# coding=utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Detokenization.""" import re def ptb_detokenizer(string): string = string.replace(" '", "'") string = string.replace(" \n", "\n") string = string.replace("\n ", "\n") string = string.replace(" n't", "n't") string = string.replace(" N ", "1 ") string = string.replace("$ 1", "$1") string = string.replace("# 1", "#1") return string def wikitext_detokenizer(string): # contractions string = string.replace("s '", "s'") string = re.sub(r"/' [0-9]/", r"/'[0-9]/", string) # number separators string = string.replace(" @-@ ", "-") string = string.replace(" @,@ ", ",") string = string.replace(" @.@ ", ".") # punctuation string = string.replace(" : ", ": ") string = string.replace(" ; ", "; ") string = string.replace(" . ", ". ") string = string.replace(" ! ", "! ") string = string.replace(" ? ", "? ") string = string.replace(" , ", ", ") # double brackets string = re.sub(r"\(\s*([^\)]*?)\s*\)", r"(\1)", string) string = re.sub(r"\[\s*([^\]]*?)\s*\]", r"[\1]", string) string = re.sub(r"{\s*([^}]*?)\s*}", r"{\1}", string) string = re.sub(r"\"\s*([^\"]*?)\s*\"", r'"\1"', string) string = re.sub(r"'\s*([^']*?)\s*'", r"'\1'", string) # miscellaneous string = string.replace("= = = =", "====") string = string.replace("= = =", "===") string = string.replace("= =", "==") string = string.replace(" " + chr(176) + " ", chr(176)) string = string.replace(" \n", "\n") string = string.replace("\n ", "\n") string = string.replace(" N ", " 1 ") string = string.replace(" 's", "'s") return string def lambada_detokenizer(string): return string _DETOKENIZERS = { 'ptb': ptb_detokenizer, 'wiki': wikitext_detokenizer, 'lambada': lambada_detokenizer, } def get_detokenizer(path): for key in _DETOKENIZERS.keys(): if key in path: return _DETOKENIZERS[key]