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- <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><meta name="generator" content="rustdoc"><meta name="description" content="API documentation for the Rust `UnsafeNotify` trait in crate `futures`."><meta name="keywords" content="rust, rustlang, rust-lang, UnsafeNotify"><title>futures::executor::UnsafeNotify - Rust</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../normalize.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../rustdoc.css" id="mainThemeStyle"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../dark.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../light.css" id="themeStyle"><script src="../../storage.js"></script></head><body class="rustdoc trait"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div class="warning">This old browser is unsupported and will most likely display funky things.</div><![endif]--><nav class="sidebar"><div class="sidebar-menu">☰</div><p class='location'>Trait UnsafeNotify</p><div class="sidebar-elems"><div class="block items"><a class="sidebar-title" href="#required-methods">Required Methods</a><div class="sidebar-links"><a href="#tymethod.clone_raw">clone_raw</a><a href="#tymethod.drop_raw">drop_raw</a></div><a class="sidebar-title" href="#implementors">Implementors</a></div><p class='location'><a href='../index.html'>futures</a>::<wbr><a href='index.html'>executor</a></p><script>window.sidebarCurrent = {name: 'UnsafeNotify', ty: 'trait', relpath: ''};</script><script defer src="sidebar-items.js"></script></div></nav><div class="theme-picker"><button id="theme-picker" aria-label="Pick another theme!"><img src="../../brush.svg" width="18" alt="Pick another theme!"></button><div id="theme-choices"></div></div><script src="../../theme.js"></script><nav class="sub"><form class="search-form js-only"><div class="search-container"><input class="search-input" name="search" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Click or press ‘S’ to search, ‘?’ for more options…" type="search"><a id="settings-menu" href="../../settings.html"><img src="../../wheel.svg" width="18" alt="Change settings"></a></div></form></nav><section id="main" class="content"><h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Trait <a href='../index.html'>futures</a>::<wbr><a href='index.html'>executor</a>::<wbr><a class="trait" href=''>UnsafeNotify</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'><a id="toggle-all-docs" href="javascript:void(0)" title="collapse all docs">[<span class='inner'>−</span>]</a></span><a class='srclink' href='../../src/futures/task_impl/mod.rs.html#530-572' title='goto source code'>[src]</a></span></h1><div class="docblock type-decl"><pre class='rust trait'>pub unsafe trait UnsafeNotify: <a class="trait" href="../../futures/executor/trait.Notify.html" title="trait futures::executor::Notify">Notify</a> {
- unsafe fn <a href='#tymethod.clone_raw' class='fnname'>clone_raw</a>(&self) -> <a class="struct" href="../../futures/executor/struct.NotifyHandle.html" title="struct futures::executor::NotifyHandle">NotifyHandle</a>;
- <div class='item-spacer'></div> unsafe fn <a href='#tymethod.drop_raw' class='fnname'>drop_raw</a>(&self);
- }</pre></div><div class='docblock'><p>An unsafe trait for implementing custom forms of memory management behind a
- <code>Task</code>.</p>
- <p>The <code>futures</code> critically relies on "notification handles" to extract for
- futures to contain and then later inform that they're ready to make
- progress. These handles, however, must be cheap to create and cheap
- to clone to ensure that this operation is efficient throughout the
- execution of a program.</p>
- <p>Typically this sort of memory management is done in the standard library
- with the <code>Arc</code> type. An <code>Arc</code> is relatively cheap to allocate an is
- quite cheap to clone and pass around. Plus, it's 100% safe!</p>
- <p>When working outside the standard library, however, you don't always have
- and <code>Arc</code> type available to you. This trait, <code>UnsafeNotify</code>, is intended
- to be the "unsafe version" of the <code>Notify</code> trait. This trait encodes the
- memory management operations of a <code>Task</code>'s notification handle, allowing
- custom implementations for the memory management of a notification handle.</p>
- <p>Put another way, the core notification type in this library,
- <code>NotifyHandle</code>, simply internally contains an instance of
- <code>*mut UnsafeNotify</code>. This "unsafe trait object" is then used exclusively
- to operate with, dynamically dispatching calls to clone, drop, and notify.
