miniWeather_openacc.cpp 26 KB

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // miniWeather
  3. // Author: Matt Norman <> , Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  4. // This code simulates dry, stratified, compressible, non-hydrostatic fluid flows
  5. // For documentation, please see the attached documentation in the "documentation" folder
  6. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  7. #include <stdlib.h>
  8. #include <math.h>
  9. #include <stdio.h>
  10. #include <nvtx3/nvToolsExt.h>
  11. const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327; //Pi
  12. const double grav = 9.8; //Gravitational acceleration (m / s^2)
  13. const double cp = 1004.; //Specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
  14. const double rd = 287.; //Dry air constant for equation of state (P=rho*rd*T)
  15. const double p0 = 1.e5; //Standard pressure at the surface in Pascals
  16. const double C0 = 27.5629410929725921310572974482; //Constant to translate potential temperature into pressure (P=C0*(rho*theta)**gamma)
  17. const double gamm = 1.40027894002789400278940027894; //gamma=cp/Rd , have to call this gamm because "gamma" is taken (I hate C so much)
  18. //Define domain and stability-related constants
  19. const double xlen = 2.e4; //Length of the domain in the x-direction (meters)
  20. const double zlen = 1.e4; //Length of the domain in the z-direction (meters)
  21. const double hv_beta = 0.25; //How strong to diffuse the solution: hv_beta \in [0:1]
  22. const double cfl = 1.50; //"Courant, Friedrichs, Lewy" number (for numerical stability)
  23. const double max_speed = 450; //Assumed maximum wave speed during the simulation (speed of sound + speed of wind) (meter / sec)
  24. const int hs = 2; //"Halo" size: number of cells needed for a full "stencil" of information for reconstruction
  25. const int sten_size = 4; //Size of the stencil used for interpolation
  26. //Parameters for indexing and flags
  27. const int NUM_VARS = 4; //Number of fluid state variables
  28. const int ID_DENS = 0; //index for density ("rho")
  29. const int ID_UMOM = 1; //index for momentum in the x-direction ("rho * u")
  30. const int ID_WMOM = 2; //index for momentum in the z-direction ("rho * w")
  31. const int ID_RHOT = 3; //index for density * potential temperature ("rho * theta")
  32. const int DIR_X = 1; //Integer constant to express that this operation is in the x-direction
  33. const int DIR_Z = 2; //Integer constant to express that this operation is in the z-direction
  34. const int nqpoints = 3;
  35. double qpoints[] = {0.112701665379258311482073460022E0, 0.500000000000000000000000000000E0, 0.887298334620741688517926539980E0};
  36. double qweights[] = {0.277777777777777777777777777779E0, 0.444444444444444444444444444444E0, 0.277777777777777777777777777779E0};
  37. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  38. // Variables that are initialized but remain static over the course of the simulation
  39. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  40. double sim_time; //total simulation time in seconds
  41. double output_freq; //frequency to perform output in seconds
  42. double dt; //Model time step (seconds)
  43. int nx, nz; //Number of local grid cells in the x- and z- dimensions
  44. double dx, dz; //Grid space length in x- and z-dimension (meters)
  45. int nx_glob, nz_glob; //Number of total grid cells in the x- and z- dimensions
  46. int i_beg, k_beg; //beginning index in the x- and z-directions
  47. int nranks, myrank; //my rank id
  48. int left_rank, right_rank; //Rank IDs that exist to my left and right in the global domain
  49. double *hy_dens_cell; //hydrostatic density (vert cell avgs). Dimensions: (1-hs:nz+hs)
  50. double *hy_dens_theta_cell; //hydrostatic rho*t (vert cell avgs). Dimensions: (1-hs:nz+hs)
  51. double *hy_dens_int; //hydrostatic density (vert cell interf). Dimensions: (1:nz+1)
  52. double *hy_dens_theta_int; //hydrostatic rho*t (vert cell interf). Dimensions: (1:nz+1)
  53. double *hy_pressure_int; //hydrostatic press (vert cell interf). Dimensions: (1:nz+1)
  54. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  55. // Variables that are dynamics over the course of the simulation
  56. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  57. double etime; //Elapsed model time
  58. double output_counter; //Helps determine when it's time to do output
  59. //Runtime variable arrays
  60. double *state; //Fluid state. Dimensions: (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS)
  61. double *state_tmp; //Fluid state. Dimensions: (1-hs:nx+hs,1-hs:nz+hs,NUM_VARS)
  62. double *flux; //Cell interface fluxes. Dimensions: (nx+1,nz+1,NUM_VARS)
  63. double *tend; //Fluid state tendencies. Dimensions: (nx,nz,NUM_VARS)
  64. int num_out = 0; //The number of outputs performed so far
  65. int direction_switch = 1;
  66. //How is this not in the standard?!
