148. <td class='docblock-short'>
  149. </td>
  150. </tr>
  151. <tr class=' module-item'>
  152. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Float2.html"
  153. title='struct ocl::prm::Float2'>Float2</a></td>
  154. <td class='docblock-short'>
  155. </td>
  156. </tr>
  157. <tr class=' module-item'>
  158. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Float3.html"
  159. title='struct ocl::prm::Float3'>Float3</a></td>
  160. <td class='docblock-short'>
  161. </td>
  162. </tr>
  163. <tr class=' module-item'>
  164. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Float4.html"
  165. title='struct ocl::prm::Float4'>Float4</a></td>
  166. <td class='docblock-short'>
  167. </td>
  168. </tr>
  169. <tr class=' module-item'>
  170. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Float8.html"
  171. title='struct ocl::prm::Float8'>Float8</a></td>
  172. <td class='docblock-short'>
  173. </td>
  174. </tr>
  175. <tr class=' module-item'>
  176. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Float16.html"
  177. title='struct ocl::prm::Float16'>Float16</a></td>
  178. <td class='docblock-short'>
  179. </td>
  180. </tr>
  181. <tr class=' module-item'>
  182. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Int.html"
  183. title='struct ocl::prm::Int'>Int</a></td>
  184. <td class='docblock-short'>
  185. </td>
  186. </tr>
  187. <tr class=' module-item'>
  188. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Int2.html"
  189. title='struct ocl::prm::Int2'>Int2</a></td>
  190. <td class='docblock-short'>
  191. </td>
  192. </tr>
  193. <tr class=' module-item'>
  194. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Int3.html"
  195. title='struct ocl::prm::Int3'>Int3</a></td>
  196. <td class='docblock-short'>
  197. </td>
  198. </tr>
  199. <tr class=' module-item'>
  200. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Int4.html"
  201. title='struct ocl::prm::Int4'>Int4</a></td>
  202. <td class='docblock-short'>
  203. </td>
  204. </tr>
  205. <tr class=' module-item'>
  206. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Int8.html"
  207. title='struct ocl::prm::Int8'>Int8</a></td>
  208. <td class='docblock-short'>
  209. </td>
  210. </tr>
  211. <tr class=' module-item'>
  212. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Int16.html"
  213. title='struct ocl::prm::Int16'>Int16</a></td>
  214. <td class='docblock-short'>
  215. </td>
  216. </tr>
  217. <tr class=' module-item'>
  218. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Long.html"
  219. title='struct ocl::prm::Long'>Long</a></td>
  220. <td class='docblock-short'>
  221. </td>
  222. </tr>
  223. <tr class=' module-item'>
  224. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Long2.html"
  225. title='struct ocl::prm::Long2'>Long2</a></td>
  226. <td class='docblock-short'>
  227. </td>
  228. </tr>
  229. <tr class=' module-item'>
  230. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Long3.html"
  231. title='struct ocl::prm::Long3'>Long3</a></td>
  232. <td class='docblock-short'>
  233. </td>
  234. </tr>
  235. <tr class=' module-item'>
  236. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Long4.html"
  237. title='struct ocl::prm::Long4'>Long4</a></td>
  238. <td class='docblock-short'>
  239. </td>
  240. </tr>
  241. <tr class=' module-item'>
  242. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Long8.html"
  243. title='struct ocl::prm::Long8'>Long8</a></td>
  244. <td class='docblock-short'>
  245. </td>
  246. </tr>
  247. <tr class=' module-item'>
  248. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Long16.html"
  249. title='struct ocl::prm::Long16'>Long16</a></td>
  250. <td class='docblock-short'>
  251. </td>
  252. </tr>
  253. <tr class=' module-item'>
  254. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Short.html"
  255. title='struct ocl::prm::Short'>Short</a></td>
  256. <td class='docblock-short'>
  257. </td>
  258. </tr>
  259. <tr class=' module-item'>
  260. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Short2.html"
  261. title='struct ocl::prm::Short2'>Short2</a></td>
  262. <td class='docblock-short'>
  263. </td>
  264. </tr>
  265. <tr class=' module-item'>
  266. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Short3.html"
  267. title='struct ocl::prm::Short3'>Short3</a></td>
  268. <td class='docblock-short'>
  269. </td>
  270. </tr>
  271. <tr class=' module-item'>
  272. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Short4.html"
