
updates to multiple dags

Avik Datta 4 年之前
共有 3 個文件被更改,包括 6 次插入338 次删除
  1. 4 4
  2. 1 1
  3. 1 333

+ 4 - 4

@@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ orwell_ssh_hook = \
-    remote_host='orwell.hh.med.ic.ac.uk')
+    remote_host=Variable.get('orwell_server_hostname'))
 woolf_ssh_hook = \
-    remote_host='woolf.med.ic.ac.uk')
+    remote_host=Variable.get('woolf_server_hostname'))
 eliot_ssh_hook = \
-    remote_host='eliot.med.ic.ac.uk')
+    remote_host=Variable.get('eliot_server_hostname'))
 igf_lims_ssh_hook = \
-    remote_host='igf-lims.cc.ic.ac.uk')
+    remote_host=Variable.get('igf_lims_server_hostname'))
 ## DAG
 dag = \

+ 1 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ orwell_ssh_hook = \
-    remote_host='orwell.hh.med.ic.ac.uk')
+    remote_host=Variable.get('orwell_server_hostname'))
 hpc_hook = SSHHook(ssh_conn_id='hpc_conn')
 ## DAG

+ 1 - 333

@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
 from airflow.operators.python_operator import BranchPythonOperator
 from airflow.contrib.hooks.ssh_hook import SSHHook
 from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
-from igf_airflow.seqrun.ongoing_seqrun_processing import fetch_ongoing_seqruns
-from igf_airflow.seqrun.ongoing_seqrun_processing import compare_existing_seqrun_files
-from igf_airflow.seqrun.ongoing_seqrun_processing import check_for_sequencing_progress
 from igf_airflow.logging.upload_log_msg import send_log_to_channels,log_success,log_failure,log_sleep
-from igf_data.utils.fileutils import get_temp_dir,copy_remote_file,check_file_path,read_json_data
 from igf_airflow.utils.dag8_copy_ongoing_seqrun_utils import get_ongoing_seqrun_list
 from igf_airflow.utils.dag8_copy_ongoing_seqrun_utils import copy_seqrun_manifest_file
 from igf_airflow.utils.dag8_copy_ongoing_seqrun_utils import reset_manifest_file
@@ -41,7 +37,7 @@ orwell_ssh_hook = \
-    remote_host=Variable.get('seqrun_server'))
+    remote_host=Variable.get('orwell_server_hostname'))
 ## DAG
@@ -57,335 +53,7 @@ dag = \
-def get_ongoing_seqrun_list(**context):
-  """
-  A function for fetching ongoing sequencing run ids
-  """
-  try:
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    seqrun_server = Variable.get('seqrun_server')
-    seqrun_base_path = Variable.get('seqrun_base_path')
-    seqrun_server_user = Variable.get('seqrun_server_user')
-    database_config_file = Variable.get('database_config_file')
-    ongoing_seqruns = \
-      fetch_ongoing_seqruns(
-        seqrun_server=seqrun_server,
-        seqrun_base_path=seqrun_base_path,
-        user_name=seqrun_server_user,
-        database_config_file=database_config_file)
-    ti.xcom_push(key='ongoing_seqruns',value=ongoing_seqruns)
-    branch_list = ['generate_seqrun_file_list_{0}'.format(i[0]) 
-                     for i in enumerate(ongoing_seqruns)]
-    if len(branch_list) == 0:
-      branch_list = ['no_ongoing_seqrun']
-    else:
-      send_log_to_channels(
-        slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-        ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-        task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-        dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-        comment='Ongoing seqruns found: {0}'.format(ongoing_seqruns),
-        reaction='pass')
-    return branch_list
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
-def copy_seqrun_manifest_file(**context):
-  """
-  A function for copying filesize manifest for ongoing sequencing runs to hpc 
-  """
-  try:
-    remote_file_path = context['params'].get('file_path')
-    seqrun_server = Variable.get('seqrun_server')
-    seqrun_server_user = Variable.get('seqrun_server_user')
-    xcom_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('xcom_pull_task_ids')
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    remote_file_path = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=xcom_pull_task_ids)
-    if remote_file_path is not None and \
-       not isinstance(remote_file_path,str):
-      remote_file_path = remote_file_path.decode().strip('\n')
-    tmp_work_dir = get_temp_dir(use_ephemeral_space=True)
-    local_file_path = \
-      os.path.join(
-        tmp_work_dir,
-        os.path.basename(remote_file_path))
-    remote_address = \
-      '{0}@{1}'.format(seqrun_server_user,seqrun_server)
-    copy_remote_file(
