
  1. follow setup in README.md

success if:

  1. executing import tensorflow in python interpreter succeeds without error
  2. executing import uff in python interpreter succeeds without error
  3. the build command cd build; make .. succeeds without error


  1. execute the following from root directory of project

    source scripts/download_models.sh source scripts/download_images.sh

success if:

  1. each of the models in scripts/download_models.sh is downloaded and extracted to data/checkpoints
  2. each of the images in scripts/download_images.sh is downloaded under data/images


  1. reboot the Jetson TX2
  2. execute the following from root directory of project

    python scripts/models_to_frozen_graphs.py

success if:

  1. the script completes without error
  2. a frozen graph is created under data/frozen_graphs for each model in scripts/model_meta.py that does not contain 'exclude': true


  1. execute the following from root directory of project

    python scripts/frozen_graphs_to_plans.py

success if:

  1. the script finished without error
  2. a serialized engine (.plan) file is created under data/plans for each model in scripts/model_meta.py that does not contain 'exclude': true


  1. execute the following to ensure the Jetson TX2 is in max-P mode

    sudo nvpmodel -m 3

  2. execute the following from root directory of project

    python scripts/test_trt.py

success if:

  1. the script finished without error
  2. the file data/test_output_trt.txt is created
  3. timing entries exist in data/test_output_trt.txt for each model in scripts/model_meta.py that does not contain 'exclude': true
  4. the timing entries are approximately equal (+/- 10%) to those found in README.md


  1. reboot the Jetson TX2
  2. execute the following from the root directory of the project

    python scripts/test_tf.py

success if:

  1. the script finished without error
  2. the file data/test_output_tf.txt is created
  3. timing entries exist in data/test_output_tf.txt for each model in scripts/model_meta.py that does not contain 'exclude': true
  4. the timing entries are approximately equal (+/- 10%) to those found in README.md