@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+from datetime import timedelta
+import os,json,logging
+from airflow.models import DAG,Variable
+from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
+from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
+from airflow.contrib.operators.ssh_operator import SSHOperator
+from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator,BranchPythonOperator
+from airflow.contrib.hooks.ssh_hook import SSHHook
+from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
+from igf_airflow.seqrun.ongoing_seqrun_processing import fetch_ongoing_seqruns
+from igf_airflow.logging.upload_log_msg import send_log_to_channels,log_success,log_failure,log_sleep
+from igf_data.utils.fileutils import get_temp_dir,copy_remote_file,check_file_path,read_json_data
+default_args = {
+ 'owner': 'airflow',
+ 'depends_on_past': False,
+ 'start_date': days_ago(2),
+ 'email_on_failure': False,
+ 'email_on_retry': False,
+ 'retries': 1,
+ 'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5),
+ 'provide_context': True,
+orwell_ssh_hook = \
+ SSHHook(
+ key_file=Variable.get('hpc_ssh_key_file'),
+ username=Variable.get('hpc_user'),
+ remote_host=Variable.get('seqrun_server'))
+## DAG
+dag = \
+ DAG(
+ dag_id='dag8_copy_ongoing_seqrun',
+ catchup=False,
+ schedule_interval="0 */2 * * *",
+ max_active_runs=1,
+ tags=['orwell','hpc'],
+ default_args=default_args)
+def get_ongoing_seqrun_list(context):
+ """
+ A function for fetching ongoing sequencing run ids
+ """
+ try:
+ ti = context.get('ti')
+ seqrun_server = Variable.get('seqrun_server')
+ seqrun_base_path = Variable.get('seqrun_base_path')
+ database_config_file = Variable.get('database_config_file')
+ ongoing_seqruns = \
+ fetch_ongoing_seqruns(
+ seqrun_server=seqrun_server,
+ seqrun_base_path=seqrun_base_path,
+ database_config_file=database_config_file)
+ ti.xcom_push(key='ongoing_seqruns',value=ongoing_seqruns)
+ branch_list = ['generate_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i[0])
+ for i in enumerate(ongoing_seqruns)]
+ if len(branch_list) == 0:
+ branch_list = ['no_ongoing_seqrun']
+ else:
+ send_log_to_channels(
+ slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
+ ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
+ task_id=context['task'].task_id,
+ dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
+ comment='Ongoing seqruns found: {0}'.format(ongoing_seqruns),
+ reaction='pass')
+ return branch_list
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(e)
+ send_log_to_channels(
+ slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
+ ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
+ task_id=context['task'].task_id,
+ dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
+ comment=e,
+ reaction='fail')
+def copy_seqrun_manifest_file(context):
+ """
+ A function for copying filesize manifest for ongoing sequencing runs to hpc
+ """
+ try:
+ remote_file_path = context['params'].get('file_path')
+ seqrun_server = context['params'].get('seqrun_server')
+ xcom_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('xcom_pull_task_ids')
+ ti = context.get('ti')
+ remote_file_path = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=xcom_pull_task_ids)
+ tmp_work_dir = get_temp_dir(use_ephemeral=True)
+ local_file_path = \
+ os.path.join(
+ tmp_work_dir,
+ os.path.basename(remote_file_path))
+ copy_remote_file(
+ remote_file_path,
+ local_file_path,
+ source_address=seqrun_server)
+ return local_file_path
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(e)
+ send_log_to_channels(
+ slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
+ ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
+ task_id=context['task'].task_id,
+ dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
+ comment=e,
+ reaction='fail')
+def get_seqrun_chunks(context):
+ """
+ A function for setting file chunk size for seqrun files copy
+ """
+ try:
+ ti = context.get('ti')
+ worker_size = context['params'].get('worker_size')
+ child_task_prefix = context['params'].get('child_task_prefix')
+ seqrun_chunk_size_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_chunk_size_key')
+ xcom_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('xcom_pull_task_ids')
+ file_path = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=xcom_pull_task_ids)
+ check_file_path(file_path)
+ file_data = read_json_data(file_path)
+ chunk_size = None
+ if worker_size is None or \
+ worker_size == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Incorrect worker size: {0}'.\
+ format(worker_size))
+ if len(file_data) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'No data present in seqrun list file {0}'.\
+ format(file_path))
+ if len(file_data) < int(5 * worker_size):
+ worker_size = 1 # setting worker size to 1 for low input
+ if len(file_data) % worker_size == 0:
+ chunk_size = int(len(file_data) / worker_size)
+ else:
+ chunk_size = int(len(file_data) / worker_size)+1