  67. double dmin(double a, double b)
  68. {
  69. if (a < b)
  70. {
  71. return a;
  72. }
  73. else
  74. {
  75. return b;
  76. }
  77. };
  78. //Declaring the functions defined after "main"
  79. void init();
  80. void finalize();
  81. void injection(double x, double z, double &r, double &u, double &w, double &t, double &hr, double &ht);
  82. void hydro_const_theta(double z, double &r, double &t);
  83. void output(double *state, double etime);
  84. void ncwrap(int ierr, int line);
  85. void perform_timestep(double *state, double *state_tmp, double *flux, double *tend, double dt);
  86. void semi_discrete_step(double *state_init, double *state_forcing, double *state_out, double dt, int dir, double *flux, double *tend);
  87. void compute_tendencies_x(double *state, double *flux, double *tend);
  88. void compute_tendencies_z(double *state, double *flux, double *tend);
  89. void set_halo_values_x(double *state);
  90. void set_halo_values_z(double *state);
  91. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  93. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  94. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  95. {
  96. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  98. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  99. //The x-direction length is twice as long as the z-direction length
  100. //So, you'll want to have nx_glob be twice as large as nz_glob
  101. nx_glob = 40; //Number of total cells in the x-dirction
  102. nz_glob = 20; //Number of total cells in the z-dirction
  103. sim_time = 1000; //How many seconds to run the simulation
  104. output_freq = 100; //How frequently to output data to file (in seconds)
  105. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  107. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  108. if (argc == 4)
  109. {
  110. printf("The arguments supplied are %s %s %s\n", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
  111. nx_glob = atoi(argv[1]);
  112. nz_glob = atoi(argv[2]);
  113. sim_time = atoi(argv[3]);
  114. }
  115. else
  116. {
  117. printf("Using default values ...\n");
  118. }
  119. nvtxRangePushA("Total");
  120. init();
  121. //Output the initial state
  122. //output(state, etime);
  123. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  125. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  126. nvtxRangePushA("while");
  127. while (etime < sim_time)
  128. {
  129. //If the time step leads to exceeding the simulation time, shorten it for the last step
  130. if (etime + dt > sim_time)
  131. {
  132. dt = sim_time - etime;
  133. }
  134. //Perform a single time step
  135. nvtxRangePushA("perform_timestep");
  136. perform_timestep(state, state_tmp, flux, tend, dt);
  137. nvtxRangePop();
  138. //Inform the user
  139. printf("Elapsed Time: %lf / %lf\n", etime, sim_time);
  140. //Update the elapsed time and output counter
  141. etime = etime + dt;
  142. output_counter = output_counter + dt;
  143. //If it's time for output, reset the counter, and do output
  144. if (output_counter >= output_freq)
  145. {
  146. output_counter = output_counter - output_freq;
  147. //output(state, etime);
  148. }
  149. }
  150. nvtxRangePop();
  151. finalize();
  152. nvtxRangePop();
  153. }
  154. //Performs a single dimensionally split time step using a simple low-storate three-stage Runge-Kutta time integrator
  155. //The dimensional splitting is a second-order-accurate alternating Strang splitting in which the
  156. //order of directions is alternated each time step.