  273. title='struct ocl::prm::Short4'>Short4</a></td>
  274. <td class='docblock-short'>
  275. </td>
  276. </tr>
  277. <tr class=' module-item'>
  278. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Short8.html"
  279. title='struct ocl::prm::Short8'>Short8</a></td>
  280. <td class='docblock-short'>
  281. </td>
  282. </tr>
  283. <tr class=' module-item'>
  284. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Short16.html"
  285. title='struct ocl::prm::Short16'>Short16</a></td>
  286. <td class='docblock-short'>
  287. </td>
  288. </tr>
  289. <tr class=' module-item'>
  290. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uchar.html"
  291. title='struct ocl::prm::Uchar'>Uchar</a></td>
  292. <td class='docblock-short'>
  293. </td>
  294. </tr>
  295. <tr class=' module-item'>
  296. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uchar2.html"
  297. title='struct ocl::prm::Uchar2'>Uchar2</a></td>
  298. <td class='docblock-short'>
  299. </td>
  300. </tr>
  301. <tr class=' module-item'>
  302. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uchar3.html"
  303. title='struct ocl::prm::Uchar3'>Uchar3</a></td>
  304. <td class='docblock-short'>
  305. </td>
  306. </tr>
  307. <tr class=' module-item'>
  308. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uchar4.html"
  309. title='struct ocl::prm::Uchar4'>Uchar4</a></td>
  310. <td class='docblock-short'>
  311. </td>
  312. </tr>
  313. <tr class=' module-item'>
  314. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uchar8.html"
  315. title='struct ocl::prm::Uchar8'>Uchar8</a></td>
  316. <td class='docblock-short'>
  317. </td>
  318. </tr>
  319. <tr class=' module-item'>
  320. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uchar16.html"
  321. title='struct ocl::prm::Uchar16'>Uchar16</a></td>
  322. <td class='docblock-short'>
  323. </td>
  324. </tr>
  325. <tr class=' module-item'>
  326. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uint.html"
  327. title='struct ocl::prm::Uint'>Uint</a></td>
  328. <td class='docblock-short'>
  329. </td>
  330. </tr>
  331. <tr class=' module-item'>
  332. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uint2.html"
  333. title='struct ocl::prm::Uint2'>Uint2</a></td>
  334. <td class='docblock-short'>
  335. </td>
  336. </tr>
  337. <tr class=' module-item'>
  338. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uint3.html"
  339. title='struct ocl::prm::Uint3'>Uint3</a></td>
  340. <td class='docblock-short'>
  341. </td>
  342. </tr>
  343. <tr class=' module-item'>
  344. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uint4.html"
  345. title='struct ocl::prm::Uint4'>Uint4</a></td>
  346. <td class='docblock-short'>
  347. </td>
  348. </tr>
  349. <tr class=' module-item'>
  350. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uint8.html"
  351. title='struct ocl::prm::Uint8'>Uint8</a></td>
  352. <td class='docblock-short'>
  353. </td>
  354. </tr>
  355. <tr class=' module-item'>
  356. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Uint16.html"
  357. title='struct ocl::prm::Uint16'>Uint16</a></td>
  358. <td class='docblock-short'>
  359. </td>
  360. </tr>
  361. <tr class=' module-item'>
  362. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ulong.html"
  363. title='struct ocl::prm::Ulong'>Ulong</a></td>
  364. <td class='docblock-short'>
  365. </td>
  366. </tr>
  367. <tr class=' module-item'>
  368. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ulong2.html"
  369. title='struct ocl::prm::Ulong2'>Ulong2</a></td>
  370. <td class='docblock-short'>
  371. </td>
  372. </tr>
  373. <tr class=' module-item'>
  374. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ulong3.html"
  375. title='struct ocl::prm::Ulong3'>Ulong3</a></td>
  376. <td class='docblock-short'>
  377. </td>
  378. </tr>
  379. <tr class=' module-item'>
  380. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ulong4.html"
  381. title='struct ocl::prm::Ulong4'>Ulong4</a></td>
  382. <td class='docblock-short'>
  383. </td>
  384. </tr>
  385. <tr class=' module-item'>
  386. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ulong8.html"
  387. title='struct ocl::prm::Ulong8'>Ulong8</a></td>
  388. <td class='docblock-short'>
  389. </td>
  390. </tr>
  391. <tr class=' module-item'>
  392. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ulong16.html"
  393. title='struct ocl::prm::Ulong16'>Ulong16</a></td>
  394. <td class='docblock-short'>
  395. </td>
  396. </tr>
  397. <tr class=' module-item'>