- Critically though as a raw pointer it doesn't require a particular form
- of memory management, allowing external implementations.</p>
- <p>A default implementation of the <code>UnsafeNotify</code> trait is provided for the
- <code>Arc</code> type in the standard library. If the <code>use_std</code> feature of this crate
- is not available however, you'll be required to implement your own
- instance of this trait to pass it into <code>NotifyHandle::new</code>.</p>
- <h1 id="unsafety" class="section-header"><a href="#unsafety">Unsafety</a></h1>
- <p>This trait is manually encoding the memory management of the underlying
- handle, and as a result is quite unsafe to implement! Implementors of
- this trait must guarantee:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Calls to <code>clone_raw</code> produce uniquely owned handles. It should be safe
- to drop the current handle and have the returned handle still be valid.</li>
- <li>Calls to <code>drop_raw</code> work with <code>self</code> as a raw pointer, deallocating
- resources associated with it. This is a pretty unsafe operation as it's
- invalidating the <code>self</code> pointer, so extreme care needs to be taken.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>In general it's recommended to review the trait documentation as well as
- the implementation for <code>Arc</code> in this crate. When in doubt ping the
- <code>futures</code> authors to clarify an unsafety question here.</p>
- </div>
- <h2 id='required-methods' class='small-section-header'>
- Required Methods<a href='#required-methods' class='anchor'></a>
- </h2>
- <div class='methods'>
- <h3 id='tymethod.clone_raw' class='method'><span id='clone_raw.v' class='invisible'><code>unsafe fn <a href='#tymethod.clone_raw' class='fnname'>clone_raw</a>(&self) -> <a class="struct" href="../../futures/executor/struct.NotifyHandle.html" title="struct futures::executor::NotifyHandle">NotifyHandle</a></code></span></h3><div class='docblock'><p>Creates a new <code>NotifyHandle</code> from this instance of <code>UnsafeNotify</code>.</p>
- <p>This function will create a new uniquely owned handle that under the
- hood references the same notification instance. In other words calls
- to <code>notify</code> on the returned handle should be equivalent to calls to
- <code>notify</code> on this handle.</p>
- <h1 id="unsafety-1" class="section-header"><a href="#unsafety-1">Unsafety</a></h1>
- <p>This trait is unsafe to implement, as are all these methods. This
- method is also unsafe to call as it's asserting the <code>UnsafeNotify</code>
- value is in a consistent state. In general it's recommended to
- review the trait documentation as well as the implementation for <code>Arc</code>
- in this crate. When in doubt ping the <code>futures</code> authors to clarify
- an unsafety question here.</p>
- </div><h3 id='tymethod.drop_raw' class='method'><span id='drop_raw.v' class='invisible'><code>unsafe fn <a href='#tymethod.drop_raw' class='fnname'>drop_raw</a>(&self)</code></span></h3><div class='docblock'><p>Drops this instance of <code>UnsafeNotify</code>, deallocating resources
- associated with it.</p>
- <p>This method is intended to have a signature such as:</p>
- <div class='information'><div class='tooltip ignore'>ⓘ<span class='tooltiptext'>This example is not tested</span></div></div><pre class="rust rust-example-rendered ignore">
- <span class="kw">fn</span> <span class="ident">drop_raw</span>(<span class="self">self</span>: <span class="kw-2">*</span><span class="kw-2">mut</span> <span class="self">Self</span>);</pre>
- <p>Unfortunately in Rust today that signature is not object safe.
- Nevertheless it's recommended to implement this function <em>as if</em> that
- were its signature. As such it is not safe to call on an invalid
- pointer, nor is the validity of the pointer guaranteed after this
- function returns.</p>
- <h1 id="unsafety-2" class="section-header"><a href="#unsafety-2">Unsafety</a></h1>
- <p>This trait is unsafe to implement, as are all these methods. This
- method is also unsafe to call as it's asserting the <code>UnsafeNotify</code>
- value is in a consistent state. In general it's recommended to
- review the trait documentation as well as the implementation for <code>Arc</code>
- in this crate. When in doubt ping the <code>futures</code> authors to clarify
- an unsafety question here.</p>
- </div></div>
- <h2 id='implementors' class='small-section-header'>
- Implementors<a href='#implementors' class='anchor'></a>
- </h2>
- <ul class='item-list' id='implementors-list'>
- </ul><script type="text/javascript">window.inlined_types=new Set([]);</script><script type="text/javascript" async
- src="../../implementors/futures/executor/trait.UnsafeNotify.js">
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