  157. //The Runge-Kutta method used here is defined as follows:
  158. // q* = q[n] + dt/3 * rhs(q[n])
  159. // q** = q[n] + dt/2 * rhs(q* )
  160. // q[n+1] = q[n] + dt/1 * rhs(q** )
  161. void perform_timestep(double *state, double *state_tmp, double *flux, double *tend, double dt)
  162. {
  163. if (direction_switch)
  164. {
  165. //x-direction first
  166. semi_discrete_step(state, state, state_tmp, dt / 3, DIR_X, flux, tend);
  167. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state_tmp, dt / 2, DIR_X, flux, tend);
  168. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state, dt / 1, DIR_X, flux, tend);
  169. //z-direction second
  170. semi_discrete_step(state, state, state_tmp, dt / 3, DIR_Z, flux, tend);
  171. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state_tmp, dt / 2, DIR_Z, flux, tend);
  172. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state, dt / 1, DIR_Z, flux, tend);
  173. }
  174. else
  175. {
  176. //z-direction second
  177. semi_discrete_step(state, state, state_tmp, dt / 3, DIR_Z, flux, tend);
  178. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state_tmp, dt / 2, DIR_Z, flux, tend);
  179. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state, dt / 1, DIR_Z, flux, tend);
  180. //x-direction first
  181. semi_discrete_step(state, state, state_tmp, dt / 3, DIR_X, flux, tend);
  182. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state_tmp, dt / 2, DIR_X, flux, tend);
  183. semi_discrete_step(state, state_tmp, state, dt / 1, DIR_X, flux, tend);
  184. }
  185. if (direction_switch)
  186. {
  187. direction_switch = 0;
  188. }
  189. else
  190. {
  191. direction_switch = 1;
  192. }
  193. }
  194. //Perform a single semi-discretized step in time with the form:
  195. //state_out = state_init + dt * rhs(state_forcing)
  196. //Meaning the step starts from state_init, computes the rhs using state_forcing, and stores the result in state_out
  197. void semi_discrete_step(double *state_init, double *state_forcing, double *state_out, double dt, int dir, double *flux, double *tend)
  198. {
  199. int i, k, ll, inds, indt;
  200. if (dir == DIR_X)
  201. {
  202. //Set the halo values in the x-direction
  203. set_halo_values_x(state_forcing);
  204. //Compute the time tendencies for the fluid state in the x-direction
  205. compute_tendencies_x(state_forcing, flux, tend);
  206. }
  207. else if (dir == DIR_Z)
  208. {
  209. //Set the halo values in the z-direction
  210. set_halo_values_z(state_forcing);
  211. //Compute the time tendencies for the fluid state in the z-direction
  212. compute_tendencies_z(state_forcing, flux, tend);
  213. }
  214. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  215. // TODO: THREAD ME
  216. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  217. //Apply the tendencies to the fluid state
  218. #pragma acc parallel loop private(inds, indt) default(present)
  219. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  220. {
  221. for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
  222. {
  223. for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
  224. {
  225. inds = ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i + hs;
  226. indt = ll * nz * nx + k * nx + i;
  227. state_out[inds] = state_init[inds] + dt * tend[indt];
  228. }
  229. }
  230. }
  231. }
  232. //Compute the time tendencies of the fluid state using forcing in the x-direction
  233. //First, compute the flux vector at each cell interface in the x-direction (including hyperviscosity)
  234. //Then, compute the tendencies using those fluxes
  235. void compute_tendencies_x(double *state, double *flux, double *tend)
  236. {
  237. int i, k, ll, s, inds, indf1, indf2, indt;
  238. double r, u, w, t, p, stencil[4], d3_vals[NUM_VARS], vals[NUM_VARS], hv_coef;
  239. //Compute the hyperviscosity coeficient
  240. hv_coef = -hv_beta * dx / (16 * dt);
  241. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  242. // TODO: THREAD ME
