123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835 |
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- <ol class="chapter"><li><a href="qcgpu.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.</strong> QCGPU</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li><a href="getting-started.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.1.</strong> Getting Started</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="user-guide/user-guide.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.</strong> User Guide</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li><a href="user-guide/registers.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.1.</strong> Quantum Registers</a></li><li><a href="user-guide/gates.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.2.</strong> Quantum Gates</a></li><li><a href="user-guide/operations.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.3.</strong> Quantum Operations</a></li><li><a href="user-guide/examples.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.4.</strong> Examples</a></li><li><a href="user-guide/decoherence.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.5.</strong> Decoherence</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="algorithms/algorithms.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.</strong> Algorithms</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li><a href="algorithms/bernstein-vazirani.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.</strong> Bernstein-Vazirani</a></li><li><a href="algorithms/deutsch-jozsa.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.2.</strong> Deutsch-Jozsa</a></li><li><a href="algorithms/grover.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.3.</strong> Grovers</a></li><li><a href="algorithms/shor.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.4.</strong> Shors</a></li><li><a href="algorithms/super-dense.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.5.</strong> Super Dense Coding</a></li></ol></li></ol>
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- <a class="header" href="print.html#qcgpu" id="qcgpu"><h1>QCGPU</h1></a>
- <p><strong>QCGPU</strong> is a high performance, hardware accelerated quantum computer simulator written with <a href="https://rust-lang.org/">Rust</a> and <a href="https://www.khronos.org/opencl/">OpenCL</a>.</p>
- <p>QCGPU is free and open source. The source code is available on <a href="https://github.com/qcgpu/qcgpu-rust">GitHub</a>. Please report any places where the documentation is unclear, or where examples could be added or improved by creating an <a href="https://github.com/qcgpu/qcgpu-rust/issues">issue</a>.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#help-wanted" id="help-wanted"><h2>Help Wanted</h2></a>
- <p>Please request any functionality you would like, need or appreciate by creating an <a href="https://github.com/qcgpu/qcgpu-rust/issues">issue</a>. If you would like to add functionality or fix issues, please create a <a href="https://github.com/qcgpu/qcgpu-rust/pulls">pull request</a> and I will get back to you (usually within the day).</p>
- <p>Any other feedback, suggestions or even tiny bits of criticism are welcome. When in doubt, file an <a href="https://github.com/qcgpu/qcgpu-rust/issues">issue</a>!</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#api-docs" id="api-docs"><h2>API Docs</h2></a>
- <p>Alongside this guide, you may also want the <a href="https://qcgpu.github.com/qcgpu/documentation">documentation</a>.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#license" id="license"><h2>License</h2></a>
- <p>QCGPU is licensed under the <a href="https://github.com/qcgpu/qcgpu-rust/blob/master/LICENSE">MIT</a> License.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#getting-started" id="getting-started"><h1>Getting Started</h1></a>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#installing-the-requirements" id="installing-the-requirements"><h2>Installing The Requirements</h2></a>
- <p>To use QCGPU, you will need Rust and OpenCL installed.</p>
- <p>The setup process for OpenCL will be different for every device. All apple devices (MacOS / OSX) will have OpenCL already installed.
- For some hints on how to install on linux, look at the <a href="https://github.com/QCGPU/qcgpu-rust/blob/master/EC2-install.md">AWS EC2 Install Instructions</a>.
- There is also a good chance that it is installed already. Check that <code>clinfo</code> for some other diagnostic command will run.</p>
- <p>Rust is very easy to install. Check out <a href="https://www.rustup.rs">rustup</a>.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#adding-the-dependency" id="adding-the-dependency"><h2>Adding The Dependency</h2></a>
- <p>To use the library with rust, you must add the following to your <code>cargo.toml</code> file:</p>
- <pre><code class="language-toml">[dependencies]
- qcgpu = "0.1"
- </code></pre>
- <p>You should now be able to use the library by adding</p>
- <pre><code>extern crate qcgpu;
- </code></pre>
- <p>to <code>lib.rs</code> or <code>main.rs</code>, depending on if you are writing an executable or a library.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#user-guide" id="user-guide"><h1>User Guide</h1></a>
- <p>This chapter covers the usage of the QCGPU library. It will also contain some information about the mathematics that each of the functions represents.</p>
- <p>All aspects of the library are covered by this chapter, whereas complete examples (in the form of algorithm implementations) are available in the <a href="../algorithms/algorithms.html">Algorithms Chapter</a></p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#quantum-registers" id="quantum-registers"><h1>Quantum Registers</h1></a>
- <p>All of the simulation is done through quantum registers. QCGPU provides a struct as a register, but that contains fields to do with the OpenCL buffers and related items, so the creation of registers should be done through the provided methods.</p>
- <p>The library is optimized for complex superpositions, so the registers are all dense. This means that the number of qubits you can initialize is directly related to the capacity / available memory of the device.</p>
- <p>The register struct is called <code>State</code> and is available through <code>qcgpu::State</code>.</p>
- <p>To create a register, the easiest way to do it is with the <code>State::new</code> method.