  398. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ushort.html"
  399. title='struct ocl::prm::Ushort'>Ushort</a></td>
  400. <td class='docblock-short'>
  401. </td>
  402. </tr>
  403. <tr class=' module-item'>
  404. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ushort2.html"
  405. title='struct ocl::prm::Ushort2'>Ushort2</a></td>
  406. <td class='docblock-short'>
  407. </td>
  408. </tr>
  409. <tr class=' module-item'>
  410. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ushort3.html"
  411. title='struct ocl::prm::Ushort3'>Ushort3</a></td>
  412. <td class='docblock-short'>
  413. </td>
  414. </tr>
  415. <tr class=' module-item'>
  416. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ushort4.html"
  417. title='struct ocl::prm::Ushort4'>Ushort4</a></td>
  418. <td class='docblock-short'>
  419. </td>
  420. </tr>
  421. <tr class=' module-item'>
  422. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ushort8.html"
  423. title='struct ocl::prm::Ushort8'>Ushort8</a></td>
  424. <td class='docblock-short'>
  425. </td>
  426. </tr>
  427. <tr class=' module-item'>
  428. <td><a class="struct" href="struct.Ushort16.html"
  429. title='struct ocl::prm::Ushort16'>Ushort16</a></td>
  430. <td class='docblock-short'>
  431. </td>
  432. </tr></table><h2 id='types' class='section-header'><a href="#types">Type Definitions</a></h2>
  433. <table>
  434. <tr class=' module-item'>
  435. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_GLenum.html"
  436. title='type ocl::prm::cl_GLenum'>cl_GLenum</a></td>
  437. <td class='docblock-short'>
  438. </td>
  439. </tr>
  440. <tr class=' module-item'>
  441. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_GLint.html"
  442. title='type ocl::prm::cl_GLint'>cl_GLint</a></td>
  443. <td class='docblock-short'>
  444. </td>
  445. </tr>
  446. <tr class=' module-item'>
  447. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_GLuint.html"
  448. title='type ocl::prm::cl_GLuint'>cl_GLuint</a></td>
  449. <td class='docblock-short'>
  450. </td>
  451. </tr>
  452. <tr class=' module-item'>
  453. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_bitfield.html"
  454. title='type ocl::prm::cl_bitfield'>cl_bitfield</a></td>
  455. <td class='docblock-short'>
  456. </td>
  457. </tr>
  458. <tr class=' module-item'>
  459. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_bool.html"
  460. title='type ocl::prm::cl_bool'>cl_bool</a></td>
  461. <td class='docblock-short'>
  462. </td>
  463. </tr>
  464. <tr class=' module-item'>
  465. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_char.html"
  466. title='type ocl::prm::cl_char'>cl_char</a></td>
  467. <td class='docblock-short'>
  468. </td>
  469. </tr>
  470. <tr class=' module-item'>
  471. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_double.html"
  472. title='type ocl::prm::cl_double'>cl_double</a></td>
  473. <td class='docblock-short'>
  474. </td>
  475. </tr>
  476. <tr class=' module-item'>
  477. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_float.html"
  478. title='type ocl::prm::cl_float'>cl_float</a></td>
  479. <td class='docblock-short'>
  480. </td>
  481. </tr>
  482. <tr class=' module-item'>
  483. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_half.html"
  484. title='type ocl::prm::cl_half'>cl_half</a></td>
  485. <td class='docblock-short'>
  486. </td>
  487. </tr>
  488. <tr class=' module-item'>
  489. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_int.html"
  490. title='type ocl::prm::cl_int'>cl_int</a></td>
  491. <td class='docblock-short'>
  492. </td>
  493. </tr>
  494. <tr class=' module-item'>
  495. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_long.html"
  496. title='type ocl::prm::cl_long'>cl_long</a></td>
  497. <td class='docblock-short'>
  498. </td>
  499. </tr>
  500. <tr class=' module-item'>
  501. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_short.html"
  502. title='type ocl::prm::cl_short'>cl_short</a></td>
  503. <td class='docblock-short'>
  504. </td>
  505. </tr>
  506. <tr class=' module-item'>
  507. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_uchar.html"
  508. title='type ocl::prm::cl_uchar'>cl_uchar</a></td>
  509. <td class='docblock-short'>
  510. </td>
  511. </tr>
  512. <tr class=' module-item'>
  513. <td><a class="type" href="type.cl_uint.html"
  514. title='type ocl::prm::cl_uint'>cl_uint</a></td>
  515. <td class='docblock-short'>
  516. </td>
  517. </tr>
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