  243. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  244. //Compute fluxes in the x-direction for each cell
  245. #pragma acc parallel loop private(ll, s, inds, stencil, vals, d3_vals, r, u, w, t, p)
  246. for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
  247. {
  248. for (i = 0; i < nx + 1; i++)
  249. {
  250. //Use fourth-order interpolation from four cell averages to compute the value at the interface in question
  251. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  252. {
  253. for (s = 0; s < sten_size; s++)
  254. {
  255. inds = ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i + s;
  256. stencil[s] = state[inds];
  257. }
  258. //Fourth-order-accurate interpolation of the state
  259. vals[ll] = -stencil[0] / 12 + 7 * stencil[1] / 12 + 7 * stencil[2] / 12 - stencil[3] / 12;
  260. //First-order-accurate interpolation of the third spatial derivative of the state (for artificial viscosity)
  261. d3_vals[ll] = -stencil[0] + 3 * stencil[1] - 3 * stencil[2] + stencil[3];
  262. }
  263. //Compute density, u-wind, w-wind, potential temperature, and pressure (r,u,w,t,p respectively)
  264. r = vals[ID_DENS] + hy_dens_cell[k + hs];
  265. u = vals[ID_UMOM] / r;
  266. w = vals[ID_WMOM] / r;
  267. t = (vals[ID_RHOT] + hy_dens_theta_cell[k + hs]) / r;
  268. p = C0 * pow((r * t), gamm);
  269. //Compute the flux vector
  270. flux[ID_DENS * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * u - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_DENS];
  271. flux[ID_UMOM * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * u * u + p - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_UMOM];
  272. flux[ID_WMOM * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * u * w - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_WMOM];
  273. flux[ID_RHOT * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * u * t - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_RHOT];
  274. }
  275. }
  276. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  277. // TODO: THREAD ME
  278. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  279. //Use the fluxes to compute tendencies for each cell
  280. #pragma acc parallel loop private(indt, indf1, indf2)
  281. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  282. {
  283. for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
  284. {
  285. for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
  286. {
  287. indt = ll * nz * nx + k * nx + i;
  288. indf1 = ll * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i;
  289. indf2 = ll * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i + 1;
  290. tend[indt] = -(flux[indf2] - flux[indf1]) / dx;
  291. }
  292. }
  293. }
  294. }
  295. //Compute the time tendencies of the fluid state using forcing in the z-direction
  296. //First, compute the flux vector at each cell interface in the z-direction (including hyperviscosity)
  297. //Then, compute the tendencies using those fluxes
  298. void compute_tendencies_z(double *state, double *flux, double *tend)
  299. {
  300. int i, k, ll, s, inds, indf1, indf2, indt;
  301. double r, u, w, t, p, stencil[4], d3_vals[NUM_VARS], vals[NUM_VARS], hv_coef;
  302. //Compute the hyperviscosity coeficient
  303. hv_coef = -hv_beta * dx / (16 * dt);
  304. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  305. // TODO: THREAD ME
  306. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  307. //Compute fluxes in the x-direction for each cell
  308. #pragma acc parallel loop private(ll, s, inds, stencil, vals, d3_vals, r, u, w, t, p)
  309. for (k = 0; k < nz + 1; k++)
  310. {
  311. for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
  312. {
  313. //Use fourth-order interpolation from four cell averages to compute the value at the interface in question
  314. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  315. {
  316. for (s = 0; s < sten_size; s++)
  317. {
  318. inds = ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + s) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i + hs;
