# Copyright (c) 2020 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. MASTER_ADDR=localhost MASTER_PORT=6000 NNODES=1 #<-- currently we are using 1 node multigpus NODE_RANK=0 ### modify this section to point the file to its own path CHECKPOINT_PATH='./Megatron-LM/sv_ckpt/' DATA_PATH='../dataset/EN/NVblogs_text_document' VOCAB_FILE='../dataset/EN/50k/gpt2-vocab.json' MERGE_FILE='../dataset/EN/50k/gpt2-merges.txt' PROFILE_OUTPUT_PATH='/home/zcharpy/profiles/DLprof/2ndrun/nsys_improved' # modify this to your own profile path #### [TODO]--------------- params in the following block are allowed to change -----------#### WORLD_SIZE=8 # <--- remember to change the number of GPUs you actually have in your system GPUS_PER_NODE=8 # <--- remember to change the number of GPUs you actually have in your system TENSOR_MP_SIZE=8 PIPELINE_MP_SIZE=1 LAYERS=32 HIDDEN_SZ=2048 NUM_ATTN_HEADS=32 MICRO_BZ=64 GLOBAL_BZ=512 SEQ_LEN=512 MAX_POS_EM=512 #### -------------------- end of blocks ------------------------#### export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 DISTRIBUTED_ARGS="--nproc_per_node $GPUS_PER_NODE --nnodes $NNODES --node_rank $NODE_RANK --master_addr $MASTER_ADDR --master_port $MASTER_PORT" ## for nsys run nsys profile --stats=false --force-overwrite=true --duration=300 --trace=cudnn,cuda,osrt,nvtx -o $PROFILE_OUTPUT_PATH \ python -m torch.distributed.launch $DISTRIBUTED_ARGS \ ./Megatron-LM/Dlprof_pretrain_gpt.py \ --tensor-model-parallel-size $TENSOR_MP_SIZE \ --pipeline-model-parallel-size $PIPELINE_MP_SIZE \ --num-layers $LAYERS \ --hidden-size $HIDDEN_SZ \ --num-attention-heads $NUM_ATTN_HEADS \ --micro-batch-size $MICRO_BZ \ --global-batch-size $GLOBAL_BZ \ --seq-length $SEQ_LEN \ --max-position-embeddings $MAX_POS_EM \ --train-samples 100 \ --save $CHECKPOINT_PATH \ --load $CHECKPOINT_PATH \ --data-path 1. $DATA_PATH \ --vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE \ --merge-file $MERGE_FILE \ --data-impl mmap \ --split 949,50,1 \ --distributed-backend nccl \ --lr 0.00015 \ --lr-decay-style cosine \ --min-lr 1.0e-5 \ --weight-decay 1e-2 \ --clip-grad 1.0 \ --lr-warmup-fraction .01 \ --checkpoint-activations \ --log-interval 10 \ --save-interval 100 \ --eval-interval 200 \ --eval-iters 10 \ --fp16