////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Author: Manish Agarwal and Gourav Shrivastava , IIT Delhi ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dcdread.h" #include #include //Function declation where distances are calculated void pair_gpu(const double *d_x, const double *d_y, const double *d_z, unsigned long long int *d_g2, int numatm, int nconf, const double xbox, const double ybox, const double zbox, int d_bin); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double xbox, ybox, zbox; double *h_x, *h_y, *h_z; unsigned long long int *h_g2; int nbin; int numatm, nconf, inconf; string file; /////////////////Input Details////////////////////////////////////////////// inconf = 10; nbin = 2000; file = "../input/alk.traj.dcd"; /////////////////////////////////////// std::ifstream infile; infile.open(file.c_str()); if (!infile) { cout << "file " << file.c_str() << " not found\n"; return 1; } assert(infile); ofstream pairfile, stwo; //Output file storing the RDF values pairfile.open("RDF.dat"); //Output file storing the entropy. This value will be used to check the correctness of output stwo.open("Pair_entropy.dat"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// dcdreadhead(&numatm, &nconf, infile); cout << "Dcd file has " << numatm << " atoms and " << nconf << " frames" << endl; if (inconf > nconf) cout << "nconf is reset to " << nconf << endl; else { nconf = inconf; } cout << "Calculating RDF for " << nconf << " frames" << endl; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned long long int sizef = nconf * numatm * sizeof(double); unsigned long long int sizebin = nbin * sizeof(unsigned long long int); h_x = (double *)malloc(sizef); h_y = (double *)malloc(sizef); h_z = (double *)malloc(sizef); h_g2 = (unsigned long long int *)malloc(sizebin); memset(h_g2, 0, sizebin); /////////reading cordinates////////////////////////////////////////////// nvtxRangePush("Read_File"); double ax[numatm], ay[numatm], az[numatm]; for (int i = 0; i < nconf; i++) { dcdreadframe(ax, ay, az, infile, numatm, xbox, ybox, zbox); for (int j = 0; j < numatm; j++) { h_x[i * numatm + j] = ax[j]; h_y[i * numatm + j] = ay[j]; h_z[i * numatm + j] = az[j]; } } nvtxRangePop(); //pop for REading file cout << "Reading of input file is completed" << endl; /////////////////////This is where we will concentrate////////////////// nvtxRangePush("Pair_Calculation"); pair_gpu(h_x, h_y, h_z, h_g2, numatm, nconf, xbox, ybox, zbox, nbin); nvtxRangePop(); //Pop for Pair Calculation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double pi = acos(-1.0l); double rho = (numatm) / (xbox * ybox * zbox); double norm = (4.0l * pi * rho) / 3.0l; double rl, ru, nideal; double g2[nbin]; double r, gr, lngr, lngrbond, s2 = 0.0l, s2bond = 0.0l; double box = min(xbox, ybox); box = min(box, zbox); double del = box / (2.0l * nbin); // Loop to calculate entropy nvtxRangePush("Entropy_Calculation"); for (int i = 0; i < nbin; i++) { rl = (i)*del; ru = rl + del; nideal = norm * (ru * ru * ru - rl * rl * rl); g2[i] = (double)h_g2[i] / ((double)nconf * (double)numatm * nideal); r = (i)*del; pairfile << (i + 0.5l) * del << " " << g2[i] << endl; if (r < 2.0l) { gr = 0.0l; } else { gr = g2[i]; } if (gr < 1e-5) { lngr = 0.0l; } else { lngr = log(gr); } if (g2[i] < 1e-6) { lngrbond = 0.0l; } else { lngrbond = log(g2[i]); } s2 = s2 - 2.0l * pi * rho * ((gr * lngr) - gr + 1.0l) * del * r * r; s2bond = s2bond - 2.0l * pi * rho * ((g2[i] * lngrbond) - g2[i] + 1.0l) * del * r * r; } nvtxRangePop(); //Pop for Entropy Calculation stwo << "s2 value is " << s2 << endl; stwo << "s2bond value is " << s2bond << endl; cout << "#Freeing Host memory" << endl; free(h_x); free(h_y); free(h_z); free(h_g2); cout << "#Number of atoms processed: " << numatm << endl << endl; cout << "#Number of confs processed: " << nconf << endl << endl; return 0; } int round(float num) { return num < 0 ? num - 0.5 : num + 0.5; } void pair_gpu(const double *d_x, const double *d_y, const double *d_z, unsigned long long int *d_g2, int numatm, int nconf, const double xbox, const double ybox, const double zbox, int d_bin) { double r, cut, dx, dy, dz; int ig2; double box; int myround; box = min(xbox, ybox); box = min(box, zbox); double del = box / (2.0 * d_bin); cut = box * 0.5; printf("\n %d %d ", nconf, numatm); for (int frame = 0; frame < nconf; frame++) { printf("\n %d ", frame); for (int id1 = 0; id1 < numatm; id1++) { for (int id2 = 0; id2 < numatm; id2++) { dx = d_x[frame * numatm + id1] - d_x[frame * numatm + id2]; dy = d_y[frame * numatm + id1] - d_y[frame * numatm + id2]; dz = d_z[frame * numatm + id1] - d_z[frame * numatm + id2]; dx = dx - xbox * (round(dx / xbox)); dy = dy - ybox * (round(dy / ybox)); dz = dz - zbox * (round(dz / zbox)); r = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); if (r < cut) { ig2 = (int)(r / del); d_g2[ig2] = d_g2[ig2] + 1; } } } } }