-      remote_file_path,
-      local_file_path,
-      source_address=remote_address)
-    return local_file_path
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
-def reset_manifest_file(**context):
-  """
-  A function for checking existing files and resetting the manifest json with new files
-  """
-  try:
-    xcom_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('xcom_pull_task_ids')
-    local_seqrun_path = context['params'].get('local_seqrun_path')
-    seqrun_id_pull_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_key')
-    seqrun_id_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_task_ids')
-    run_index_number = context['params'].get('run_index_number')
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    json_path = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=xcom_pull_task_ids)
-    if json_path is not None and \
-       not isinstance(json_path,str):
-      json_path = json_path.decode().strip('\n')
-    seqrun_id = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_id_pull_key,task_ids=seqrun_id_pull_task_ids)[run_index_number]
-    compare_existing_seqrun_files(
-      json_path=json_path,
-      seqrun_id=seqrun_id,
-      seqrun_base_path=local_seqrun_path)
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
-def get_seqrun_chunks(**context):
-  """
-  A function for setting file chunk size for seqrun files copy
-  """
-  try:
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    worker_size = context['params'].get('worker_size')
-    child_task_prefix = context['params'].get('child_task_prefix')
-    seqrun_chunk_size_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_chunk_size_key')
-    xcom_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('xcom_pull_task_ids')
-    file_path = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=xcom_pull_task_ids)
-    if file_path is not None and \
-       not isinstance(file_path,str):
-      file_path = file_path.decode().strip('\n')
-    check_file_path(file_path)
-    file_data = read_json_data(file_path)
-    chunk_size = None
-    if worker_size is None or \
-       worker_size == 0:
-      raise ValueError(
-              'Incorrect worker size: {0}'.\
-                format(worker_size))
-    if len(file_data) == 0:
-      worker_branchs = \
-        '{0}_{1}'.format(child_task_prefix,'no_work')
-    else:
-      if len(file_data) < int(5 * worker_size):
-        worker_size = 1                                                           # setting worker size to 1 for low input
-      if len(file_data) % worker_size == 0:
-        chunk_size = int(len(file_data) / worker_size)
-      else:
-        chunk_size = int(len(file_data) / worker_size)+1
-      ti.xcom_push(key=seqrun_chunk_size_key,value=chunk_size)
-      worker_branchs = \
-        ['{0}_{1}'.format(child_task_prefix,i) 
-           for i in range(worker_size)]
-    return worker_branchs
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
-def copy_seqrun_chunk(**context):
-  """
-  A function for copying seqrun chunks
-  """
-  try:
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    file_path_task_ids = context['params'].get('file_path_task_ids')
-    seqrun_chunk_size_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_chunk_size_key')
-    seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids')
-    chunk_index_number = context['params'].get('chunk_index_number')
-    run_index_number = context['params'].get('run_index_number')
-    local_seqrun_path = context['params'].get('local_seqrun_path')
-    seqrun_id_pull_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_key')
-    seqrun_id_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_task_ids')
-    seqrun_server = Variable.get('seqrun_server')
-    seqrun_server_user = Variable.get('seqrun_server_user')
-    seqrun_base_path = Variable.get('seqrun_base_path')
-    seqrun_id = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_id_pull_key,task_ids=seqrun_id_pull_task_ids)[run_index_number]
-    file_path = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=file_path_task_ids)
-    chunk_size = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_chunk_size_key,task_ids=seqrun_chunk_size_task_ids)
-    check_file_path(file_path)
-    file_data = read_json_data(file_path)
-    start_index = chunk_index_number*chunk_size