  319. stencil[s] = state[inds];
  320. }
  321. //Fourth-order-accurate interpolation of the state
  322. vals[ll] = -stencil[0] / 12 + 7 * stencil[1] / 12 + 7 * stencil[2] / 12 - stencil[3] / 12;
  323. //First-order-accurate interpolation of the third spatial derivative of the state
  324. d3_vals[ll] = -stencil[0] + 3 * stencil[1] - 3 * stencil[2] + stencil[3];
  325. }
  326. //Compute density, u-wind, w-wind, potential temperature, and pressure (r,u,w,t,p respectively)
  327. r = vals[ID_DENS] + hy_dens_int[k];
  328. u = vals[ID_UMOM] / r;
  329. w = vals[ID_WMOM] / r;
  330. t = (vals[ID_RHOT] + hy_dens_theta_int[k]) / r;
  331. p = C0 * pow((r * t), gamm) - hy_pressure_int[k];
  332. //Compute the flux vector with hyperviscosity
  333. flux[ID_DENS * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * w - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_DENS];
  334. flux[ID_UMOM * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * w * u - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_UMOM];
  335. flux[ID_WMOM * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * w * w + p - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_WMOM];
  336. flux[ID_RHOT * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + k * (nx + 1) + i] = r * w * t - hv_coef * d3_vals[ID_RHOT];
  337. }
  338. }
  339. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  340. // TODO: THREAD ME
  341. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  342. //Use the fluxes to compute tendencies for each cell
  343. #pragma acc parallel loop private(indt, indf1, indf2)
  344. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  345. {
  346. for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
  347. {
  348. for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
  349. {
  350. indt = ll * nz * nx + k * nx + i;
  351. indf1 = ll * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + (k) * (nx + 1) + i;
  352. indf2 = ll * (nz + 1) * (nx + 1) + (k + 1) * (nx + 1) + i;
  353. tend[indt] = -(flux[indf2] - flux[indf1]) / dz;
  354. if (ll == ID_WMOM)
  355. {
  356. inds = ID_DENS * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i + hs;
  357. tend[indt] = tend[indt] - state[inds] * grav;
  358. }
  359. }
  360. }
  361. }
  362. }
  363. void set_halo_values_x(double *state)
  364. {
  365. int k, ll, ind_r, ind_u, ind_t, i;
  366. double z;
  367. #pragma acc parallel loop
  368. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  369. {
  370. for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
  371. {
  372. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + 0] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + nx + hs - 2];
  373. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + 1] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + nx + hs - 1];
  374. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + nx + hs] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + hs];
  375. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + nx + hs + 1] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + hs + 1];
  376. }
  377. }
  378. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  379. if (myrank == 0)
  380. {
  381. for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
  382. {
  383. for (i = 0; i < hs; i++)
  384. {
  385. z = (k_beg + k + 0.5) * dz;
  386. if (abs(z - 3 * zlen / 4) <= zlen / 16)
  387. {
  388. ind_r = ID_DENS * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  389. ind_u = ID_UMOM * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  390. ind_t = ID_RHOT * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (k + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  391. state[ind_u] = (state[ind_r] + hy_dens_cell[k + hs]) * 50.;
  392. state[ind_t] = (state[ind_r] + hy_dens_cell[k + hs]) * 298. - hy_dens_theta_cell[k + hs];
  393. }
  394. }
  395. }
  396. }
  397. }
  398. //Set this task's halo values in the z-direction.
  399. //decomposition in the vertical direction.
