!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! miniWeather !! Author: Matt Norman , Oak Ridge National Laboratory !! This code simulates dry, stratified, compressible, non-hydrostatic fluid flows !! For documentation, please see the attached documentation in the "documentation" folder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Copyright (c) 2018, National Center for Computational Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. All rights reserved. !! !! Portions Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! program miniweather use nvtx !implicit none !Declare the precision for the real constants (at least 15 digits of accuracy = double precision) integer , parameter :: rp = selected_real_kind(15) !Define some physical constants to use throughout the simulation real(rp), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327_rp !Pi real(rp), parameter :: grav = 9.8_rp !Gravitational acceleration (m / s^2) real(rp), parameter :: cp = 1004._rp !Specific heat of dry air at constant pressure real(rp), parameter :: rd = 287._rp !Dry air constant for equation of state (P=rho*rd*T) real(rp), parameter :: p0 = 1.e5_rp !Standard pressure at the surface in Pascals real(rp), parameter :: C0 = 27.5629410929725921310572974482_rp !Constant to translate potential temperature into pressure (P=C0*(rho*theta)**gamma) real(rp), parameter :: gamma = 1.40027894002789400278940027894_rp !gamma=cp/Rd !Define domain and stability-related constants real(rp), parameter :: xlen = 2.e4_rp !Length of the domain in the x-direction (meters) real(rp), parameter :: zlen = 1.e4_rp !Length of the domain in the z-direction (meters) real(rp), parameter :: hv_beta = 0.25_rp !How strong to diffuse the solution: hv_beta \in [0:1] real(rp), parameter :: cfl = 1.50_rp !"Courant, Friedrichs, Lewy" number (for numerical stability) real(rp), parameter :: max_speed = 450 !Assumed maximum wave speed during the simulation (speed of sound + speed of wind) (meter / sec) integer , parameter :: hs = 2 !"Halo" size: number of cells needed for a full "stencil" of information for reconstruction integer , parameter :: sten_size = 4 !Size of the stencil used for interpolation !Parameters for indexing and flags integer , parameter :: NUM_VARS = 4 !Number of fluid state variables integer , parameter :: ID_DENS = 1 !index for density ("rho") integer , parameter :: ID_UMOM = 2 !index for momentum in the x-direction ("rho * u") integer , parameter :: ID_WMOM = 3 !index for momentum in the z-direction ("rho * w") integer , parameter :: ID_RHOT = 4 !index for density * potential temperature ("rho * theta") integer , parameter :: DIR_X = 1 !Integer constant to express that this operation is in the x-direction integer , parameter :: DIR_Z = 2 !Integer constant to express that this operation is in the z-direction !Gauss-Legendre quadrature points and weights on the domain [0:1] integer , parameter :: nqpoints = 3 real(rp) :: qpoints (nqpoints) = (/ 0.112701665379258311482073460022E0_rp , 0.500000000000000000000000000000E0_rp , 0.887298334620741688517926539980E0_rp /) real(rp) :: qweights(nqpoints) = (/ 0.277777777777777777777777777779E0_rp , 0.444444444444444444444444444444E0_rp , 0.277777777777777777777777777779E0_rp /) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Variables that are initialized but remain static over the course of the simulation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real(rp) :: sim_time !total simulation time in seconds real(rp) :: output_freq !frequency to perform output in seconds real(rp) :: dt !Model time step (seconds) integer :: nx, nz !Number of local grid cells in the x- and z- dimensions real(rp) :: dx, dz !Grid space length in x- and z-dimension (meters) integer :: nx_glob, nz_glob !Number of total grid cells in the x- and z- dimensions integer :: i_beg, k_beg !beginning index in the x- and z-directions integer :: nranks, myrank !my rank id integer :: left_rank, right_rank real(rp), allocatable :: hy_dens_cell (:) !hydrostatic density (vert cell avgs). Dimensions: (1-hs:nz+hs) real(rp), allocatable :: hy_dens_theta_cell(:) !hydrostatic rho*t (vert cell avgs). Dimensions: (1-hs:nz+hs) real(rp), allocatable :: hy_dens_int (:) !hydrostatic density (vert cell interf). Dimensions: (1:nz+1) real(rp), allocatable :: hy_dens_theta_int (:) !hydrostatic rho*t (vert cell interf). Dimensions: (1:nz+1) real(rp), allocatable :: hy_pressure_int (:) !hydrostatic press (vert cell interf). Dimensions: (1:nz+1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Variables