-    finish_index = ((chunk_index_number+1)*chunk_size) - 1
-    if finish_index > len(file_data) - 1:
-      finish_index = len(file_data) - 1
-    local_seqrun_path = \
-      os.path.join(
-        local_seqrun_path,
-        seqrun_id)
-    remote_seqrun_path = \
-      os.path.join(
-        seqrun_base_path,
-        seqrun_id)
-    remote_address = \
-      '{0}@{1}'.format(
-        seqrun_server_user,
-        seqrun_server)
-    for entry in file_data[start_index:finish_index]:
-      file_path = entry.get('file_path')
-      file_size = entry.get('file_size')
-      remote_path = \
-        os.path.join(
-          remote_seqrun_path,
-          file_path)
-      local_path = \
-        os.path.join(
-          local_seqrun_path,
-          file_path)
-      if os.path.exists(local_path) and \
-         os.path.getsize(local_path) == file_size:
-        pass
-      else:
-        copy_remote_file(
-          remote_path,
-          local_path,
-          source_address=remote_address,
-          check_file=False)
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
-def run_interop_dump(**context):
-  """
-  A function for generating InterOp dump for seqrun
-  """
-  try:
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    local_seqrun_path = Variable.get('hpc_seqrun_path')
-    seqrun_id_pull_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_key')
-    seqrun_id_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_task_ids')
-    run_index_number = context['params'].get('run_index_number')
-    interop_dumptext_exe = Variable.get('interop_dumptext_exe')
-    temp_dir = get_temp_dir(use_ephemeral_space=True)
-    seqrun_id = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_id_pull_key,task_ids=seqrun_id_pull_task_ids)[run_index_number]
-    seqrun_path = \
-      os.path.join(
-        local_seqrun_path,
-        seqrun_id)
-    dump_file = \
-      os.path.join(
-        temp_dir,
-        '{0}_interop_dump.csv'.format(seqrun_id))
-    check_file_path(interop_dumptext_exe)
-    cmd = \
-      [interop_dumptext_exe,seqrun_path,'>',dump_file]
-    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
-    subprocess.\
-      check_call(cmd,shell=True)
-    return dump_file
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
-def check_progress_for_run_func(**context):
-  try:
-    ti = context.get('ti')
-    local_seqrun_path = Variable.get('hpc_seqrun_path')
-    seqrun_id_pull_key = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_key')
-    seqrun_id_pull_task_ids = context['params'].get('seqrun_id_pull_task_ids')
-    run_index_number = context['params'].get('run_index_number')
-    interop_dump_pull_task = context['params'].get('interop_dump_pull_task')
-    no_job_prefix = context['params'].get('no_job_prefix')
-    next_job_prefix = context['params'].get('next_job_prefix')
-    job_list = \
-      ['{0}_{1}'.format(no_job_prefix,run_index_number)]
-    seqrun_id = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(key=seqrun_id_pull_key,task_ids=seqrun_id_pull_task_ids)[run_index_number]
-    runinfo_path = \
-      os.path.join(
-        local_seqrun_path,
-        seqrun_id,
-        'RunInfo.xml')
-    interop_dump_path = \
-      ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=interop_dump_pull_task)
-    if interop_dump_path is not None and \
-       not isinstance(interop_dump_path,str):
-      interop_dump_path = \
-        interop_dump_path.decode().strip('\n')
-    current_cycle,index_cycle_status,read_format = \
-      check_for_sequencing_progress(
-        interop_dump=interop_dump_path,
-        runinfo_file=runinfo_path)
-    comment = \
-      'seqrun: {0}, current cycle: {1}, index cycle: {2}, read format: {3}'.\
-        format(seqrun_id,current_cycle,index_cycle_status,read_format)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=comment,
-      reaction='pass')
-    if index_cycle_status is 'complete':
-      job_list = \
-        ['{0}_{1}'.format(next_job_prefix,run_index_number)]
-    return job_list
-  except Exception as e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    send_log_to_channels(
-      slack_conf=Variable.get('slack_conf'),
-      ms_teams_conf=Variable.get('ms_teams_conf'),
-      task_id=context['task'].task_id,
-      dag_id=context['task'].dag_id,
-      comment=e,
-      reaction='fail')
-    raise
 with dag: