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- initSidebarItems({"constant":[["ZERO_BIG_DIGIT",""]],"enum":[["ParseBigIntError",""],["Sign","A Sign is a `BigInt`'s composing element."]],"mod":[["big_digit",""]],"struct":[["BigInt","A big signed integer type."],["BigUint","A big unsigned integer type."]],"trait":[["RandBigInt",""],["ToBigInt","A generic trait for converting a value to a `BigInt`."],["ToBigUint","A generic trait for converting a value to a `BigUint`."]],"type":[["BigDigit","A `BigDigit` is a `BigUint`'s composing element."],["DoubleBigDigit","A `DoubleBigDigit` is the internal type used to do the computations. Its size is the double of the size of `BigDigit`."]]});