that are dynamics over the course of the simulation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real(rp) :: etime !Elapsed model time real(rp) :: output_counter !Helps determine when it's time to do output !Runtime variable arrays real(rp), allocatable :: state (:,:,:) !Fluid state. Dimensions: (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), allocatable :: state_tmp (:,:,:) !Fluid state. Dimensions: (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), allocatable :: flux (:,:,:) !Cell interface fluxes. Dimensions: (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS) real(rp), allocatable :: tend (:,:,:) !Fluid state tendencies. Dimensions: (nx,nz,NUM_VARS) integer(8) :: t1, t2, rate !For CPU Timings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! THE MAIN PROGRAM STARTS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! BEGIN USER-CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !The x-direction length is twice as long as the z-direction length !So, you'll want to have nx_glob be twice as large as nz_glob nx_glob = 40 !Number of total cells in the x-dirction nz_glob = 20 !Number of total cells in the z-dirction sim_time = 1000 !How many seconds to run the simulation output_freq = 100 !How frequently to output data to file (in seconds) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! END USER-CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Allocate arrays, initialize the grid and the data call nvtxStartRange("Total") call init() !$acc data copyin(state_tmp,hy_dens_cell,hy_dens_theta_cell,hy_dens_int,hy_dens_theta_int,hy_pressure_int) create(flux,tend) copy(state) !Output the initial state !call output(state,etime) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MAIN TIME STEP LOOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call system_clock(t1) call nvtxStartRange("while") do while (etime < sim_time) !If the time step leads to exceeding the simulation time, shorten it for the last step if (etime + dt > sim_time) dt = sim_time - etime !Perform a single time step call nvtxStartRange("perform_timestep") call perform_timestep(state,state_tmp,flux,tend,dt) call nvtxEndRange !Inform the user write(*,*) 'Elapsed Time: ', etime , ' / ' , sim_time !Update the elapsed time and output counter etime = etime + dt output_counter = output_counter + dt !If it's time for output, reset the counter, and do output if (output_counter >= output_freq) then output_counter = output_counter - output_freq !call output(state,etime) endif enddo call nvtxEndRange !$acc wait call system_clock(t2,rate) write(*,*) "CPU Time: ",dble(t2-t1)/dble(rate) !$acc end data !Deallocate call finalize() call nvtxEndRange contains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! HELPER SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS GO HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Performs a single dimensionally split time step using a simple low-storate three-stage Runge-Kutta time integrator !The dimensional splitting is a second-order-accurate alternating Strang splitting in which the !order of directions is alternated each time step. !The Runge-Kutta method used here is defined as follows: ! q* = q[n] + dt/3 * rhs(q[n]) ! q** = q[n] + dt/2 * rhs(q* ) ! q[n+1] = q[n] + dt/1 * rhs(q** ) subroutine perform_timestep(state,state_tmp,flux,tend,dt) implicit none real(rp), intent(inout) :: state (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: state_tmp(1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: flux (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: tend (nx,nz,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent(in ) :: dt logical, save :: direction_switch = .true. if (direction_switch) then !x-direction first call semi_discrete_step( state , state , state_tmp , dt / 3 , DIR_X , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state_tmp , dt / 2 , DIR_X , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state , dt / 1 , DIR_X , flux , tend ) !z-direction second call semi_discrete_step( state , state , state_tmp , dt / 3 , DIR_Z , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state_tmp , dt / 2 , DIR_Z , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state , dt / 1 , DIR_Z , flux , tend ) else !z-direction second call semi_discrete_step( state , state , state_tmp , dt / 3 , DIR_Z , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state_tmp , dt / 2 , DIR_Z , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state , dt / 1 , DIR_Z , flux , tend ) !x-direction first call semi_discrete_step( state , state , state_tmp , dt / 3 , DIR_X , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state_tmp , dt / 2 , DIR_X , flux , tend ) call semi_discrete_step( state , state_tmp , state , dt / 1 , DIR_X , flux , tend ) endif direction_switch = .not. direction_switch end subroutine perform_timestep !Perform a single semi-discretized step in time with the form: !state_out = state_init + dt * rhs(state_forcing) !Meaning the step starts from state_init, computes the rhs using state_forcing, and stores the result in state_out subroutine semi_discrete_step( state_init , state_forcing , state_out , dt , dir , flux , tend ) implicit none real(rp), intent(in ) :: state_init (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent(inout) :: state_forcing(1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: state_out (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: flux (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: tend (nx,nz,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent(in ) :: dt integer , intent(in ) :: dir integer :: i,k,ll if (dir == DIR_X) then !Set the halo values in the x-direction call set_halo_values_x(state_forcing) !Compute the time tendencies for the fluid state in the x-direction call compute_tendencies_x(state_forcing,flux,tend) elseif (dir == DIR_Z) then !Set the halo values in the z-direction call set_halo_values_z(state_forcing) !Compute the time tendencies for the fluid state in the z-direction call compute_tendencies_z(state_forcing,flux,tend) endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! TODO: THREAD ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Apply the tendencies to the fluid state !$acc parallel loop collapse(3) do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do k = 1 , nz do i = 1 , nx state_out(i,k,ll) = state_init(i,k,ll) + dt * tend(i,k,ll) enddo enddo enddo end subroutine semi_discrete_step !Compute the time tendencies of the fluid state using forcing in the x-direction !First, compute the flux vector at each cell interface in the x-direction (including hyperviscosity) !Then, compute the tendencies using those fluxes subroutine compute_tendencies_x(state,flux,tend) implicit none real(rp), intent(in ) :: state(1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: flux (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: tend (nx,nz,NUM_VARS) integer :: i,k,ll,s real(rp) :: r,u,w,t,p, stencil(4), d3_vals(NUM_VARS), vals(NUM_VARS), hv_coef !Compute the hyperviscosity coeficient hv_coef = -hv_beta * dx / (16*dt) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! TODO: THREAD ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Compute fluxes in the x-direction for each cell !$acc parallel loop gang do k = 1 , nz !$acc loop vector private(stencil,vals,d3_vals) do i = 1 , nx+1 !Use fourth-order interpolation from four cell averages to compute the value at the interface in question do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do s = 1 , sten_size stencil(s) = state(i-hs-1+s,k,ll) enddo !Fourth-order-accurate interpolation of the state vals(ll) = -stencil(1)/12 + 7*stencil(2)/12 + 7*stencil(3)/12 - stencil(4)/12 !First-order-accurate interpolation of the third spatial derivative of the state (for artificial viscosity) d3_vals(ll) = -stencil(1) + 3*stencil(2) - 3*stencil(3) + stencil(4) enddo !Compute density, u-wind, w-wind, potential temperature, and pressure (r,u,w,t,p respectively) r = vals(ID_DENS) + hy_dens_cell(k) u = vals(ID_UMOM) / r w = vals(ID_WMOM) / r t = ( vals(ID_RHOT) + hy_dens_theta_cell(k) ) / r p = C0*(r*t)**gamma !Compute the flux vector flux(i,k,ID_DENS) = r*u - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_DENS) flux(i,k,ID_UMOM) = r*u*u+p - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_UMOM) flux(i,k,ID_WMOM) = r*u*w - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_WMOM) flux(i,k,ID_RHOT) = r*u*t - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_RHOT) enddo enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! TODO: THREAD ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Use the fluxes to compute tendencies for each cell !$acc parallel loop collapse(3) do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do k = 1 , nz do i = 1 , nx tend(i,k,ll) = -( flux(i+1,k,ll) - flux(i,k,ll) ) / dx enddo enddo enddo end subroutine compute_tendencies_x !Compute the time tendencies of the fluid state using forcing in the z-direction !First, compute the flux vector at each cell interface in the z-direction (including hyperviscosity) !Then, compute the tendencies using those fluxes subroutine compute_tendencies_z(state,flux,tend) implicit none real(rp), intent(in ) :: state(1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: flux (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS) real(rp), intent( out) :: tend (nx,nz,NUM_VARS) integer :: i,k,ll,s real(rp) :: r,u,w,t,p, stencil(4), d3_vals(NUM_VARS), vals(NUM_VARS), hv_coef !Compute the hyperviscosity coeficient hv_coef = -hv_beta * dz / (16*dt) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! TODO: THREAD ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Compute fluxes in the x-direction for each cell !$acc parallel loop gang do k = 1 , nz+1 !$acc loop vector private(stencil,vals,d3_vals) do i = 1 , nx !Use fourth-order interpolation from four cell averages to compute the value at the interface in question do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do s = 1 , sten_size stencil(s) = state(i,k-hs-1+s,ll) enddo !Fourth-order-accurate interpolation of the state vals(ll) = -stencil(1)/12 + 7*stencil(2)/12 + 7*stencil(3)/12 - stencil(4)/12 !First-order-accurate interpolation of the third spatial derivative of the state d3_vals(ll) = -stencil(1) + 3*stencil(2) - 3*stencil(3) + stencil(4) enddo !Compute density, u-wind, w-wind, potential temperature, and pressure (r,u,w,t,p respectively) r = vals(ID_DENS) + hy_dens_int(k) u = vals(ID_UMOM) / r w = vals(ID_WMOM) / r t = ( vals(ID_RHOT) + hy_dens_theta_int(k) ) / r p = C0*(r*t)**gamma - hy_pressure_int(k) !Enforce vertical boundary condition and exact mass conservation if (k == 1 .or. k == nz+1) then w = 0 d3_vals(ID_DENS) = 0 endif !Compute the flux vector with hyperviscosity flux(i,k,ID_DENS) = r*w - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_DENS) flux(i,k,ID_UMOM) = r*w*u - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_UMOM) flux(i,k,ID_WMOM) = r*w*w+p - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_WMOM) flux(i,k,ID_RHOT) = r*w*t - hv_coef*d3_vals(ID_RHOT) enddo enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! TODO: THREAD ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Use the fluxes to compute tendencies for each cell !$acc parallel loop collapse(3) do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do k = 1 , nz do i = 1 , nx tend(i,k,ll) = -( flux(i,k+1,ll) - flux(i,k,ll) ) / dz if (ll == ID_WMOM) then tend(i,k,ID_WMOM) = tend(i,k,ID_WMOM) - state(i,k,ID_DENS)*grav endif enddo enddo enddo end subroutine compute_tendencies_z !Set halo values in the x-direction. subroutine set_halo_values_x(state) implicit none real(rp), intent(inout) :: state(1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) integer :: k, ll real(rp) :: z !$acc parallel loop collapse(2) do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do k = 1 , nz state(-1 ,k,ll) = state(nx-1,k,ll) state(0 ,k,ll) = state(nx ,k,ll) state(nx+1,k,ll) = state(1 ,k,ll) state(nx+2,k,ll) = state(2 ,k,ll) enddo enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (myrank == 0) then !$acc parallel loop do k = 1 , nz z = (k_beg-1 + k-0.5_rp)*dz if (abs(z-3*zlen/4) <= zlen/16) then state(-1:0,k,ID_UMOM) = (state(-1:0,k,ID_DENS)+hy_dens_cell(k)) * 50._rp state(-1:0,k,ID_RHOT) = (state(-1:0,k,ID_DENS)+hy_dens_cell(k)) * 298._rp - hy_dens_theta_cell(k) endif enddo endif end subroutine set_halo_values_x !Set halo values in the z-direction. !decomposition in the vertical direction subroutine set_halo_values_z(state) implicit none real(rp), intent(inout) :: state(1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS) integer :: i, ll real(rp), parameter :: mnt_width = xlen/8 real(rp) :: x, xloc, mnt_deriv !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! TODO: THREAD ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !$acc parallel loop collapse(2) private(xloc,mnt_deriv,x) do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS do i = 1-hs,nx+hs if (ll == ID_WMOM) then state(i,-1 ,ll) = 0 state(i,0 ,ll) = 0 state(i,nz+1,ll) = 0 state(i,nz+2,ll) = 0 else state(i,-1 ,ll) = state(i,1 ,ll) state(i,0 ,ll) = state(i,1 ,ll) state(i,nz+1,ll) = state(i,nz,ll) state(i,nz+2,ll) = state(i,nz,ll) endif enddo enddo end subroutine set_halo_values_z !Initialize some grid settings, allocate data, and initialize the full grid and data subroutine init() implicit none integer :: i, k, ii, kk, ll, ierr real(rp) :: x, z, r, u, w, t, hr, ht !Set the cell grid size dx = xlen / nx_glob dz = zlen / nz_glob nranks = 1 myrank = 0 i_beg = 1 nx = nx_glob left_rank = 0 right_rank = 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! YOU DON'T NEED TO ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS POINT IN THE CODE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! k_beg = 1 nz = nz_glob !Allocate the model data allocate(state (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS)) allocate(state_tmp (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS)) allocate(flux (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS)) allocate(tend (nx,nz,NUM_VARS)) allocate(hy_dens_cell (1-hs:nz+hs)) allocate(hy_dens_theta_cell(1-hs:nz+hs)) allocate(hy_dens_int (nz+1)) allocate(hy_dens_theta_int (nz+1)) allocate(hy_pressure_int (nz+1)) !Define the maximum stable time step based on an assumed maximum wind speed dt = min(dx,dz) / max_speed * cfl !Set initial elapsed model time and output_counter to zero etime = 0 output_counter = 0 !Display some grid information write(*,*) 'nx_glob, nz_glob:', nx_glob, nz_glob write(*,*) 'dx,dz: ',dx,dz write(*,*) 'dt: ',dt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Initialize the cell-averaged fluid state via Gauss-Legendre quadrature !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! state = 0 do k = 1-hs , nz+hs do i = 1-hs , nx+hs !Initialize the state to zero !Use Gauss-Legendre quadrature to initialize a hydrostatic balance + temperature perturbation do kk = 1 , nqpoints do ii = 1 , nqpoints !Compute the x,z location within the global domain based on cell and quadrature index x = (i_beg-1 + i-0.5_rp) * dx + (qpoints(ii)-0.5_rp)*dx z = (k_beg-1 + k-0.5_rp) * dz + (qpoints(kk)-0.5_rp)*dz !Set the fluid state based on the user's specification call injection (x,z,r,u,w,t,hr,ht) !Store into the fluid state array state(i,k,ID_DENS) = state(i,k,ID_DENS) + r * qweights(ii)*qweights(kk) state(i,k,ID_UMOM) = state(i,k,ID_UMOM) + (r+hr)*u * qweights(ii)*qweights(kk) state(i,k,ID_WMOM) = state(i,k,ID_WMOM) + (r+hr)*w * qweights(ii)*qweights(kk) state(i,k,ID_RHOT) = state(i,k,ID_RHOT) + ( (r+hr)*(t+ht) - hr*ht ) * qweights(ii)*qweights(kk) enddo enddo do ll = 1 , NUM_VARS state_tmp(i,k,ll) = state(i,k,ll) enddo enddo enddo !Compute the hydrostatic background state over vertical cell averages hy_dens_cell = 0 hy_dens_theta_cell = 0 do k = 1-hs , nz+hs do kk = 1 , nqpoints z = (k_beg-1 + k-0.5_rp) * dz + (qpoints(kk)-0.5_rp)*dz !Set the fluid state based on the user's specification call injection (0._rp,z,r,u,w,t,hr,ht) hy_dens_cell(k) = hy_dens_cell(k) + hr * qweights(kk) hy_dens_theta_cell(k) = hy_dens_theta_cell(k) + hr*ht * qweights(kk) enddo enddo !Compute the hydrostatic background state at vertical cell interfaces do k = 1 , nz+1 z = (k_beg-1 + k-1) * dz call injection (0._rp,z,r,u,w,t,hr,ht) hy_dens_int (k) = hr hy_dens_theta_int(k) = hr*ht hy_pressure_int (k) = C0*(hr*ht)**gamma enddo end subroutine init !This test case is initially balanced but injects fast, cold air from the left boundary near the model top subroutine injection(x,z,r,u,w,t,hr,ht) implicit none real(rp), intent(in ) :: x, z !x- and z- location of the point being sampled real(rp), intent( out) :: r, u, w, t !Density, uwind, wwind, and potential temperature real(rp), intent( out) :: hr, ht !Hydrostatic density and potential temperature call hydro_const_theta(z,hr,ht) r = 0 t = 0 u = 0 w = 0 end subroutine injection !Establish hydrstatic balance using constant potential temperature (thermally neutral atmosphere) subroutine hydro_const_theta(z,r,t) implicit none real(rp), intent(in ) :: z !x- and z- location of the point being sampled real(rp), intent( out) :: r, t !Density and potential temperature at this point real(rp), parameter :: theta0 = 300._rp !Background potential temperature real(rp), parameter :: exner0 = 1._rp !Surface-level Exner pressure real(rp) :: p,exner,rt !Establish hydrostatic balance first using Exner pressure t = theta0 !Potential Temperature at z exner = exner0 - grav * z / (cp * theta0) !Exner pressure at z p = p0 * exner**(cp/rd) !Pressure at z rt = (p / c0)**(1._rp / gamma) !rho*theta at z r = rt / t !Density at z end subroutine hydro_const_theta !Deallocate and call Finalize subroutine finalize() implicit none integer :: ierr deallocate(state ) deallocate(state_tmp ) deallocate(flux ) deallocate(tend ) deallocate(hy_dens_cell ) deallocate(hy_dens_theta_cell) deallocate(hy_dens_int ) deallocate(hy_dens_theta_int ) deallocate(hy_pressure_int ) end subroutine finalize end program miniweather