- It takes two parameters, the number of qubits and the device to use. The device is given as a usize, and corresponds to the OpenCL device which the register will be on.</p>
- <p>The following example creates a register with 5 qubits on the 1st device.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust"># extern crate qcgpu;
- use qcgpu::State;
- # fn main() {
- let mut register = State::new(5, 0);
- # }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <p>Notice that the register is mutable. This allows the register to change. Also, the device is 0 indexed.</p>
- <p>The implementation is equivilent to the description of a state vector \( \lvert \psi \rangle \) with</p>
- <p>\[ \lvert \psi \rangle = \sum_{j = 0}^{2^n - 1} \alpha_j \lvert j \rangle \]</p>
- <p>where \(n\) is the number of qubits, \(\alpha_j\) is the amplitude and the state is \(j\) runs over all \(2^n\) basis states.</p>
- <p>There is one other way to initialize a state. Given a bitstring, a register can be initialized in that state using the <code>State::from_bit_string</code> method. For example, to initialize a register with the value <code>0100</code> the following is used:</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust"># extern crate qcgpu;
- use qcgpu::State;
- # fn main() {
- let mut register = State::from_bit_string("|0100>", 0);
- # }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <p>The second argument is the same as before. The register that is outputed from this method is equivilent to the state</p>
- <p>\[ \lvert 0100 \rangle\]</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#quantum-gates" id="quantum-gates"><h1>Quantum Gates</h1></a>
- <p>Gates are used to manipulate quantum registers and to implement quantum algorithms.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#built-in-gates" id="built-in-gates"><h2>Built In Gates</h2></a>
- <p>There are a number of gates built in to QCGPU. They can all be applied the same way:</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut state = State::new(5, 0);
- state.h(0); // Applies the hadamard (`h`) gate to the 0th qubit
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <p><code>h</code> can be replaced with any of the following:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>The hadmard gate: <strong>h</strong> - <code>state.h(0);</code></li>
- <li>The S gate: <strong>s</strong> - <code>state.s(0);</code></li>
- <li>The T gate: <strong>t</strong> - <code>state.t(0);</code></li>
- <li>The Pauli-X / NOT gate: <strong>x</strong> - <code>state.x(0);</code></li>
- <li>The Pauli-Y gate: <strong>y</strong> - <code>state.y(0);</code></li>
- <li>The Pauli-Z gate: <strong>z</strong> - <code>state.z(0);</code></li>
- <li>The CNOT gate: <strong>cx</strong> - <code>state.cx(0, 1); // CNOT with control = 0, target = 1</code></li>
- <li>The SWAP gate: <strong>swap</strong> - <code>state.swap(0,1); // Swaps the 0th and 1st qubit</code></li>
- <li>The Toffoli gate: <strong>toffoli</strong> - <code>state.toffoli(0, 1, 2); // Toffoli with control1 = 0, control1 = 1, target = 2</code></li>
- </ul>
- <p>These are all shorthand methods for the application of arbitrary gates. For example, the application of a hadamard gate above is shorthand for</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::gates::{h};
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut state = State::new(5, 0);
- state.apply_gate(h(), 0);
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <p>You can also use any of the gates as controlled gates. For example, the application of the CNOT gate above is shorthand for</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::gates::{x};
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut state = State::new(5, 0);
- state.apply_controlled_gate(x(), 0, 1);
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#user-defined-gates" id="user-defined-gates"><h2>User Defined Gates</h2></a>
- <p>Gates in QCGPU are represented by the <code>Gate</code> struct, available through <code>qcgpu::Gate</code>.</p>
- <p>It is defined as follows:</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- extern crate num_complex;
- use num_complex::Complex32;
- struct Gate {
- a: Complex32,
- b: Complex32,
- c: Complex32,
- d: Complex32,
- }
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <p>To create your own gate, you will need to add the <code>num_complex</code> crate to your dependencies.</p>
