sidebar-items.js 1006 B

  1. initSidebarItems({"fn":[["binomial","Calculate the binomial coefficient."],["cbrt","Returns the truncated principal cube root of an integer -- see Roots::cbrt."],["div_floor","Floored integer division"],["div_mod_floor","Simultaneous floored integer division and modulus"],["div_rem","Simultaneous integer division and modulus"],["gcd","Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`. The result is always positive."],["lcm","Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`."],["mod_floor","Floored integer modulus"],["multinomial","Calculate the multinomial coefficient."],["nth_root","Returns the truncated principal `n`th root of an integer -- see Roots::nth_root."],["sqrt","Returns the truncated principal square root of an integer -- see Roots::sqrt."]],"struct":[["IterBinomial","An iterator over binomial coefficients."]],"trait":[["Integer",""],["Roots","Provides methods to compute an integer's square root, cube root, and arbitrary `n`th root."]]});