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  116. <a class="header" href="#super-dense-coding" id="super-dense-coding"><h1>Super Dense Coding</h1></a>
  117. <p>if Alice and Bob share a pair of entangled qubits, then Alice can encode two classical bits into her one entangled qubit,
  118. send it to Bob, and Bob can decode it with the help of his entangled qubit.</p>
  119. <pre><pre class="playpen"><code class="language-rust">extern crate qcgpu;
  120. use qcgpu::State;
  121. fn superdense(input: &amp;str) -&gt; i32 {
  122. let mut state = State::new(2, 0);
  123. let input_str = String::from(input);
  124. // Prepare the bell state
  125. state.h(0);
  126., 1);
  127. // Alice prepares her qubit
  128. let alice = 1;
  129. if input_str.get(0..1) == Some(&quot;1&quot;) {
  130. state.z(alice);
  131. }
  132. if input_str.get(1..2) == Some(&quot;1&quot;) {
  133. state.x(alice);
  134. }
  135. println!(&quot;\nState after Alice prepares her qubit: \n{}&quot;, state);
  136. // Alice sends her qubit to Bob
  137. let bob = 0;
  138., bob);
  139. state.h(alice);
  140. println!(
  141. &quot;\nState after Bob receives Alice's qubit and 'decodes' it: \n{}&quot;,
  142. state
  143. );
  144. state.measure()
  145. }
  146. fn main() {
  147. use std::io;
  148. println!(&quot;Two bit string to send:&quot;);
  149. let mut input = String::new();
  150. match io::stdin().read_line(&amp;mut input) {
  151. Ok(_n) =&gt; {
  152. let result = superdense(input.as_str());
  153. println!(&quot;\nDecoded string is: {}&quot;, result);
  154. }
  155. Err(error) =&gt; println!(&quot;error: {}&quot;, error),
  156. }
  157. }
  158. </code></pre></pre>
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