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Nelle Varoquaux cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu
data cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu
01-PCA.ipynb cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu
02-FeatureProcessing.ipynb cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu
03-ProjectIntro.ipynb cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu
LICENSE cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu
README.md cd3b30dcd4 First set of TD 3 tahun lalu



This repository holds the computer labs for the Introduction to Machine Learning course of the 2019-2020 HPC-AI MSc https://www.hpc-ai.mines-paristech.fr/


The labs were developed for Python3. All required packages are part of the Anaconda platform so you can simply install Anaconda3 on your machine. If you'd rather install just the required packages with pip, that is also possible. The labs were developed for Python 3.4.3, with the following libraries:

  • numpy 1.16.5
  • scipy 1.2.2
  • matplotlib 2.2.4
  • pandas 0.22.0
  • seaborn 0.9.0
  • sklearn 0.19.2

To check your installation, try launching Jupyter (e.g. by typing jupyter noteboook in a shell), navigating to where you have downloaded/pulled the first lab (.ipynb file) and opening it. In that notebook (or in a python terminal), you should be able to run

  import sklearn
  import pandas
  import seaborn
  import matplotlib



These notebooks are adapted from notebooks previously created with the help of Judith Abecassis, Joseph Boyd, Arthur Imber, Benoit Playe and Mihir