  400. void set_halo_values_z(double *state)
  401. {
  402. int i, ll;
  403. const double mnt_width = xlen / 8;
  404. double x, xloc, mnt_deriv;
  405. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  406. // TODO: THREAD ME
  407. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  408. #pragma acc parallel loop private(x, xloc, mnt_deriv)
  409. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  410. {
  411. for (i = 0; i < nx + 2 * hs; i++)
  412. {
  413. if (ll == ID_WMOM)
  414. {
  415. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (0) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = 0.;
  416. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (1) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = 0.;
  417. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (nz + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = 0.;
  418. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (nz + hs + 1) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = 0.;
  419. }
  420. else
  421. {
  422. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (0) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i];
  423. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (1) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i];
  424. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (nz + hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (nz + hs - 1) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i];
  425. state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (nz + hs + 1) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i] = state[ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + (nz + hs - 1) * (nx + 2 * hs) + i];
  426. }
  427. }
  428. }
  429. }
  430. void init()
  431. {
  432. int i, k, ii, kk, ll, inds, i_end;
  433. double x, z, r, u, w, t, hr, ht, nper;
  434. //Set the cell grid size
  435. dx = xlen / nx_glob;
  436. dz = zlen / nz_glob;
  437. nranks = 1;
  438. myrank = 0;
  439. // For simpler version, replace i_beg = 0, nx = nx_glob, left_rank = 0, right_rank = 0;
  440. nper = ((double)nx_glob) / nranks;
  441. i_beg = round(nper * (myrank));
  442. i_end = round(nper * ((myrank) + 1)) - 1;
  443. nx = i_end - i_beg + 1;
  444. left_rank = myrank - 1;
  445. if (left_rank == -1)
  446. left_rank = nranks - 1;
  447. right_rank = myrank + 1;
  448. if (right_rank == nranks)
  449. right_rank = 0;
  450. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  451. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  453. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  454. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  455. k_beg = 0;
  456. nz = nz_glob;
  457. //Allocate the model data
  458. state = (double *)malloc((nx + 2 * hs) * (nz + 2 * hs) * NUM_VARS * sizeof(double));
  459. state_tmp = (double *)malloc((nx + 2 * hs) * (nz + 2 * hs) * NUM_VARS * sizeof(double));
  460. flux = (double *)malloc((nx + 1) * (nz + 1) * NUM_VARS * sizeof(double));
  461. tend = (double *)malloc(nx * nz * NUM_VARS * sizeof(double));
  462. hy_dens_cell = (double *)malloc((nz + 2 * hs) * sizeof(double));
  463. hy_dens_theta_cell = (double *)malloc((nz + 2 * hs) * sizeof(double));
  464. hy_dens_int = (double *)malloc((nz + 1) * sizeof(double));
  465. hy_dens_theta_int = (double *)malloc((nz + 1) * sizeof(double));
  466. hy_pressure_int = (double *)malloc((nz + 1) * sizeof(double));
  467. //Define the maximum stable time step based on an assumed maximum wind speed
  468. dt = dmin(dx, dz) / max_speed * cfl;
  469. //Set initial elapsed model time and output_counter to zero
  470. etime = 0.;
  471. output_counter = 0.;
  472. // Display grid information
  473. printf("nx_glob, nz_glob: %d %d\n", nx_glob, nz_glob);
  474. printf("dx,dz: %lf %lf\n", dx, dz);
  475. printf("dt: %lf\n", dt);
  476. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  477. // Initialize the cell-averaged fluid state via Gauss-Legendre quadrature
  478. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  479. for (k = 0; k < nz + 2 * hs; k++)
  480. {
  481. for (i = 0; i < nx + 2 * hs; i++)
  482. {
  483. //Initialize the state to zero
  484. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  485. {
  486. inds = ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + k * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  487. state[inds] = 0.;
  488. }