- <p>A gate is created as follows:</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- let x = Gate {
- Gate {
- a: Complex32::new(0.0, 0.0),
- b: Complex32::new(1.0, 0.0),
- c: Complex32::new(1.0, 0.0),
- d: Complex32::new(0.0, 0.0),
- }
- }
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <p>This corresponds to the matrix</p>
- <p>\[x = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]</p>
- <p>This can be applied using the same long hand method as above:</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- let mut state = State::new(1, 0);
- state.apply_gate(x, 0);
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#quantum-operations" id="quantum-operations"><h1>Quantum Operations</h1></a>
- <p>There are a number of operations you can preform on quantum registers with QCGPU.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#measurement" id="measurement"><h2>Measurement</h2></a>
- <p>You can measure the register in two ways. You can either do a single measurement and return an integer with the measured value or you can measure multiple times and return a <code>HashMap<String, i32></code>, with the key being the bitstring, and the value being the number of times it was measured.</p>
- <p>The measurements don't collapse the state.</p>
- <p>They are used as follows:</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut state = State::new(5, 0);
- state.measure(); // Returns an integer
- state.measure_many(1000); // Measures 1000 times, returns a HashMap<String, i32>
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <p>There is also a convenience method to measure the first \(n\) qubits in the register. Again, the state is not collapsed</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut state = State::new(5, 0);
- state.measure_first(3, 1000); // Measures the first 3 qubits 1000 times, returns a HashMap<String, i32>
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#probability" id="probability"><h2>Probability</h2></a>
- <p>QCGPU provides another method for getting the probability of each outcome.</p>
- <p>The probability is calculated for a state \(\lvert \psi \rangle = \sum_{j = 0}^{2^n - 1} \alpha_j \lvert j \rangle\),</p>
- <p>\[P(j) = |\alpha_j|^2\]</p>
- <p>The method <code>get_probabilities</code> returns a <code>Vec<f32></code> with each of the values corresponding to \(|\alpha_j|^2\) for each index \(j\).</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut state = State::new(1, 0);
- state.h(0);
- state.get_probabilities(); // [0.5, 0.5]
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#examples" id="examples"><h1>Examples</h1></a>
- <p>Here is a complete example of using QCGPU to simulate the bell state.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
- use qcgpu::State;
- fn main() {
- // Create a new quantum register with 2 qubits on OpenCL device #0
- let mut register = State::new(2, 0);
- // Apply a hadamard gate to the first qubit
- register.h(0);
- // Apply a CNOT, with the control = 0, and target = 1
- register.cx(0, 1);
- // Measure the register 1000 times and print the output
- println!("Measured: {:?}", register.measure_many(1000));
- }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <p>The output should be something like</p>
- <pre><code class="language-shell">Measured: {"00": 516, "11": 484}
- </code></pre>
- <p>For more, non trivial examples, see the <a href="../algorithms/algorithms.html">Algorithms</a></p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#decoherence" id="decoherence"><h1>Decoherence</h1></a>
- <p>QCGPU provides a way to easily simulate the effects of decoherence on the quantum computer. The effects are simulated by a random gate, corresponding to a random rotation around the \(z\) axis of the bloch sphere.</p>
- <p>The angle of the rotation is a normal distrobuted value, with the varience as the strength factor <code>d</code>.</p>
- <p>To avoid performance costs when not being used, decoherence can be enabled via a feature.</p>
- <p>Change the dependency in <code>cargo.toml</code> to</p>
- <pre><code class="language-toml">[dependencies]
- qcgpu = { version = "0.1", features = ["decoherence"] }
- </code></pre>
- <p>Now you can add decoherence to your simulator.</p>
- <p>To set the amount of decoherence, the <code>set_decoherence</code> method is used. Its arguments are the strength of the decoherence.
- This will affect all following gate applications.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- use qcgpu::State;
- let mut register = State::new(5, 0);
- register.set_decoherence(0.4);
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <p>You can also manually decohere the register based on the previously set strength value. This method is automatically called by all gate applications.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- register.decohere();
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#algorithms" id="algorithms"><h1>Algorithms</h1></a>
- <p>The following chapter details some implementations of non trivial quantum algorithms. They are based on the source code from <a href="http://www.libquantum.de/">libquantum</a> along with the lecture notes from <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/%7Ewatrous/LectureNotes.html">the University of Waterloo</a>.</p>
- <p>Note that some implementations may not yet be complete.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#bernstein-vazirani-algorithm" id="bernstein-vazirani-algorithm"><h1>Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm</h1></a>
- <p>This algorithm finds a hidden integer \(a \in { 0, 1}^n\)from
- an oracle \(f_a\)which returns a bit \(a \cdot x \equiv \sum_i a_i x_i \mod 2\)
- for an input \(x \in {0,1}^n\).</p>
- <p>A classical oracle returns \(f_a(x) = a \dot x \mod 2\), while the quantum oracle
- must be queried with superpositions of input \(x\)'s.</p>
- <p>To solve this problem classically, the hidden integer can be found by checking the
- oracle with the inputs \(x = 1,2,\dots,2^i,2^{n-1}\), where each
- query reveals the \(i\)th bit of \(a\) (\(a_i\)).
- This is the optimal classical solution, and is O(n). Using a quantum oracle and the
- Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, \(a\) can be found with just one query to the oracle.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#the-algorithm" id="the-algorithm"><h2>The Algorithm</h2></a>
- <ol>
- <li>Initialize \(n\) qubits in the state \(\lvert 0, \dots, 0\rangle\).</li>
- <li>Apply the Hadamard gate \(H\) to each qubit.</li>
- <li>Apply the inner product oracle.</li>
- <li>Apply the Hadamard gate \(H\) to each qubit.</li>
- <li>Measure the register</li>
- </ol>
- <p>From this procedure, we find that the registers measured value is equal to that of
- the original hidden integer.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
- use qcgpu::State;
- use qcgpu::gates::h;
- fn main() {
- let num_qubits = 16; // Number of qubits to use
- let a = 101; // Hidden integer, bitstring is 1100101
- // You should also make sure that a is representable with n qubits,
- // by settings a as a mod 2^n.
- // Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm
- let mut state = State::new(num_qubits, 1); // New quantum register, using the GPU.
- // Apply a hadamard gate to each qubit
- state.apply_all(h());
- // Apply the inner products oracle
- for i in 0..num_qubits {
- if a & (1 << i) != 0 {
- state.z(i as i32);
- }
- // Otherwise should apply identity gate, but computationally this doens't change the state.
- }
- // Apply hadamard gates before measuring
- state.apply_all(h());
- println!("Measurement Results: {:?}", state.measure_many(1000));
- // Measurement Results: {"0000000001100101": 1000}
- }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#deutsch-jozsa-algorithm" id="deutsch-jozsa-algorithm"><h1>Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm</h1></a>
- <p>This algorithm was the first to show that quantum computers could have a speedup over classical computers.</p>
- <p>Consider a function \(f(x)\) which takes an input of an \(n\)-bit string \(x\) and returns 0 or 1.</p>
- <p>Suppose that \(f(x)\) is either a <strong>constant</strong> function that has the same value \(c \in {0, 1}, \forall x\), or a <strong>balanced</strong> function, where the value is 0 for half of the inputs, and 1 for the other half.</p>
- <p>The Deutsch-Jozsa problem is to find whether \(f\) is <em>constant</em> or <em>balanced</em>, in as few function evaluations as possible.</p>
- <p>Using classical computing, in the worst case, this requires \(2^{n-1}+1\) function evaluations.
- Using quantum computing, this can be done with just one function evaluation.</p>
- <p>The function \(f\), to be used in a quantum computer, must be specified specified by an oracle circuit \(U_{f}\) such that \(U_{f} \lvert x \rangle = (-1)^{f(x)}\lvert x \rangle\).</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#the-algorithm-1" id="the-algorithm-1"><h2>The Algorithm</h2></a>
- <ol>
- <li>Initialize \(n\) qubits in the state \(\lvert 0, \dots, 0\rangle\).</li>
- <li>Apply the Hadamard gate \(H\) to each qubit.</li>
- <li>Apply the oracle circuit \(U_f\).</li>
- <li>Apply the Hadamard gate \(H\) to each qubit.</li>
- <li>Measure each qubit. Let \(y = (y_{1}, \dots, y_{n})\) be the list of measurement outcomes.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>From this procedure, we find that \(f\) is constant if \(y\) is the all zero string.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
- use qcgpu::State;
- use qcgpu::gates::h;
- fn main() {
- // 3 qubits, f(x) = x_0 NOT x_1 x_2
- // Balanced
- let mut balanced_state = State::new(3, 1);
- balanced_state.apply_all(h());
- // Oracle U_f
- balanced_state.h(2);
- balanced_state.z(0);
- balanced_state.cx(1, 2);
- balanced_state.h(2);
- balanced_state.apply_all(h());
- println!(
- "{}",
- if balanced_state.measure() == 0 {
- "constant"
- } else {
- "balanced"
- }
- );
- // 3 qubits, f(x) = 0
- // Constant
- let mut constant_state = State::new(3, 1);
- constant_state.apply_all(h());
- // Oracle is equivilant to the identity gate, thus has no effect on the
- // state.
- constant_state.apply_all(h());
- println!(
- "{}",
- if constant_state.measure() == 0 {
- "constant"
- } else {
- "balanced"
- }
- );
- }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#grovers-algorithm" id="grovers-algorithm"><h1>Grovers Algorithm</h1></a>
- <p>Given an unstructured set \(N = {a_1, a_2,\dots,a_n}\), find
- a given element \(a_i \in N\).</p>
- <p>This implementation looks for a given number \(target\) in the set \({0,1,\dots, \text{regwidth}}\).</p>
- <p>See <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/%7Ewatrous/LectureNotes.html">https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~watrous/LectureNotes.html</a></p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
- extern crate rand;
- use qcgpu::State;
- use std::f32::consts::PI;
- fn main() {
- let mut state = State::new(8, 1);
- let target = 5;
- let reg_width = 3;
- let num_inversions = ((PI / 4.0) * ((1 << reg_width) as f32).sqrt()) as i32;
- state.x(reg_width);
- for i in 0..(reg_width + 1) {
- state.h(i);
- }
- for _ in 0..(num_inversions) {
- iteration(&mut state, target, reg_width);
- }
- state.h(reg_width);
- println!("Measured: {:?}", state.measure_first(reg_width, 1000));
- }
- fn oracle(state: &mut State, target: i32, reg_width: i32) {
- for i in 0..reg_width {
- if get_bit(target, i) == 0 {
- state.x(i);
- }
- }
- state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
- let mut i = 1;
- while i < reg_width {
- state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
- i += 1;
- }
- state.cx(reg_width + i, reg_width);
- i = reg_width - 1;
- while i > 0 {
- state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
- i -= 1;
- }
- state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
- for i in 0..reg_width {
- if get_bit(target, i) == 0 {
- state.x(i);
- }
- }
- }
- fn inversion(state: &mut State, reg_width: i32) {
- for i in 0..reg_width {
- state.x(i);
- }
- state.h(reg_width - 1);
- if reg_width == 3 {
- state.toffoli(0, 1, 2);
- } else {
- state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
- let mut i = 1;
- while i < reg_width {
- state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
- i += 1;
- }
- state.cx(reg_width + i, reg_width - 1);
- i = reg_width - 2;
- while i > 0 {
- state.toffoli(i, reg_width + i, reg_width + i + 1);
- i -= 1;
- }
- state.toffoli(0, 1, reg_width + 1);
- }
- state.h(reg_width - 1);
- for i in 0..reg_width {
- state.x(i);
- }
- }
- fn iteration(state: &mut State, target: i32, reg_width: i32) {
- oracle(state, target, reg_width);
- for i in 0..reg_width {
- state.h(i);
- }
- inversion(state, reg_width);
- for i in 0..reg_width {
- state.h(i);
- }
- }
- /// Get the value of a bit
- fn get_bit(number: i32, n: i32) -> i32 {
- if number & (1 << n) != 0 {
- return 1;
- }
- 0
- }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#shors-algorithm" id="shors-algorithm"><h1>Shors Algorithm</h1></a>
- <p>This algorithm finds the prime factors (\)u\) and \(v\)) of an odd, composite integer \(n\),
- that is not a prime power.</p>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#the-algorithm-2" id="the-algorithm-2"><h2>The Algorithm</h2></a>
- <p>(pseudo code)</p>
- <pre><code class="language-pseudo">Repeat
- Randomly choose \\(a \in \{ 2, \dots, n - 1 \}\\)
- Compute \\(d = gcd(a, n)\\)
- If \\(d \geq 2\\) then
- Return \\(u = d\\) and \\(v = n/d\\)
- Else // We know \\(a \in \mathbb{Z}^*_N\\)
- Let \\(r\\) be the order of \\(a\\) in \\(\mathbb{Z}^*_N\\) // Order finding algorithm
- If \\(r\\) is even then
- Compute \\(x = a^{r/2} - 1 (\mod n)\\)
- Compute \\(d = \gcd(x, n)\\)
- If \\(d \geq 2\\) then
- Return \\(u = d\\) and \\(v = n/d\\)
- Until a value is returned.