+ ti.xcom_push(key=seqrun_chunk_size_key,value=chunk_size)
+ worker_branchs = ['{0}_{1}'.format(child_task_prefix,i)
+ for i in range(worker_size)]
+ return worker_branchs
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(e)
+ send_log_to_channels(
+ slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
+ ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
+ task_id=context['task'].task_id,
+ dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
+ comment=e,
+ reaction='fail')
+def copy_seqrun_chunk(context):
+ """
+ A function for copying seqrun chunks
+ """
+ try:
+ ti = context.get('ti')
+ file_path_task_ids = context['params'].get('file_path_task_ids')
+ seqrun_chunk_size_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_chunk_size_key')
+ seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids')
+ chunk_index_number = context['params'].get('chunk_index_number')
+ run_index_number = context['params'].get('run_index_number')
+ local_seqrun_path = context['params'].get('local_seqrun_path')
+ seqrun_id_pull_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_key')
+ seqrun_id_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_task_ids')
+ seqrun_server = Variable.get('seqrun_server'),
+ seqrun_base_path = Variable.get('seqrun_base_path')
+ seqrun_id = ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_id_pull_key,task_ids=seqrun_id_pull_task_ids)[run_index_number]
+ file_path = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=file_path_task_ids)
+ chunk_size = ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_chunk_size_key,task_ids=seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids)
+ check_file_path(file_path)
+ file_data = read_json_data(file_path)
+ start_index = chunk_index_number*chunk_size
+ finish_index = ((chunk_index_number+1)*chunk_size) - 1
+ if finish_index > len(file_data) - 1:
+ finish_index = len(file_data) - 1
+ local_seqrun_path = \
+ os.path.join(local_seqrun_path,seqrun_id)
+ for entry in file_data[start_index:finish_index]:
+ file_path = entry.get('file_path')
+ file_size = entry.get('file_size')
+ remote_path = \
+ os.path.join(
+ seqrun_base_path,
+ file_path)
+ local_path = \
+ os.path.join(
+ local_seqrun_path,
+ file_path)
+ if os.path.exists(local_path) and \
+ os.path.getsize(local_path) == file_size:
+ pass
+ else:
+ copy_remote_file(
+ remote_path,
+ local_path,
+ source_address=seqrun_server,
+ check_file=False)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(e)
+ send_log_to_channels(
+ slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
+ ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
+ task_id=context['task'].task_id,
+ dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
+ comment=e,
+ reaction='fail')
+with dag:
+ generate_seqrun_list = \
+ BranchPythonOperator(
+ task_id='generate_seqrun_list',
+ dag=dag,
+ queue='hpc_4G',
+ python_callable=get_ongoing_seqrun_list)
+ no_ongoing_seqrun = \
+ DummyOperator(
+ task_id='no_ongoing_seqrun',
+ dag=dag,
+ queue='hpc_4G',
+ on_success_callback=log_sleep)
+ tasks = list()
+ for i in range(5):
+ t1 = \
+ SSHOperator(
+ task_id='generate_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i),
+ dag=dag,
+ pool='orwell_exe_pool',
+ do_xcom_push=True,
+ queue='hpc_4G',
+ params={'source_task_id':'generate_seqrun_list',
+ 'pull_key':'ongoing_seqruns',
+ 'index_number':i},
+ command='python /path/script1.py --run_id {{ ti.xcom_pull(key=params.pull_key,task_ids=params.source_task_id)[ params.index_number ] }}')
+ t2 = \
+ PythonOperator(
+ task_id='copy_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i),
+ dag=dag,
+ pool='orwell_scp_pool',
+ queue='hpc_4G',
+ params={'xcom_pull_task_ids':'generate_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i),
+ 'seqrun_server':Variable.get('seqrun_server')},
+ python_callable=copy_seqrun_manifest_file)
+ t3 = \
+ BranchPythonOperator(
+ task_id='decide_copy_branch_{0}'.format(i),
+ dag=dag,
+ queue='hpc_4G',
+ params={'xcom_pull_task_ids':'copy_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i),
+ 'worker_size':10,
+ 'seqrun_chunk_size_key':'seqrun_chunk_size',
+ 'child_task_prefix':'copy_file_run_{0}_chunk_'.format(i)},
+ python_callable=get_seqrun_chunks)
+ t4 = list()
+ for j in range(10):
+ t4j = \
+ PythonOperator(
+ task_id='copy_file_run_{0}_chunk_{1}'.format(i,j),
+ dag=dag,
+ queue='hpc_4G',
+ pool='orwell_scp_pool',
+ params={'file_path_task_ids':'copy_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i),
+ 'seqrun_chunk_size_key':'seqrun_chunk_size',
+ 'seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids':'decide_copy_branch_{0}'.format(i),
+ 'run_index_number':i,
+ 'chunk_index_number':j,
+ 'seqrun_id_pull_key':'ongoing_seqruns',
+ 'seqrun_id_pull_task_ids':'generate_seqrun_list',
+ 'local_seqrun_path':Variable.get('hpc_seqrun_path')},
+ python_callable=copy_seqrun_chunk)
+ t4.append(t4j)
+ tasks.append([ t1 >> t2 >> t3 >> t4 ])
+ generate_seqrun_list >> no_ongoing_seqrun
+ generate_seqrun_list >> tasks