sidebar-items.js 2.3 KB

  1. initSidebarItems({"enum":[["IResult","The result of a parser."]],"macro":[["alt","Run a series of parsers, returning the result of the first one which succeeds."],["call","Invoke the given parser function with the passed in arguments."],["cond","Conditionally execute the given parser."],["cond_reduce","Fail to parse if condition is false, otherwise parse the given parser."],["delimited","Value surrounded by a pair of delimiters."],["do_parse","Run a series of parsers, one after another, optionally assigning the results a name. Fail if any of the parsers fails."],["epsilon","Parses nothing and always succeeds."],["keyword","Parse a keyword like \"fn\" or \"struct\"."],["many0","Parse zero or more values using the given parser."],["map","Transform the result of a parser by applying a function or closure."],["named","Define a function from a parser combination."],["not","Parses successfully if the given parser fails to parse. Does not consume any of the input."],["opt_vec","Turn a failed parse into an empty vector. The argument parser must itself return a vector."],["option","Turn a failed parse into `None` and a successful parse into `Some`."],["peek","Parse a value without consuming it from the input data."],["preceded","Parse two things, returning the value of the second."],["punct","Parse a piece of punctuation like \"+\" or \"+=\"."],["separated_list","Zero or more values separated by some separator. Does not allow a trailing seperator."],["separated_nonempty_list","One or more values separated by some separator. Does not allow a trailing separator."],["switch","Pattern-match the result of a parser to select which other parser to run."],["tag","Parse the given string from exactly the current position in the input. You almost always want `punct!` or `keyword!` instead of this."],["take_until","Parse the part of the input up to but not including the given string. Fail to parse if the given string is not present in the input."],["terminated","Parse two things, returning the value of the first."],["terminated_list","Zero or more values separated by some separator. A trailing separator is allowed."],["tuple","Run a series of parsers and produce all of the results in a tuple."],["value","Produce the given value without parsing anything. Useful as an argument to `switch!`."]]});