- </code></pre>
- <p>See <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/%7Ewatrous/LectureNotes.html">https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~watrous/LectureNotes.html</a></p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
- extern crate rand;
- use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
- use qcgpu::{gcd, State};
- use qcgpu::gates::h;
- fn main() {
- let n = 15; // Number to factor
- println!("Factoring {}.", n);
- // Here we should check if the number is even, or if it is a power factor
- let mut rng = thread_rng();
- loop {
- let mut a = rng.gen_range(2, n); // Randomly choose \\(a \in \{ 2, \dots, n - 1 \}\\)
- let mut d = gcd(a, n);
- if d >= 2 {
- // Found the factors; No Quantum needed
- println!(
- "Factors are {} and {} (No quantum algorithm used)",
- d,
- n / d
- );
- break;
- } else {
- // We know \\(a \in \mathbb{Z}^*_N\\)
- let r = find_order(a, n);
- if r % 2 == 0 {
- let x = (a.pow((r as f32 / 2 as f32) as u32) - 1) % n;
- d = gcd(x, n);
- if d >= 2 {
- println!("Factors are {} and {}", d, n / d);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- println!("Period is odd");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- </code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#order-finding" id="order-finding"><h2>Order Finding</h2></a>
- <p>Given a positive integer \(n \geq 2\) and an element \(a \in \mathbb{Z}_n^* \),
- Find the order of \(a\) in \(\mathbb{Z}_n^*\).</p>
- <p>Order finding is the only quantum part in shors algorithm.</p>
- <p>\(\mathbb{Z}_n\) is the set of integers from \({0,\dots, n - 1}\) or \(\mathbb{z} \mod n\).
- The set \(\mathbb{Z}_n^* = {a \in \mathbb{Z}_n : \gcd(a,n) = 1}\)</p>
- <p>The set \( \mathbb{Z}_n^* \) forms a group wth the multiplication modulo \(n\) operation.
- Thus, for \( a \in \mathbb{Z}_n^* \) , \(\exists b \in \mathbb{Z}_n^*\) that uniquely satisfies</p>
- <p>\[
- ab \equiv 1 \mod n
- \]</p>
- <p>The order of a given element \(a \in \mathbb{Z}_n^*\) is the smallest positive integer \(r\) such that</p>
- <p>\[
- a^r \equiv 1 \mod n
- \]</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">
- # #![allow(unused_variables)]
- #fn main() {
- fn find_order(a: i32, n: i32) -> i32 {
- unimplemented!()
- }
- #}</code></pre></pre>
- <a class="header" href="print.html#super-dense-coding" id="super-dense-coding"><h1>Super Dense Coding</h1></a>
- <p>if Alice and Bob share a pair of entangled qubits, then Alice can encode two classical bits into her one entangled qubit,
- send it to Bob, and Bob can decode it with the help of his entangled qubit.</p>
- <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
- use qcgpu::State;
- fn superdense(input: &str) -> i32 {
- let mut state = State::new(2, 0);
- let input_str = String::from(input);
- // Prepare the bell state
- state.h(0);
- state.cx(0, 1);
- // Alice prepares her qubit
- let alice = 1;
- if input_str.get(0..1) == Some("1") {
- state.z(alice);
- }
- if input_str.get(1..2) == Some("1") {
- state.x(alice);
- }
- println!("\nState after Alice prepares her qubit: \n{}", state);
- // Alice sends her qubit to Bob
- let bob = 0;
- state.cx(alice, bob);
- state.h(alice);
- println!(
- "\nState after Bob receives Alice's qubit and 'decodes' it: \n{}",
- state
- );
- state.measure()
- }
- fn main() {
- use std::io;
- println!("Two bit string to send:");
- let mut input = String::new();
- match io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) {
- Ok(_n) => {
- let result = superdense(input.as_str());
- println!("\nDecoded string is: {}", result);
- }
- Err(error) => println!("error: {}", error),
- }
- }
- </code></pre></pre>
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