  489. //Use Gauss-Legendre quadrature to initialize a hydrostatic balance + temperature perturbation
  490. for (kk = 0; kk < nqpoints; kk++)
  491. {
  492. for (ii = 0; ii < nqpoints; ii++)
  493. {
  494. //Compute the x,z location within the global domain based on cell and quadrature index
  495. x = (i_beg + i - hs + 0.5) * dx + (qpoints[ii] - 0.5) * dx;
  496. z = (k_beg + k - hs + 0.5) * dz + (qpoints[kk] - 0.5) * dz;
  497. //Set the fluid state based on the user's specification (default is injection in this example)
  498. injection(x, z, r, u, w, t, hr, ht);
  499. //Store into the fluid state array
  500. inds = ID_DENS * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + k * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  501. state[inds] = state[inds] + r * qweights[ii] * qweights[kk];
  502. inds = ID_UMOM * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + k * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  503. state[inds] = state[inds] + (r + hr) * u * qweights[ii] * qweights[kk];
  504. inds = ID_WMOM * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + k * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  505. state[inds] = state[inds] + (r + hr) * w * qweights[ii] * qweights[kk];
  506. inds = ID_RHOT * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + k * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  507. state[inds] = state[inds] + ((r + hr) * (t + ht) - hr * ht) * qweights[ii] * qweights[kk];
  508. }
  509. }
  510. for (ll = 0; ll < NUM_VARS; ll++)
  511. {
  512. inds = ll * (nz + 2 * hs) * (nx + 2 * hs) + k * (nx + 2 * hs) + i;
  513. state_tmp[inds] = state[inds];
  514. }
  515. }
  516. }
  517. //Compute the hydrostatic background state over vertical cell averages
  518. for (k = 0; k < nz + 2 * hs; k++)
  519. {
  520. hy_dens_cell[k] = 0.;
  521. hy_dens_theta_cell[k] = 0.;
  522. for (kk = 0; kk < nqpoints; kk++)
  523. {
  524. z = (k_beg + k - hs + 0.5) * dz;
  525. //Set the fluid state based on the user's specification (default is injection in this example)
  526. injection(0., z, r, u, w, t, hr, ht);
  527. hy_dens_cell[k] = hy_dens_cell[k] + hr * qweights[kk];
  528. hy_dens_theta_cell[k] = hy_dens_theta_cell[k] + hr * ht * qweights[kk];
  529. }
  530. }
  531. //Compute the hydrostatic background state at vertical cell interfaces
  532. for (k = 0; k < nz + 1; k++)
  533. {
  534. z = (k_beg + k) * dz;
  535. //Set the fluid state based on the user's specification (default is injection in this example)
  536. injection(0., z, r, u, w, t, hr, ht);
  537. hy_dens_int[k] = hr;
  538. hy_dens_theta_int[k] = hr * ht;
  539. hy_pressure_int[k] = C0 * pow((hr * ht), gamm);
  540. }
  541. }
  542. //This test case is initially balanced but injects fast, cold air from the left boundary near the model top
  543. //x and z are input coordinates at which to sample
  544. //r,u,w,t are output density, u-wind, w-wind, and potential temperature at that location
  545. //hr and ht are output background hydrostatic density and potential temperature at that location
  546. void injection(double x, double z, double &r, double &u, double &w, double &t, double &hr, double &ht)
  547. {
  548. hydro_const_theta(z, hr, ht);
  549. r = 0.;
  550. t = 0.;
  551. u = 0.;
  552. w = 0.;
  553. }
  554. //Establish hydrstatic balance using constant potential temperature (thermally neutral atmosphere)
  555. //z is the input coordinate
  556. //r and t are the output background hydrostatic density and potential temperature
  557. void hydro_const_theta(double z, double &r, double &t)
  558. {
  559. const double theta0 = 300.; //Background potential temperature
  560. const double exner0 = 1.; //Surface-level Exner pressure
  561. double p, exner, rt;
  562. //Establish hydrostatic balance first using Exner pressure
  563. t = theta0; //Potential Temperature at z
  564. exner = exner0 - grav * z / (cp * theta0); //Exner pressure at z
  565. p = p0 * pow(exner, (cp / rd)); //Pressure at z
  566. rt = pow((p / C0), (1. / gamm)); //rho*theta at z
  567. r = rt / t; //Density at z
  568. }
  569. void finalize()
  570. {
  571. free(state);
  572. free(state_tmp);
  573. free(flux);
  574. free(tend);
  575. free(hy_dens_cell);
  576. free(hy_dens_theta_cell);
  577. free(hy_dens_int);
  578. free(hy_dens_theta_int);
  579. free(hy_pressure_int);
  580. }